Dawn phenomenon

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Is it the basal injections that are making me gain weight you think? I have gained over a stone since starting insulin in December. I eat way less than I did before. I did lose a lot of weight before diagnosis but I can’t go on gaining weight at this rate.
Have you put more weight on than you lost before your diagnosis. It might be your body readjusting itself.
Are you having to eat 'extras' to avoid hypos.
Have you put more weight on than you lost before your diagnosis. It might be your body readjusting itself.
Are you having to eat 'extras' to avoid hypos.
Hi no I lost about 4 and a half stone and I have gained about 16 pounds and I feel more more heavier every day. My clothes are getting tight.
I have had swollen ankle for about a month been put on water tablets and they didn’t work. I asked for the semaglutide weight loss and they said no only for T2. It’s a joke.
Have you put more weight on than you lost before your diagnosis. It might be your body readjusting itself.

Hi no I lost about 4 and a half stone and I have gained about 16 pounds and I feel more more heavier every day. My clothes are getting tight.
I have had swollen ankle for about a month been put on water tablets and they didn’t work. I asked for the semaglutide weight loss and they said no only for T2. It’s a joke.
I put on about a stone after I was properly diagnosed and put on insulin. Because my body hadn’t been processing the carbs, (I was basically peeing out glucose) I think I’d got used to being able to eat more and not gain weight. When I think what I was eating immediately pre diagnosis, it was a lot more than I have needed since to maintain weight, and I think I'd got used to eating that amount. I was eating healthily, but looking back, I was eating a lot of high calorie stuff like nuts and cheese just to try and maintain my weight. After I’d put back on enough weight so I didn’t look scrawny any more, the gain did slow, but I did have to reappraise my idea of what constituted 'enough' food to sustain me. I haven’t given up anything, but I did start serving myself a smaller portion of everything (except veg.)
I can understand why they don’t prescribe semaglutide for people with Type 1. Anything that disrupts normal absorption of food makes using insulin far more difficult, and they’ll be worried about it causing people to hypo if they can’t balance their insulin with the effect of the drugs.
Insulin does not make us gain weight.
The stuff we inject is just replicating the insulin that a healthy pancreas would create itself.

If you have insulin resistance, my understanding is that the "excess insulin" (insulin that your body is struggling to use) can cause weight gain. This is what people with type 2 experience and why you read the scare stories about insulin causing us to get fat.

I am only a sample of one but in the 20 years since I was diagnosed, I have not gained any weight.

As @Leadinglights mentioned, losing weight before diagnosis is a common symptom of Type 1. When we start our treatment, it is usual to regain the lost weight. This is not caused by insulin; it is caused by our body no longer needing to break down muscle and fat because it could not get energy from the carbs we ate.
Insulin does not make us gain weight.
The stuff we inject is just replicating the insulin that a healthy pancreas would create itself.

If you have insulin resistance, my understanding is that the "excess insulin" (insulin that your body is struggling to use) can cause weight gain. This is what people with type 2 experience and why you read the scare stories about insulin causing us to get fat.

I am only a sample of one but in the 20 years since I was diagnosed, I have not gained any weight.

As @Leadinglights mentioned, losing weight before diagnosis is a common symptom of Type 1. When we start our treatment, it is usual to regain the lost weight. This is not caused by insulin; it is caused by our body no longer needing to break down muscle and fat because it could not get energy from the carbs we ate.
Well you are lucky not to have gained weight @helli
Well you are lucky not to have gained weight @helli
I don't think it is luck. I am very active so burn off much of what I eat.
If I haven't exercised for a few days, I get irritable.

But my exercise levels have not changed since I was diagnosed so I am not fighting against the insulin.
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What basal are you on, the maximum dose on the half unit pen for lantus is 30u. If you’re already on 29 bear in mind that switching to half unit pen might mean needing to split into two injections. If you’re on levemir, I’m not familiar with the max dose on half unit pen for that.
Hi @Lucyr so I was told by diabetes team I cannot get a half unit Levemir pen!
That is odd. They definitely exist.
The only reason I can think they said that was because of the maximum dose but as mentioned, you can get around tat (if needed) by splitting your dose.
Well either that or they can’t be bothered changing my prescription
I would give it another day before deciding whether to increase it again. It looks like it is coming down just before you wake up at 6am, so perhaps you had something slow release for tea last night which was working against it in the earlier part of the night.
I will not make any more changes @rebrascora
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