Copper bracelets, magnetic bracelets, crystals, unusual diets, meditation, etc

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Beware of the Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. (Latin for "after this, therefore because of this"; temporal sequence implies causation) – X happened, then Y happened; therefore X caused Y. If you try a treatment and there is an improvement, it does not follow that the treatment caused the improvement, because there might be another explanation. To prove that you need to perform a proper scientific trial. If the treatment has been shown to be effective it will be available on the NHS.
Yes. That’s in part why I asked about “alternative” aids. If we think something works we may then feel better and start a virtuous circle of well-being.

A quiet mind, free of fear and anxiety, is always helpful, even when we’re fit and well so with chronic conditions I think it’s great idea. Especially if it helps us focus on what we have rather than what we have lost or never had. So mindfulness and/or meditation sound like a good idea.

I might try the magic crystals anyhow… just in case!
Why restrict to crystals? Magic socks, magic sausages and magic doorknobs could be worth a try too. After all, one cannot know without trying them!
My local shop Villagers Fine Sausages make excellent sausages and having eaten a fair number of them I can confirm they are indeed magic. Do try them if you’re ever in the Beckenham area.
I quite resent the fact that colours of socks can apparently be helpful since most women don't always wear socks!
If they are magic, how do we know that they aren't invisible and that you ladies are perhaps being economical with the truth? I understand there are precedents for this type of economy.
Methinks Roland has been partnered with a Mrs Roland for some time!

(My old mate Esme (Weatherwax) and I are in full agreement that ladies very often don't get proper credit for their inbuilt headology expertise)
We should have special like emojis for Discworld references.
This thread has clearly gone bonkers!
My house was far too full of things and I struggled to sort out and throw away, but I developed a couple of strategies and gradually things thinned out. Recently I got around to sorting book cases and decided that I don't need reference books as that sort of thing is available on the internet. Also that if civilisation was going to break down it could just get on with it without me.
After many decades of biting my nails, I stopped.
I do not yet have a drawer full of perfectly clean ironed tea towels, and I suspect that isn't going to happen, ever, but something has changed somewhere. I have no idea what it was though.
Most Discworld lovers are actually perfectly intelligent and completely sane individuals. As indeed are those who equally enjoy the Brentford Trilogy books.

I read something somewhere this year about them filming a sequel to Good Omens, but haven't seen anything since.
Never tried streaming anything as yet. Not as good as Mk 1 then Carlos?
Never tried streaming anything as yet. Not as good as Mk 1 then Carlos?
Just different, more in your face guffaw Neal than understated chuckle Terry. It probably depends which one tickles your fancy more.
I respect the right of people to think that Crystal therapy , reiki or similar things help them but there's no scientific evidence that they do
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