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Hi Tez, I have had to admit in the last couple of months that my depression has come back. I have been on and off anti-depressants for the last 10 years or more, but had been off them for a couple of years. I have been to see a psychiatrist linked to the diabetic clinic and she has put me back on prozac and is arranging for me to see the CPN I used to see again. It felt like a HUGE failure to admit that I need help again, especially as I have only been married just over 7 months, and I was very worried how by husband would feel about it all. He is an absolute star though.

Now I have got over the feelings of failure I am feeling more relief that it has been acknowledged that I need help and something is being done about things. This time of year does not help at all, dark nights and supposedly happy family gatherings which can be very upsetting. My brother commited suicide about 15 years ago, but Christmas is always a very weird time, with forced celebrations. This year I have also had to cope with seeing a number of family members with small babies, and although I am over the moon for them, I am so jealous (as we are not having much success on that front) I will actually be quite relieved when I am back to work and it is all over and done with.

I hope you get seen at the hospital soon. You are not alone. Big hugs
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