desperately want a new BG metre

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Specifically one of these...


obviously in english numbers :D

But any idea how i'd go about getting one? Somehow I doubt that the nurses at my GP will have any and I don't particularly fancy waiting for a referall up the hospital because i'm really going off my accu-chek!!!
that looks so nice love the design, sorry i cant help with where you can find it , have you tryed goggling it
lifescans number is an 0800 so itd be well expensive on my mobile :( I'll ask my nurse on wednesday about one, because i'm soooooooooo desperate for one its unreal!
That's an ultra easy isn't it ( laptop broken so on iPod so tiny pic!)? Think some places call them minis though...I've got the pink one! I bought mine, wasn't particularly expensive, but maybe worth trying to get a freebie, ifyouhave a onetouch already they may upgrade? I got mine online but would have thought larger chemists have them.
i can ring tomorrow off the work phone and try and blag one for you?

hehe, shiv you're so awesome! I'm gunna ask on weds, but if no luck then cool beans - I think I owe you like...well, an infinate number of alcoholic drinks for how awesome you've been for me lately :D
hahaha mate no worries! i always call 0845, 0800 etc numbers off the work phones, save my phone bill!!!!

hahaha, good plan :D

I'm hoping nursey will be able to hook me up with one...i'll probably be highly dissapointed. 0800 numbers are free on BT landlines arent they?
I wish my one's battery hadn't packed up forty minutes ago after my shift at work finished. Not good when I was hypo two hours ago and would like to keep an eye on my levels.
Hi there, I got one free (well, a "trial" where you get to keep it), from an ad in Balance magazine... think they're always keen to give them away as then they've got your custom for strips. The offer I used ended 31st July, but it might be worth giving them a ring and seeing if there's a new trial. Try 0800 121 200 - you could ring free from a payphone? Old fashioned I know, but sometimes needs must!
Sam let me know if you manage to blag one lol ,I might try to get one too. I wouldnt mind giving that a go , I like the pink one :D
this is the meter I use. I got it because it fits into all my tiny going out bags lol. Ive got the black and silver one, the silver one is dead though - I really want a pink one!
this is the meter I use. I got it because it fits into all my tiny going out bags lol. Ive got the black and silver one, the silver one is dead though - I really want a pink one!

How and where did you get yours Twin?? I want one !! Although Ive just blagged another Optium Xceed last week lol 😉
I always blag them from the hospital, I'm sure they'll give me a pink one if I ask nicely :D
The only time ive bought one is when i ran out of test strips (twice) and bought an xceed to use just until I got my script, they were a fiver in boots!
ooh and ive seen the one touch ultra easy in sainsburys before for like ?8, but think it was a special offer.
I might start stalking the manufacturers for one lol hehe I'll let you know how it goes :D
I got mine same way as pidgeon. Ring them up I'm sure they will send you one, I only had to send back a questionarre for mine. I thought it was an ok meter, but it's going to take alot to tempt me away from my xceed
I got mine same way as pidgeon. Ring them up I'm sure they will send you one, I only had to send back a questionarre for mine. I thought it was an ok meter, but it's going to take alot to tempt me away from my xceed

True Nikki , I do love my Xceed too 🙂 I have tried several other meters but I never last more than a day with them !! I have sorted all my other meters out and Im going to donate them somewhere >>> anyone got any ideas?? It seems such a shame to leave them un-used in a drawer.
I'm glad to read this meter thread....Look, what I want to know is, which ones *don't* use vials for test strips?! They are impossible to carry in pockets, yes?

We use the Optium Exceed, which has flat strips so is okay for my son to carry in his pocket, but the meter itself is pretty big and what with the lancets and strips it's all a faff really, lots of stuff.

I've seen this one but ended up thinking it has vials of strips...does it?

Good luck in your endeavour...
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