Cute small animal picture of the day

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A Goldeneye swims in the rain at Slimbridge Wetland Centre in Gloucestershire…

The Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris) is a species of marine angelfish found in the western Atlantic Ocean. It is a warm-water species that lives near the ocean floor in coral reefs. It is blue and yellow and has a distinctive spot or "crown" on its forehead. This crown distinguishes it from the similar, closely related, Bermuda blue angelfish, with which it overlaps in range and can interbreed…

People walk their ponies beside the Thames before the Royal Windsor Horse Show at Home Park…

A caretaker feeds a parakeet water mixed with multivitamins after the bird was dehydrated due to heat at Jivdaya Charitable Trust rehabilitation centre for birds and animals in Pakistan…

A greylag goose and its young gosling waddling around in the rain at Slimbridge wetlands in Gloucestershire…

A bee-eater bird catches a bee in the village of Buszkowice in Podkarpacie, Poland. The protected bird is listed in the Polish Red Book of Animals as a species close to extinction…

A hospital curator feeding an Indian flying fox at Jivdaya Charitable Trust in Ahmedabad, India. An early start to summer has brought record temperatures and made life a misery for both humans and animal life, with experts warning that climate change is making such conditions more intense and more frequent…

A vet examines a three-week-old baby sun bear that was found separated from its mother at an industrial forest in Pekanbaru, Indonesia…

The Variable Oystercatcher (Haematopus unicolor) is a species of wader in the family Haematopodidae, endemic to New Zealand. The plumage ranges from pied through mottled to all black in different parts of the bird's range. They search for food in shallow water as the tides ebb and flow. Food is mainly located visually but when it is dark or the food is obscured, they will probe the substrate with their bill. The diet consists of a range of molluscs, crustaceans, worms and sometimes small fish. This bird was photographed at Point Chevalier in Auckland, New Zealand…

An Ezo red fox or Kitakitsune and her cub out on the city streets in Sapporo, Japan…

A fox cub is stuck in a wheel in a garden in Newham, east London The RSPCA has issued a warning after four fox cubs got stuck in old car wheels in the space of a month…

Fish swim among coral that has grown on the retired naval landing ship dock Spiegel Grove, sunk 20 years earlier, six miles off Key Largo in Florida, to become an artificial reef…

Altolamprologus compressiceps is a species of fish in the family Cichlidae, endemic to the shallow rocky areas of Lake Tanganyika. The lake holds at least 250 species of cichlid fish, including species yet to be described. Almost all (98 percent) of Tanganyika cichlid species are endemic to the lake, and it is thus an important biological resource for the study of speciation in evolution. A. compressiceps is categorized as a least-concern species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This fish was photographed at the Karlsruhe Zoo in Germany…

One of five Humboldt penguin chicks being hand-reared by keepers at London Zoo after their parents were unable to look after them…

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