cost of diabetes - out of control

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Plus preventing alcoholic damage to pancreases can prevent diabetes developing in some people...
In fact, in general, prevention of health problems and early treatment is best in all conditions.
On a similar note, I can remember early days of HIV / AIDS, when there were so-called "innocent victims" who contracted HIV through blood transfusions and "guilty victims" who caught it through sharing drug needles or sex. Not very helpful to have a hierarchy of deserving.

VERY interested in this post as i think this may be what happened to me! after a very heavy night involving copious amounts of beer and whisky (relatives 50th birthday) i became very ill, needing the doctor out three times because of intense pain around the pancreas area which eventually settled down.
Two or three months later i was diagnosed with type 2, ive often wondered if there was a link, perhaps i'll never know, what i DO know is my type 2 has proved quite easy to control (hba1c below 5.8 from 17.0 in ten months) and am wondering if perhaps my damaged pancreas is repairing itsef?
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