correction dossages

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Do you feel like you need to use correction doses often? Im on different insulin to yourself but if I havent calculated the correct amount for the meal i have eaten and im a little high, then I would correct by a couple of units (fast acting) but not unless say an hour after my meal (just in case it is just because of the effect of what I had eaten) Everyone is different though so you need to really experiment with what works for yourself.... I wouldnt go above a couple of units at a time though just in case you go too low 🙄
well to be honest with you i hadent check my Bg in months untill other day and they were high just trying to get them down :( but dont seem to be able to i have checked for key tones and i am clear
I think what you really need to do is see your clinic in that case, can I just ask how long your ketone sticks have been opened for? They might just not be working, once open I can only get away with using them a month 😱
You need to speak to your team to work out your ISF (insulin sensitivity factor). You work out your total daily insulin for 5 days (including your levemir) and take an average of all 5 days, then you divide by 100 (I think?). But, be aware that this doesnt always work out for every individual - its just a rough estimate and you may be more insulin sensitive than others.
My son has an ISF of 1 units brings him down by 5mmols. But you cant just apply the same numbers to you as you will no doubt be on different amounts of insulin than a 12 year old. It is great that you are trying to get on top of things after letting it go for a while, it might help you to tell us what your ratios are for meals and what units your on for levemir. How often are you testing?🙂Bev
well to be honest with you i hadent check my Bg in months untill other day and they were high just trying to get them down :( but dont seem to be able to i have checked for key tones and i am clear

you havent checked your bg in months?... your type 1 right??... hmmmmmm think you need to get in the habbit of checking several times a day... not to preach or anything... but dose adjusting needs to be done as bev said really... my advice take or leave it will be to start checking your bg daily... if you are type 1.... have you noyt had any hypos?... you must have had some very high readings too.. watch out for complications my friend... complications can/will happen to us all..... if you dont keep check on your sugars... if you havent seen my documentary yet,... please see the link on the forum...

[take care lee
well when i was first changed to basal..... i was told to have 12 units for breakfast and lunch....... and 22 with evening meal....... of novo rapid....and 32 levimir at 10pm
last night went to emergency doctor been told to put all my insulin up my 4 units
well when i was first changed to basal..... i was told to have 12 units for breakfast and lunch....... and 22 with evening meal....... of novo rapid....and 32 levimir at 10pm
last night went to emergency doctor been told to put all my insulin up my 4 units

hey..22 units for evening meal.... what are you eating??
well when i was first changed to basal..... i was told to have 12 units for breakfast and lunch....... and 22 with evening meal....... of novo rapid....and 32 levimir at 10pm
last night went to emergency doctor been told to put all my insulin up my 4 units

just normal like everyone else does lol i just doing what i am told to do lol................ am i doing the right thing

i cant really comment as everyone is very diff.... just seems very high amount of novorapid to have.. do you have it in one go.....?... that is 22 units?
Everyone reacts so differently to insulin and can be on such different ratios that you can't really say one lot of insulin is a lot or not. think I'm right in saying Matt's on metformin as well (correct me if I'm wrong - think I saw it on another thread) so with probable insulin resistance thrown into the mix 22 isn't necessarily that high an amount.
Matt do you not carb count? It seems very odd to me that you're not adjusting your doses depending on what you're eating.
It would seem tha I am on a real lot of Insulin then!....I have:

5 Units for Breakfast: One slice of toast and tea.

12 Units for Lunch: Ham sandwich, tea and 1 biscuit.

22 to 28 Units for Dinner: Dinner varies hence variation in Insulin.

Then, I have 30 Units Levimer 10 pm at night....and still get fasting readings of 8.9 to 10 in the morning. Generally, my levels will drop afternoon then rise again after dinner....For example, tonight 3 hours post Roast dinner I was at 12.7...I took 2 units Novorapid to correct?

To be honest, have not seen DSN in ages, left to my own devices really and told carb counting no good because I am type 2 and Insulin resistant. My Insulin intake is just trial and error really....Not looking after my food intake over past few weeks, been difficult family time....i have gained 7lb in weight in 4 weeks!.....Not great when you are already so overweight as I am!!
As far as I understand it your basal insulin should govern your base bg fasting level. So according to NovoNordisk (who make levemir) you should adjust your evening levemir to get your morning fasting level down. I am told to not go to b
ed with a reading less than 8 (if it is I generally have a packet of crisps). If you are>7 in the morning then increase the levemir by 2 units keep this level for three days and repeat. I can't speak for bolus insulin but I would have thought that getting the base level low enough was the first step and then you need to carb count for the bolus dosage. I tend to have a morning fasting level about 1 less than the bedtime level so about the 5.5-7 range, with 80 units evening and 80 units morning (so everyone's dosages vary). I also try and keep a fairly consistent diet (with low carbs intake, not always possible but it does help keep things level and explainable)
It would seem tha I am on a real lot of Insulin then!....I have:

5 Units for Breakfast: One slice of toast and tea.

12 Units for Lunch: Ham sandwich, tea and 1 biscuit.

22 to 28 Units for Dinner: Dinner varies hence variation in Insulin.

Then, I have 30 Units Levimer 10 pm at night....and still get fasting readings of 8.9 to 10 in the morning. Generally, my levels will drop afternoon then rise again after dinner....For example, tonight 3 hours post Roast dinner I was at 12.7...I took 2 units Novorapid to correct?

To be honest, have not seen DSN in ages, left to my own devices really and told carb counting no good because I am type 2 and Insulin resistant. My Insulin intake is just trial and error really....Not looking after my food intake over past few weeks, been difficult family time....i have gained 7lb in weight in 4 weeks!.....Not great when you are already so overweight as I am!!

I am on very amounts of insulin to

4 units for breakfast

2 units for dinner

10 units fot tea

Then 16 units of levimer for my background insulin, i usually always have a hypo after breakfast or dinner, very rareley after tea, as i think i am still honeymooning, this amount i take will change?, it is rare for me to get readings over the ten mark, if i was 8 should i be correcting?
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