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I caught covid a few months back and, as @rebrascora mentioned, it was incredibly mild. I have definitely had worse colds. The worse part for me was being stuck at home and unable to go out. I know this is no longer a legal requirement but I feel it is my social duty not to knowingly spread illness to others who may not be as robust as myself.
The cold symptoms started on the Friday. I tested negative for covid that day. I retested on Monday (after a weekend of feeling sorry for myself) and was positive. I tested again on Thursday because I wanted to see the fainter line and I was all clear.
Apart from diabetes, I have no other medical conditions: I am very active, I am not overweight, my diabetes is well managed.

@Edgehill I hope your experience is similar and you feel better soon.
Hi @Edgehill How are you feeling today?
It would help if you can tell us how you manage your diabetes? ie. What if any medication you take for it?
Do you home test your BG levels? If so, what sort of readings are you getting?
How long have you been diabetic and how well is it managed?

It is important to drink plenty ideally water or other low carb drinks to prevent dehydration. This will also help to flush any excess glucose out of you body through your kidneys if your levels do go higher.

The vast majority of people getting Covid now seem to only experience mild to moderate symptoms (even those with diabetes) and so there is every reason to assume you will be the same. Try not to worry, just rest, keep drinking fluids and I believe paracetamol is the over the counter remedy of choice as this will help to tackle aches and pains as well as help regulate temperature. Hope you are on the mend very soon and do keep us updated.
Hi , thank you for your kind and reassuring words, I’m most grateful.
I had a telecon with my GP this morning , and she has told me to stop the metformin for the time being. I’m drinking plenty of water particularly through the night, as I have been feeling a little dehydrated Early hours of the morning, sleeping is a problem at the moment . I have been a diabetic for 5 years now and don’t manage it as well as I should . Although now having Covid and feeling like I have been hit by a freight train, has certainly given me a wake up call.
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