The DESMOND course I attended was somewhat useful but did not open pathways to more information about the disease, diets, exercise programmes, etc. I had other dissatisfactions so was curious about its origins and organisation.I lost count of the Google responses to my search for DESMOND so delivering the programme must involve a lot of people. I asked "who funds DESMOND" and reply from Desmond National Programme is "What is this for? Please can you expand on your query, so I can help you." Is anyone else interested?
I think it was launched by the Leicester Diabetic Clinic, aimed at newly diagnosed Type 2 and those who are prediabetic as a prevention program. As it is under the auspices of the NHS it very much follows the NHS standard Eat Well Plate so in some respects is too high in carbohydrates for many to tolerate but is pushing the low fat which unless people need that for other health issues is not needed for managing blood glucose.
I did both a face to face years ago but also the on line version that was offered during Covid.
The Freshwell program was developed as that GP surgery found that standard NHS approach was not working for many of their patients.
I think it was launched by the Leicester Diabetic Clinic, aimed at newly diagnosed Type 2 and those who are prediabetic as a prevention program. As it is under the auspices of the NHS it very much follows the NHS standard Eat Well Plate so in some respects is too high in carbohydrates for many to tolerate but is pushing the low fat which unless people need that for other health issues is not needed for managing blood glucose.
I did both a face to face years ago but also the on line version that was offered during Covid.
The Freshwell program was developed as that GP surgery found that standard NHS approach was not working for many of their patients.
Thanks for mentioning Freshwell. I have to look up nearly every word I encounter in relation to dealing with my diabetes: eg. where does fibre count in this context. (Yes I found out it is a type of carbohydrate) and so on. I wish DESMOND published a disambiguation/glossy of familiar words in unfamiliar context.
Re DESMOND being "under the auspices of the NHS". I still want to know about the funding and value for money. The website writes the programme (itself?) up in rather immodest terms.
It is a matter of perception as to what a portion size is, I suspect many people would look at a potato that size and think it would be far too small as they are used to a jacket potato that would be served in a cafe which would be more like 75g carbs.
It needs some re-education on portion sizes. We had a cone of chips from our local chippy and it was still too much between 2.
A bit irrelevant but you could freeze the excess chippy's chips to reheat and eat another day. I think there's something on the Diabetes website about freezing and reheating carbohydrates being beneficial. Could someone find a link to that article?
I don't know about the Diabetes website, but here's something from the BBC:
10 things you may not know about carbs
I'm not sure what people will think about all aspects of the article, but point 2 deals with freezing and reheating.
BONUS You also get three photos of a hunky doctor (possibly!)...
I did a face to face Desmond and it was OK but was very much focused on the NHS standard advice based on the EatWell plate which really is not in tune with more enlightened approaches. I then did an on-line version with self guided modules which you work through. Very basic. There was a forum similar to here but unmoderated.
I think other than contact with other people you would learn more from looking at a link such as the Freshwell program which was designed by a GP surgery who found the standard NHS advise was not working for their Type 2 patients.
What is meant by "face to face" DESMOND? No clear explanation online of the expression in relation to DESMIOND so please explain.
What is meant by "face to face" DESMOND? No clear explanation online of the expression in relation to DESMIOND so please explain.
It was well before Covid and it was a week of half day sessions as a local health centre with 2 presenters/trainers and about 10 participants.
We were given a course pack and a copy of Carbs and Cals book.
I was prediabetic at that stage but then slipped over into the diabetic zone, Covid hit and I was referred to an on-line course (MYDESMOND) which consisted of basic modules which you worked through in your own time then new stuff was released every week for another few weeks. There was a forum but my worry was it was un moderated and people often asked questions which really needed immediate medical intervention.
As most of the people were new to diagnosis there was not the experience of those who have been managing their condition for years.
It was mainly aimed at prediabetic or Type 2 on oral meds only though occasionally the odd person taking insulin came on the forum.
Your membership of the forum seemed to only last 2 years from referral or I was excommunicated for my outspoken views of the standard NHS advise and a lot of dodgy advice.
I am not sure what it is like now but I attended my first course 12 years after my diagnosis and there were other attendees who had been diagnosed a long time before me.
As Type 1 is a chronic condition often (but less than 50% of the time) diagnosed in children, there is a lot of "catching up" required.
Maybe people who are newly diagnosed are more likely to get onto a course but there are many who missed out decades ago and never given the chance.
Yeah only now I am on the pump, and have been since last March have I been offered any formal training (other than my pump set up) I couldn’t attend last year as it was across 6 weeks and I would have missed 2 sessions due to work travel. It’s in October now and again it’s 6 weeks and a before and after appointment, and in person. So it’s not ideal but if I cant make this I’ve been told I won’t be offered again so I will do my best to make it.
What I know is what mostly self taught, read, so on and you wonderful people and maybe 10% off medical people, mainly confirming what I’ve learnt another way. So I will be interested in the contact, they have said it’s need for HCL in my area also so I’m doing what I can to get that.
Any training is helpful. Even if ish just to meet other diabetics,