CT/Pet scanner and libre2 sensor

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Yes, @Steve1122, Abbott replace NHS provided sensors.

Actually the whole process is fundamentally dubious in that public funded acquisitions should be subject to "Treasury Rules". This should mean that not only is there a nominated and "findable" procurement manager for any public contract (not findable as far as I can determine) but purchase contracts have various hoops to be jumped through in terms of security of the seller (not in question here, I assume) but value for public money (including frequent reviews, which don't exist as far as I can see) and certainly do not permit the seller to police their own delivery faults and suchlike. Supply problems should be taken to the Procurement Manager for that contract, adding to that manager's remit to ensure best value for the public purse. All of this seems to be ignored when it comes to the NHS. Presumably by delegating authority and responsibility to either Hospital Trusts or the (former CCGs and now) Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) the Public Accountability overseen by the Treasury is at the very least ignored and possibly just blatantly not complied with. But this is part of why individuals in the NHS are frequently trying to do their best but the NHS is so plainly wasteful. Very little accountability.

Anyway from your perspective as a user of an NHS supplied medication (which includes tech) you go back to the provider, Abbott.
Okay, thanks for the thorough reply...
I just found this which is a little closer to the initial question. Which still contradicts my experience.

It still begs the question on the no quibble replacement due to either having to prematurely remove a working sensor or stuffing it up in a scanner. Would this void the warranty on the unit?
I just found this which is a little closer to the initial question. Which still contradicts my experience.

It still begs the question on the no quibble replacement due to either having to prematurely remove a working sensor or stuffing it up in a scanner. Would this void the warranty on the unit?
As I previously said, in practice Abbott have never quibbled. In extremis I would go back to my GP and politely insist that they resolve this for me; currently I suspect that could take weeks. I feel confident Abbott will oblige.
As I previously said, in practice Abbott have never quibbled. In extremis I would go back to my GP and politely insist that they resolve this for me; currently I suspect that could take weeks. I feel confident Abbott will oblige.
If my hospital scans had stuffed up the sensor? Or I had been instructed to remove the device. (I followed all directions like posture & placement. Removal of metal objects.They had no issue with the libre.) then my first port of call would be Abbott. I wouldn’t have needed to pester my GP. I can order them on prescription in 2 days from my chemist. Whilst plugging a response from Abbott. To draw an analogy; it’s a little like recklessly wrapping a new car around a tree in a competitive rally & expecting either a standard insurance policy to cover repair or the car company to take responsibility with the “manufacturers warranty.”
If my hospital scans had stuffed up the sensor? Or I had been instructed to remove the device. (I followed all directions like posture & placement. Removal of metal objects.They had no issue with the libre.) then my first port of call would be Abbott. I wouldn’t have needed to pester my GP. I can order them on prescription in 2 days from my chemist. Whilst plugging a response from Abbott. To draw an analogy; it’s a little like recklessly wrapping a new car around a tree in a competitive rally & expecting either a standard insurance policy to cover repair or the car company to take responsibility with the “manufacturers warranty.”
You are correct @Satan's little helper with your analogy. And I freely admit it seems strange. But I reiterate that when I had to take sensor off before a scan Abbott helpline just accepted this had occurred and replaced each time.

For what it's worth my former GP originally simply wouldn't help when I had Lubre dificulties; their stock answer was that I was only entitled to 2 per month, not even 2 per 28 days and I was also given a test meter and strips so I should just wait. I'm glad we've moved away from that Surgery.
You are correct @Satan's little helper with your analogy. And I freely admit it seems strange. But I reiterate that when I had to take sensor off before a scan Abbott helpline just accepted this had occurred and replaced each time.

For what it's worth my former GP originally simply wouldn't help when I had Lubre dificulties; their stock answer was that I was only entitled to 2 per month, not even 2 per 28 days and I was also given a test meter and strips so I should just wait. I'm glad we've moved away from that Surgery.
If I knew any different from my personal experience on this topic. I would happily state so.
I pointed out I wore a sensor. The team scanning me were not concerned. I wasn’t advised to remove my Libre dispite my earlier concerns of some sort of “cutlery in a microwave” or a “Doctor who, reversing of the polarity flow.” The censor continued to work fine to the full 14 day term after the scans. I daily check with my meter for calibration reasons. (On a 3rd party app.) No need to change the calibration no sensor fault. If I had a moan. I’d say so? What I see on the Abbott site regarding does contradict my experience, I welcome you asking.
Incidentally today my wife needed a repeat prescription direct from the chemist they told me her’s would be ready tomorrow. whilst I was there, I put in a repeat for my Libres . (Normally takes 2 maybe3 days to process.)I was told they had them in stock & walked out with them 5 minutes later.This was a new chemist. The only real hold up was flashing my medical exemption card. 🙂
The funny thing was, I had respectable undies. Always do, incase I get hit by a “bus.” (Which essentially I felt like I had been,) But they insisted on covering with a paper serviette?
You’re welcome to laugh @rebrascora . They also told me I might experience a feeling of “like wetting myself.”
The fluid whatever it was for me went in cold regarding the cannula. (Sounded like a noisy pump connected to the tube .) Then i had some weird warm feeling with a crescendo in the “underwear area.” I had a sneaky check I hadn’t peed. (The paper serviette also confirmed no moisture.) before pulling my trousers back up. They were not wrong. I found the team informative, professional & companionate at every stage of the procedure.
Sorry, but I just found the idea of a serviette protecting your modesty a little absurd. I am hoping you mentioned it to make the account more amusing. 🙂 It sounds like you were in a lot of discomfort at the time which I am sorry for and no laughing matter of course, but always good if you can look back on these situations and find the humour.... which it seemed like you were doing.

It is like a bit like when you go for a smear test and the nurse pulls a curtain around you and waits outside it whilst you undress your lower half and then comes in and peers at and probes your most intimate depths. 🙄 Surely, undressing in front of the nurse, who is after all a medically trained person and female, is the least of your indignity!
Sorry, but I just found the idea of a serviette protecting your modesty a little absurd. I am hoping you mentioned it to make the account more amusing. 🙂 It sounds like you were in a lot of discomfort at the time which I am sorry for and no laughing matter of course, but always good if you can look back on these situations and find the humour.... which it seemed like you were doing.

It is like a bit like when you go for a smear test and the nurse pulls a curtain around you and waits outside it whilst you undress your lower half and then comes in and peers at and probes your most intimate depths. 🙄 Surely, undressing in front of the nurse, who is after all a medically trained person and female, is the least of your indignity!
No problem, it is a bit bizarre with the “disrobing” thing. The two scan technicians sort of averted gaze & drifted into the glassed control area as I loosened my belt. As I laid on the surface one returned to drop the serviette. I have a feeling it’s a little grounded in “Victorian protocols?” Boundaries of decency & moral value. Even the “adult industry” at one time had strict public laws where nudes could only pose. They couldn’t move? & had to be somewhat silhouetted. I’m just glad they weren’t playing 70s funk music on the stereo. 😉
No problem, it is a bit bizarre with the “disrobing” thing. The two scan technicians sort of averted gaze & drifted into the glassed control area as I loosened my belt. As I laid on the surface one returned to drop the serviette. I have a feeling it’s a little grounded in “Victorian protocols?” Boundaries of decency & moral value. Even the “adult industry” at one time had strict public laws where nudes could only pose. They couldn’t move? & had to be somewhat silhouetted. I’m just glad they weren’t playing 70s funk music on the stereo. 😉
I agree it's totally weird. I had to drop trousers like you and the serviette appeared (and I had clean undies on) I asked and they said oh that's just something we have to do. I said well as a naturist I reckon more people have seen me without clothes than with so no need for it, and got a shrug of the shoulders. At the time of the MRI I hadn't been given the sensors so it will be interesting to see what they say at the next one if there is another.
Okay, had my CT scan today and I can report I was able to keep the sensor on. There were no sparks, and as far as I can tell the sensor and CT machine are still working 🙂

They did say it would have to come off were I having a MRI scan.

Okay, had my CT scan today and I can report I was able to keep the sensor on. There were no sparks, and as far as I can tell the sensor and CT machine are still working 🙂

They did say it would have to come off were I having a MRI scan.

Thanks for that info Steve. I am due another MRI soon, the first since I started using Libre, so know what to expect them to say.
Thanks for that info Steve. I am due another MRI soon, the first since I started using Libre, so know what to expect them to say.
Do contact Abbott if there is more than a day lost due to having to remove it for the MRI and they will generally replace the sensor you had to remove.
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