Cute small animal picture of the day

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They're in LA. My garden is not. Hence, I like these animals. 😛

WRONG, WRONG WRONG I am so determined to make a cat woman (meeeoooowwww) out of you that when you said you liked them I adopted one for you. It is paid for and is currently being shipped over to you. Be careful what you wish for madam.............:D
Ah - welsh? So as in Smoot with a short oo, like what you get on your face when you're a kid and your Mum wipes the smoot (smut) of your face? Or is the m silent too? as in the stuff you get covering your exhaust pipe when the engine's running too rich?
WRONG, WRONG WRONG I am so determined to make a cat woman (meeeoooowwww) out of you that when you said you liked them I adopted one for you. It is paid for and is currently being shipped over to you. Be careful what you wish for madam.............:D
I reckon the Jackdaws in my garden are a match for any feline...(I counted 21 yesterday. And maybe more. They are eating me out of house and home, or at least birdie fat balls.)
Ah - welsh? So as in Smoot with a short oo, like what you get on your face when you're a kid and your Mum wipes the smoot (smut) of your face? Or is the m silent too? as in the stuff you get covering your exhaust pipe when the engine's running too rich?
you got it! ...her other cat is called Twts
you got it! ...her other cat is called Twts
Smwt and Twts! I love it, Jonsi. 😛 Our dogs are Bloden and Gwen - Bloden cos she ain't little and doesn't smell of flowers, and Gwen cos she's black not white (both hubby's choices - he calls it 'a sense of humour'🙄)
Pigs are sooooo cute.
Pigs are sooooo cute.

Pigs are extremely intelligent animals. They have a strong social order and are very inquisitive about their environment. They also make a wonderful sandwich filling. I am of course only joking, at least about the sandwich filling bit. My wife became vegetarian quite a few years ago and at the time I thought her a but bonkers. She did this on purely ethical grounds which I also found a bit bonkers. I invariably found however that every time we went out for food I would find myself looking at her plate and thinking that it looked more appetising than the meat on my own plate. I then looked into the ethical side of things and was pretty bloody horrified at the treatment some animals get prior to slaughter. I am not vegetarian but feel I could quite easily become so. This is not to curry favour since we are now split up. I just increasingly feel wrong eating meat :(
Where d'you live? At a wildlife petting zoo!🙄

I wished! I live in quite a built up area in Rayleigh, Essex. We was shocked the first time that we saw the badgers. But now we love our garden wildlife.
Now THAT is a nice-looking cat. How d'you say "purr" in Russian, Alan? It's 'ronronear' in Spanish - roll the 'r's and it sounds like purring!🙄🙂
They go 'moor-moor' :D Again, with nicely rolled 'R's :D
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