@jtg1964, I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Camcer back in late Oct '19. I had a malignant tumour which had engulfed my pancreas, blocked my bile duct and the build up of bile gave me early visual symptoms of jaundice: a noticeable yellow pallor. I had major surgery in Feb '20, it's referred to as a Whipple's Procedure and I came out of the anaesthetic with no tumour or pancreas. Now here I am as an insulin dependent patient, diagnosed Type 3c.
BUT just because your GP has arranged for you to have a scan
does not mean you have PC. If you had some identifiable PC symptoms you would have been fast tracked straight to hospital for a scan that day
, under the watchful eyes and care of appropriate Consultants and you would know the findings already. Your GP is doing a great job in checking all possibilities, ensuring nothing is overlooked and a scan of your pancreas might reveal any number of possibilities for pancreatic damage or problems - including PC but much more likely something else.
I am NOT medically qualified. I do understand it is stressful having what could be a "Sword of Damocles" hanging over you, waiting to feel (hear) horrible news. But that sword could be a feather! I waited 6 weeks for a formal diagnosis and a stent to open up the bile duct, then another 9 weeks before my Surgery. That time was with zero medication, just time getting me strong enough (ie medically fit enough as a 70 yr old male) for that surgery. Thoughout I was monitored and reassured the delay was wholly acceptable and time that could be beneficial for a best outcome. As I said, here I am.
IF it emerges that you have some sort of damage to your pancreas, then you might well gain a diagnosis as T3c and you might be treated as if T2 with oral meds or as if T1 and become insulin dependent. Regardless of the treatment you would be T3c, since the diagnosis of a diabetes type is a consequence of the cause (possible pancreatic damage in your case) and the treatment needed is whatever is needed.
Right now you are getting a little ahead of yourself, so try to relax about the future CT scan, look after yourself until then and trust your GP who I think is being very thorough. Certainly don't start planning how you might manage taking insulin and getting bogged down inside potential rabbit holes of pumps etc. I have no pancreas, have Multiple Daily Injections (MDI), take Creon in industrial quantities and am not even medically eligible for a pump after 5 years. Do keep us informed, I'll look out for when you share with us the outcome of your scan (if you still wish to) and until then please try to stay relaxed and calm. Difficult I know but very necessary.