DAFNE referral ?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
when you're referred to DAFNE how long did to take to get a date. I'm being impatient and hoping for a letter
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It's DAFNE. It stands for Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating.

We don't use DAFNE in Coventry & Warwickshire - we call ours CARBS 4 1. In North Warks, they call it GERTIE. Anyway I had a letter asking could I go on the one starting the Monday after New Year, so I said Yes! One day a week for 4 weeks. Best 4 Mondays I've ever spent as far as diabetes is concerned - and of course shedloads of time to experiment trying whatever we learned that week - present the diary results to the group next Monday - and discuss!
I was referred to DAFNE in about May or June, got a letter mid summer but the first available course in July was sadly cancelled due to lack of interest. I got onto the next one which was in mid October.

The course I did was a straight week and we went over each person's previous day's results the next morning, discussing any issues they had experienced and how they might have dealt with them better or any lessons to be learned. The educators, a very experienced DSN and diabetes trained dietitian were both really committed to helping everyone regardless of their situation in a very open and none judgmental way. They were excellent.
Mine was only the second one my hospital ever delivered - they had to pay for their own accommodation down at BDEC, who trained them, because the CCG wouldn't pay it !
The carb counting course where my hospital is, Buckinghamshire is InSight.
Not all CCGs will offer DAFNE
I didn't get DAFNE offered either, but a local course. Was referred mid January and I got a letter about a week later, for a course at the beginning of March. The waiting list could be longer where you live. Hopefully you will get a suitable date for your course soon xx
Yes I was referred to it last week and the consudent I saw lyesterday asked if I’ve been given a date yet so I was wondering if was supposed to be pretty quick. I think there still doing it remotely at the moment.
It could be. I was offered the choice of face to face or online courses.

I just realized the course I have in March is not the carb counting one, is a more basic Type 1 education course which last a day. I was referred to both this and a DAFNE-based local course, but I haven't had any dates for the later. I'm not too worried because I am not on basal-bolus yet, so I couldn't make the most of it.
It could be. I was offered the choice of face to face or online courses.

I just realized the course I have in March is not the carb counting one, is a more basic Type 1 education course which last a day. I was referred to both this and a DAFNE-based local course, but I haven't had any dates for the later. I'm not too worried because I am not on basal-bolus yet, so I couldn't make the most of it.
Yes danfe was the first step outlined along the round to pontenty get a pump. The other step was slightly unfair I think considering which was back on the libre which didn’t sort me and caused all sorts of problems and ended up really effecting my mental health.
Yes danfe was the first step outlined along the round to pontenty get a pump. The other step was slightly unfair I think considering which was back on the libre which didn’t sort me and caused all sorts of problems and ended up really effecting my mental health.
Though the idea that DAFNE might be required makes some people angry:
Ah so he shouldn’t said danfee first. I was talking about second step being unfair
I must admit I see the value in someone getting a pump having some structured education. Like going through https://www.bertieonline.org.uk or the relevant sections of https://mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk

It feels like otherwise they might get a pump and end up not really benefitting from it, which wouldn't be good for anyone. However, there's also people who already know enough and just haven't been offered DAFNE (or local equivalent).

And Partha Kar's reply was to someone who seemed to qualify for a pump. There are surely cases where someone doesn't quite qualify, and taking DAFNE might well persuade the team to push for a pump.
I didn’t mind about danfee being requested In all ready being refere
I must admit I see the value in someone getting a pump having some structured education. Like going through https://www.bertieonline.org.uk or the relevant sections of https://mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk

It feels like otherwise they might get a pump and end up not really benefitting from it, which wouldn't be good for anyone. However, there's also people who already know enough and just haven't been offered DAFNE (or local equivalent).

And Partha Kar's reply was to someone who seemed to qualify for a pump. There are surely cases where someone doesn't quite qualify, and taking DAFNE might well persuade the team to push for a pump.
I dudnt mind danfee being requested I’m being refered to it anyway that wasn’t what I referring when I said something was unfair
I didn’t mind about danfee being requested In all ready being refere

I dudnt mind danfee being requested I’m being refered to it anyway that wasn’t what I referring when I said something was unfair
Yes, seems pointless to recommend Libre again given that that didn't work for you.
Yes, seems pointless to recommend Libre again given that that didn't work for you.
Well they said or some other tech if available which they said there keep an open mind to. Which I would like to try if possible as it’s hard to test in the cold and more strips end up being used is there any meter that doesn’t steugle in the cold?
my letter fainilly came this morning but it is remotte(no option of a face to face course in my area it seems)
Pleased you got a date for it but a real shame that it isn't face to face as that is a big part of the benefit, spending time with other Type 1s and learning from each other.
Pleased you got a date for it but a real shame that it isn't face to face as that is a big part of the benefit, spending time with other Type 1s and learning from each other.
yeah well its just at list of dates to pick from so no gurtune yey but i emailed.
Pleased you got a date for it but a real shame that it isn't face to face as that is a big part of the benefit, spending time with other Type 1s and learning from each other.
I don't know how the online version works but I'd hope they'd include some opportunities for idle chatter of that kind. I think they worked on it for a while so I trust they've produced something worthwhile. It's not the same as being in the same room, obviously, but I'd hope it could be better than working though BERTIE online (useful though that is).
I don't know how the online version works but I'd hope they'd include some opportunities for idle chatter of that kind. I think they worked on it for a while so I trust they've produced something worthwhile. It's not the same as being in the same room, obviously, but I'd hope it could be better than working though BERTIE online (useful though that is).
There's 6 group versions calls but it's only 6 paricidnts per course theys no guarantee I'm one yet as they said it's first comf first served but I told them course I want to do just hope they see the email in time before they all get taken
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