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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I've been really depressed the last few weeks.

It's not the diabetes as I'm really happy with my HbA1c and my BGs.

I'm not that keen on tablets but the ones the doc put me on are not doing anything.

I've tried sinning with cake, brandy butter and all sorts of other naughty things and didn't feel any happier so sinning is cancelled again. I even nearly got thrown out of the pub for aparently being so miserable yesterday.

The other half is pulling their hair out in despair. I just want to give up.

What can I do? Ideas anyone?
hi tez it can be a very hard thing to deal with the dreaded depression i have had it since 04 and since then it has been up and down up and down i have seen 2 diffirent councillors and had numerous amounts of pills, but they only work for a little time the real issues are with in oneself, have you thought of group therapy? some dont lik the counselling but for others it does work, it wil be hard for yourh as well as they love you they will try and do whatever they can some times making it worse, i know this will be easy to say but have you thought of booking time off and going away for even a weekend ? maybe think back to your childhood to something or somewhere you where really happy and re-visit it may help and even it it "cheers you up" for a little while, its something better then nothing ,
if you ever want to chat or need someone to chat to mail me xx

I've been really depressed the last few weeks.

It's not the diabetes as I'm really happy with my HbA1c and my BGs.

I'm not that keen on tablets but the ones the doc put me on are not doing anything.

I've tried sinning with cake, brandy butter and all sorts of other naughty things and didn't feel any happier so sinning is cancelled again. I even nearly got thrown out of the pub for aparently being so miserable yesterday.

The other half is pulling their hair out in despair. I just want to give up.

What can I do? Ideas anyone?

Can't help Tez as I'm feeling much the same - perhaps it's the time of year ? - can we share a bottle of something down the pub ? - hubby says he'd be glad to get rid of me being miserable for a few hours !!
I moved this to the main message board where it is more likely to get more help. Thanks to those who have already responded.
Sorry to hear this tez - thought you had been much quieter recently. I've been bipolar for most of my adult life and it can be very difficult to raise your spirits when the brain chemicals are out of whack. A technique I often use is to try and distract myself by doing some activity - even if it's only the washing up or ironing!

I'll join in with the emotional downs - I always feel like this at this time of the year in particular. I think part of the problem is that you are expected to be happy and lively at Christmas and New Year, but the dark days depress me, whether it's a chemical thing or otherwise. The good news is that we've gone past the shortest day and heading towards Spring.
Hi Tez

Others have already covered tablets, counselling and food - that just leaves exercise, which some people find very helpful in raising mood, particularly if it involves being outdoors and social aspects. I don't have any experience of being depressed, but walking / running / cycling outdoors always improves my mood. Not sure how long you've been takign them, but many tablets severel weeks to make a difference.

Hope you find something to help, and hang in there🙂
Hi Tez,

this is my first post (apart from the "I'm a Newbie intro) but I do think I can add to the good advice above.

I've had quite serious depression for a few years and I recently took ill-health retirement at 54, realistically I could not return to my hectic job in the City.

Your current episode of depression might be due to the stress of Christmas - the pressure of finding the perfect presents, having to visit friends and family when you'd rather be on your own settee watching East Enders and with a mug of tea etc. Also these short dark days get on my nerves, my consultant psych won't change or reduce anyone's meds at this time of year.

My way to make me feel a bit better for even a few hours is to set myself a small task and complete it. The job I've earmarked for my next bout of depression is to sort out all my craft supplies, put them into labelled boxes etc and make a list of new stuff I absolutely need to buy ! 😉

This job will probably get done on New Year's Eve evening, which I find especially stressful. I always stay in on my own, just cannot face festivities 🙄

In the run-up to Christmas I spent all one day organising my collection of digital photos on my laptop, and I'm really pleased with the result.

Everyone is different so this might not work for you but it might be worth a try.

I do wish you well, I know how it feels to be in the depths of a depression with no idea how to climb out of it. The knowledge that I have recovered from previous bouts does not really help at the time.

Linda xx
Tez depression is a completicated situation apart from anything else the 'word' is realy not very suitable cos those who dont understand think its all abut grin and bear it ...yeah and its tough for everyone....buck up your ideas. I have been treated for depression for some 15 years...12years on current meds . they keep me on a pretty even keel but the dpreession does sneak up on me still, then im pretty usless and sleep alot.
My tablets are serotonin uptake inhibiters that stop my happy hormones 'serotonin' disappearing too quicky through my liver because this is why i suffer from depression- my happy hormones leave me to much.I am not just totally mad like i thought!
Since being diagnoised as T2 and getting my BS better, i have stopped so much crap eating, that is a consequence of the depression, so the depression is better if that makes sense...see your gp to check your on the right med for you and take one thing at a time x
as northe says happy solstice for last week, the light gets better now until june 21st x
Eric's Mum has a good idea. I find setting myself a task I know I can complete and will enjoy is a good way of getting myself out of the doldrums. I think I'll sort out my craft stuff too, it badly needs doing. I will not be sorting out my books though, that's a hopeless task, a bit like painting the Forth Road Bridge because I will stop and read them instead of sorting them.
hi tez

i was diagnosed with depression in december 2002, after i was attacked by a colleague at my former work. i struggled for a while, but soon found that throwing myself into different jobs helped me to focus.

i was like you given anti deppressents which did work for a bit, but i no longer take them ( i weaned myself off them) baking and crafting are my main focus points. along with my family.

what you need to do is find something you really enjoy doing, or several jobs that need doing and concentrate on getting them done.

i can't guarantee that it will work for you, like it did for me, but surely it is worth a try

i wish you all the luck in the world, and i too am here if you would like to talk to me

best wishes

Sorry to hear that Tez, hope things get better soon xx
Tez, I am sorry to hear this. Like others, I have had periods of severe depression. The resource I used a lot - and still do if I find my mind dropping towards the negative - is "Diabetes for Dummies" as it contains some tasks that I find very useful. Personal diaries where I have to find 10 positive things each day have been helpful. That is in addition to trying to keep to a good diet and regular exercise.

I found counselling helpful - got it via my GP practice with a local trainee but it took so long for the appointment with the clinical psychology team to come through that proved to be an additional extra rather than an essential to get me back on track. In some areas there is better access to things like cognitive behavioural therapy that may help.

In terms of medication - many anti-depressants take a good while to build up.
I'm similar myself lately. I was made redundant at the end of October and haven't found a job yet. Fighting my redundancy too (long story) which is starting to drag me down and on top of this I now have a stinking cold which has pushed my blood sugar up.

I used to be of the "grin and bear it" brigade but now know it's not that easy. Still haven't seen my doc about it though.
I signed up and did some of that moodgym a few years ago and found it reasonably useful in conjunction with other resources.

I am currently struggling aswell, it must be the time of the year. Have finally got my pschology appointment for end of Feb. Have you considered some kind of therapy? I really think talking helps. Alot of large organistations have counselling avaliable, though employee assistance or occupational health.

Hope things start to feel better soon for you.
Thank Everyone...

Thank you everyone for your kind words.

I have been put on waiting list to see someone at the hospital.

The concensus seems to be that I should do something to take my mind off things. I'd love to get my arials up and do my amateur radio at this place but this is impossible in this block of flats. When we move would be a better time to do that.

In the mean time I've decided to try walking more. Exercise gets the endorphins going. I read about it at Endorphins and Happiness: 10 Ways to Trigger Your Feel-Good Chemicals... I have an ipod so will be sticking lots of new tunes in it and blasting my brains out. I'm going to try and break myself in with a five mile brisk walk or two and see what happens.

I'd like to try running but I think I'll do it gently to begin and start with the walking to get the legs stronger. Perhaps one day I might get fit enough to keep up with Northerner....

I'm also going to have a closer look at MoodGYM. Thanks for the link ypauly.

Thanks again.
Thats great news Tez and a fantastic idea to do the walking while listening to the ipod its amazing how it will make you feel afterwards.Im sure Northener can advise you on the running side of things but i guess slow to start off with and not pushing the body to much at start would be a good point.

good luck with the hospital hope it aint to much of a wait

feel better soon Tez *massive huge hugs* you're always welcome down here in soton for a few drinks :D

depression is horrible, I've never been diagnosed with it but like you I feel like I'm going to have to go and see someone at the hospital soon. Bad days with the N and swinging BGs and the general consensus of 'urgh' despite a good HbA1C...not good.

Feel better!

Hope you find some answer shortly I know indirectly how it can affect so many people. I wish you all the best.

In the mean time crank up the juke box and bring on some tunes that remind you of the 'appi days!

Look after yourself young man.

Like a few others have said this time of year doesn't help and it's not just the supposed festivities but the short, dark days really start to get to me.

I had plans to get some stuff done around the house over the holidays and I just can't get motivated. I've set my sights a bit lower with the aim of one small improvement each day. If I manage more than one it's a bonus 😱

I don't feel like I'm being helpful but I was trying to say you're not alone.

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