Db dieticians! I dont get it!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
My gawd! Still struggling and still with a db dietitian that thinks a basal that will.put me in a hypo (if i dont eat before i get there) is ok and the right basal level to be on.

I feel like im on my own.
Surely that means that you end up feeding your insulin, which will lead to weight gain.

Personally I found that finding my own way with diet and insulin was far better than taking advice from the NHS diabetes dietician here, lovely as she is.
It doesn't instill confidence when they are morbidly obese themselves.
My gawd! Still struggling and still with a db dietitian that thinks a basal that will.put me in a hypo (if i dont eat before i get there) is ok and the right basal level to be on.

I feel like im on my own.
I haven't a clue what you are trying to say as it's a bit jumbled 🙂
Your basal is correct if your blood sugars are in range and you can live normally (for you) without having to eat to prevent a hypo.
My gawd! Still struggling and still with a db dietitian that thinks a basal that will.put me in a hypo (if i dont eat before i get there) is ok and the right basal level to be on.

I feel like im on my own.
Ignore them. Unless you want an excuse to each sweets.
What is it with dodgy advice from people who are paid to know better?
If you have no confidence in them and are struggling might you be able to ask your gp for a refereral to a new diabetes clinic? I did, and a lot happier with the new team- i can now sleep at night cos they got me a dexcom
Thanks everyone. Wow @rebrascora but yes thats true lol. Dont worry @Pumper_Sue. My heads mash! And while i am a natural skinny bean , im not a one for snacking @Tdm and have actually worked out through this that whem im bloody hungry all the time its an indication that my basal is too high and has in the past been working with my bolus at meal times hence me now needing to raise my bolus ratios to balance.
She said the basal looks perfect. Nice and straight! Just basal and no breakfast. The next spike is my protein bar 9g carbs rising abd veing dealt with almost by the basal. Incidentallymy lunch bolus is 17:1 so thats why my basal didnt quite cover it totally.


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Fat people don't know anything?
Or fat NHS workers specifically?

It does not instill confidence when a dietician is very significantly overweight. Either she is not following her own advice or the advice doesn't work. I know that she is extremely well qualified and a lovely lady, so I am absolutely not saying that she doesn't know anything, but it doesn't give you much hope when she herself is well beyond a healthy weight and her job is primarily advising diabetics on diet.
It does not instill confidence when a dietician is very significantly overweight. Either she is not following her own advice or the advice doesn't work. I know that she is extremely well qualified and a lovely lady, so I am absolutely not saying that she doesn't know anything, but it doesn't give you much hope when she herself is well beyond a healthy weight and her job is primarily advising diabetics on diet.

So, being fat is all self inflicted?
In my not inconsiderable experience of 77 years, I can tell you that the only times I have been overweight has been due to a terrible diet...mostly by following NHS healthy eating advice i.e low fat and plenty of carbohydrate.
In my not inconsiderable experience of 77 years, I can tell you that the only times I have been overweight has been due to a terrible diet...mostly by following NHS healthy eating advice i.e low fat and plenty of carbohydrate.

So, you reckon being overweight is just bad diet as well?
Not only bad diet, but overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. To what do you attribute it?

Of course there is a valid theory that T2, or more precisely IR, can result in storing fat, but that is not the major cause of the obesity epidemic we suffer from as a nation these days. In the 40s 50s and 60s we were not a fat nation and we generally ate a very varied diet with little sugar, plenty of natural fats and vegetables. The 70s heralded the “healthy eating” plate - and the obesity epidemic.

So please tell us your theory.
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So, you reckon being overweight is just bad diet as well?
That’s what pretty much everyone thinks, T1s especially tend to think that being overweight and T2 are self inflicted. Even though some of us work really hard at diet and exercise and still don’t really get anywhere with weight loss
@Lucyr in no way have I ever blamed T2 as being self inflicted. Having known me some 15 years or so you should know that. However I do think that the NHS dietary advice is poor at best and dangerous at worst.
That’s what pretty much everyone thinks, T1s especially tend to think that being overweight and T2 are self inflicted. Even though some of us work really hard at diet and exercise and still don’t really get anywhere with weight loss

To be honest, I didn't expect to see fat shaming appearing on this site.
It's disappointing to say the least.
Not you specifically Patti but I see it constantly, T1s in general tend to be very quick to blame T2s whenever Diabetes comes up by explaining that T1 isn’t to do with lifestyle at all and implying T2 is etc. You have said that being overweight is self inflicted, as have others.
That’s what pretty much everyone thinks, T1s especially tend to think that being overweight and T2 are self inflicted. Even though some of us work really hard at diet and exercise and still don’t really get anywhere with weight loss
If I see someone on a type 1 group sujueasting that type 2 is caused by diet I will always point out to them that always because of diet and can also happen to anyone 🙂
OK @Lucyr I take your point, but I have not suggested that being overweight causes T2. On the contrary T2 can cause obesity. What I am saying is that to a great degree diet does cause obesity. Partly the NHS advice is wrong and partly the preponderance of processed food full of rubbish and empty calories. It’s a lot of work (as you know) to produce food from scratch on a daily basis. Not just the cooking, but the planning and shopping. With today’s busy lifestyle people just don’t have time nor energy to do it. Or in a in a lot of cases the knowhow. Our government is to a degree culpable for not equipping schoolchildren with knowhow by discontinuing cookery classes. Despite the stresses on our busy lives a lot of jobs promote a sedentary lifestyle ad people are just too tired when they get home to do exercise.

Again the school curriculums no longer include so much physical exercise as they did in the past. Playing fields have been sold off etc etc.

I do and always have cooked from scratch and try to stock the freezer with pre-cooked dishes for busy days. However,I only said to hubby this evening “i can understand why people buy pre-prepared food”

So basically it’s a combination of factors and I don’t really have the energy at this time of night to go into it further, but in the end many people are eating the wrong diet.
Mmm sorry for causing conflict here but my thread has gone way off topic. My question and frustration has nothing to do with type 2. Itbis to do with a db nurse whos expecting me to be constantly eating to keep up with a basal level thats too high.
Itbis to do with a db nurse whos expecting me to be constantly eating to keep up with a basal level thats too high.
Just change your basal dose then? It’s your diabetes and your choice how much you take. She isn’t coming round and injecting you with it.
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