Dangerous or what?

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I’d go along with relaxed postprandial walking limits rises in blood glucose, but a blanket statement that it cures it would surely take out the need for all these sexy diets and medications?
I’m always amazed at promises of ‘cures’, years ago l trained as a Complementary Therapist, multi-disciplined, Even though qualifications in anatomy & physiology called ‘QUACKS’ if our website mentioned’cures’ we were sued and yet those in the medical profession can use ‘cure’ with gay abandon. No one can ‘cure’ only God.
I really do not know what all the fuss is about. The claim on the packet is that the stuff reduces spikes by up to 40% so provided it does not increase spikes then it will satisfy this claim.

I despair for those who are taken in by such nonsense, are happy to pay stupid money on it, but expect somebody else to protect them from it. All because some marketing spiv came up with a bit of alliteration.

Thank you for sharing.
Although the details are sparse (e.g. no indication of fitness), I see the sample size was not large and did not include anyone with Type 1. Maybe this is why it does not work for me.
However, useful nevertheless, especially for people with type 2.
Thank you for sharing.
Although the details are sparse (e.g. no indication of fitness), I see the sample size was not large and did not include anyone with Type 1. Maybe this is why it does not work for me.
However, useful nevertheless, especially for people with type 2.

Like all these things, everyone is different.
Last year I had naughty subway sandwich, and BG went up to 7/8 after around an hour. After a brief walk (10 minutes) it was back down to 5 and remained there.
(Although as a T2 I may have whatever insulin I still produce helping as well as the exercise.)
Thank you for sharing.
Although the details are sparse (e.g. no indication of fitness), I see the sample size was not large and did not include anyone with Type 1. Maybe this is why it does not work for me.
However, useful nevertheless, especially for people with type 2.

I have found physical activity drops BG but it is a non-trivial task to estimate it as it depends on type of food, insulin profile and timings. I find my current physio session timings cause a bigger drop than my previous one. I would take my morning insulin later if I did not have to be ready for Patient Transport so early. I reduce my insulin on a physio day but typically need 40gm to 60gm extra CHO to get through the session.
Well, not been able to do anything for two weeks and going to have to go careful, had an ablation for arrhythmia. I have followed her on instagram and not sure if her ‘hacks’ work. The pills are the latest wheeze
She is cute though! Lol

I walk after my evening meal. I am not allowed supper.
I watched a Dr Chatterjee on youtube this morning who said you should not eat breakfast until you have been up an hour so from tomorrow I get up at 6 make my salad for lunch, 5 minutes using weights, 5 minutes pilates to ease the old back,
perhaps have a bath/shower then at 7 have glass of water with apple cider vinegar (!), breakfast of stir fry with an egg or two in it. Get ready for work (yes I still work at 68). Salad for lunch at 12 (hardly moves the blood sugar). Finish work at 5 have a sandwich/ veg and a meat go for a walk - 4 miles. Back home by 6.30 or so watch TV (can't miss Coronations St) bed for 9pm. So that's an eating window of 10 hours then nothing for 14 hours. I must get a gold star at the end of this. Its fun at the moment and as long as the weight comes off. Still happy!
Walk after a meal makes my bg tumble unless measures are taken to reduce previous bolus dose, much the same with gardening it has same result.
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