Copper bracelets, magnetic bracelets, crystals, unusual diets, meditation, etc

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Has anyone experience of non-medical devices, habits or diets that have worked for them?

I’m old enough to still be surprised by the wonders of life on this planet despite being an overtly rational sort. However I’m open to try things that have worked for others… assuming there are positive results from some of these things - placebo or not, if it works it works!
The lack of answers is probably an answer in itself.
Meditation and mindfulness has a growing body of clinical evidence to support its effectiveness.

The other things… I think less so?

Placebo effects fascinate me. Particularly the way they become stronger where things are ’more medically‘ or at a higher ‘dose’. And astonishingly that they still manifest themselves even if the person knows they are taking/using a placebo. o_O 😱 😳
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Meditation and mindfulness has a growing body of clinical evidence to support its effectiveness.

The other things… I think less so?

Placebo effects fascinate me. Particularly the way they become stronger where things are ’more medically‘ or at a higher ‘dose’. And astonishingly that they still manifest themselves even if the person knows they are taking/using a placebo. o_O 😱 😳
Yes. That’s in part why I asked about “alternative” aids. If we think something works we may then feel better and start a virtuous circle of well-being.

A quiet mind, free of fear and anxiety, is always helpful, even when we’re fit and well so with chronic conditions I think it’s great idea. Especially if it helps us focus on what we have rather than what we have lost or never had. So mindfulness and/or meditation sound like a good idea.

I might try the magic crystals anyhow… just in case!
Yes, destressing is generally a good idea, for diabetes and life in general.

Destressing is less distressing :D
I like crystals because they’re pretty rocks and I like the storytelling elements around them and use that as an aid to focus with meditation. Although I don’t think they’re useful to put in drinking water as some people recommend (and some crystals are actively dangerous). I also use tarot cards in a similar way as it gets me to pause and think about what I’m struggling with or need to prioritise that day. I’m out of the habit of meditating at the moment but when I do it often I do feel the benefit. I prefer guided meditations as a way of allowing me to focus on my breath and to stop my brain from going off into tangents but some people prefer walking meditation or just using music. I do think focus on breath and breathing well helps with all sorts of things in life and just our general ability to cope. Mindfulness can be harmful for some people who already struggle with certain mental health issues so finding the way to calmly breath and ground yourself varies from person to person but in general there are proven benefits to meditation/mindfulness where as there aren’t proven benefits to crystals and the like. Meditation, mindfulness, and hypnosis have a lot of overlapping areas and the terms often get used interchangeably so try a few styles and see what works. There are loads of good resources online and on apps these days so you can find what suits.
I don’t know whether you mean to help our diabetes or not. If so, no, but I once wore a magnet in my knickers for six months to help with menopausal hot flushes, it seemed to work then suddenly they all started up again, the biggest problem with that method was I kept getting stuck to shopping trolleys!
I’ve got two very bad shoulders, I’ve had numerous steroid injections which work for a while. I then tried acupuncture, helped for a wee while, then Chinese pine oil, that didn’t help I just smelt like a Christmas tree. Recently I’ve tried turmeric essential oil, that stained my clothes and I smelt like curry! And shoulders are no better! I have tried to keep an open mind but obviously not open enough!
I don’t know whether you mean to help our diabetes or not. If so, no, but I once wore a magnet in my knickers for six months to help with menopausal hot flushes, it seemed to work then suddenly they all started up again, the biggest problem with that method was I kept getting stuck to shopping trolleys!
I’ve got two very bad shoulders, I’ve had numerous steroid injections which work for a while. I then tried acupuncture, helped for a wee while, then Chinese pine oil, that didn’t help I just smelt like a Christmas tree. Recently I’ve tried turmeric essential oil, that stained my clothes and I smelt like curry! And shoulders are no better! I have tried to keep an open mind but obviously not open enough!
I love it! I’m gonna look for curry flavoured magnet-fitted under-trousers!
I’ve used magnetic therapy with the animals, with varying degrees of success. One thing you can count on with animals is the lack of placebo effect. They have no concept that the magnetic collar (dog) or the hock boots (horse) is supposed to be doing some good, they can only react accordingly. One of the dogs had an almost instant reaction to the magnetic collar. His mobility increased dramatically, while another showed little improvement at all. The magnetic horse boots always seemed to work and many top horse yards invest hundreds if not thousands of pounds in magnetic rugs and boots.

I have a few crystal bracelets, mainly because I like the pretty colours. I’m not really convinced of their effectiveness though.

De-stressing and meditation however are well proven to have significant health benefits. Long term prolonged stress is a killer.
I don’t know whether you mean to help our diabetes or not. If so, no, but I once wore a magnet in my knickers for six months to help with menopausal hot flushes, it seemed to work then suddenly they all started up again, the biggest problem with that method was I kept getting stuck to shopping trolleys!
I’ve got two very bad shoulders, I’ve had numerous steroid injections which work for a while. I then tried acupuncture, helped for a wee while, then Chinese pine oil, that didn’t help I just smelt like a Christmas tree. Recently I’ve tried turmeric essential oil, that stained my clothes and I smelt like curry! And shoulders are no better! I have tried to keep an open mind but obviously not open enough!
It is OK to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls off.
I'm afraid you can't. Even if they can't read the label, you can, and animals will react to you.
Hmmm you will have to explain this in more detail. How can a dog, for example know the difference between me putting on a magnetic collar or a normal nylon or leather collar? All I’m doing is putting on the collar.
Hmmm you will have to explain this in more detail. How can a dog, for example know the difference between me putting on a magnetic collar or a normal nylon or leather collar? All I’m doing is putting on the collar.
How can you know that the dog wouldn't have improved with a non magnetic collar?

To test this properly you would need a large number of dogs that are unwell to substantially the same degree and condition. Divide in three groups at random.

* one group will not receive a collar
* the second group will receive a placebo collar
* the third group will get the magnetic collar

The two collars are designed to be identical so the person putting the collar on the dog doesn't know which they are using.

Then you look for differences in outcome between the groups.
How can a dog, for example know the difference between me putting on a magnetic collar or a normal nylon or leather collar?
The way you do it, the way you talk when you're doing it, perhaps even the way you smell when you're doing it. And when you're deciding whether the collar "worked" or not, you know what kind of collar you used. (All of which is why the best kind of evidence has some kind of double blinding: you don't just want the patients (animals or humans) not to know what's being used, you want the experimenters not to know either (until the blinding is removed). Obviously double blinding isn't always practical, but that doesn't make it not valuable when it is.)
I don’t know whether you mean to help our diabetes or not. If so, no, but I once wore a magnet in my knickers for six months to help with menopausal hot flushes, it seemed to work then suddenly they all started up again, the biggest problem with that method was I kept getting stuck to shopping trolleys!
I’ve got two very bad shoulders, I’ve had numerous steroid injections which work for a while. I then tried acupuncture, helped for a wee while, then Chinese pine oil, that didn’t help I just smelt like a Christmas tree. Recently I’ve tried turmeric essential oil, that stained my clothes and I smelt like curry! And shoulders are no better! I have tried to keep an open mind but obviously not open enough!
Oh I will not try that... stuck to a shopping trolley or worse still I suspect if I tried the alarm going off at the door..........
I have successfully used acupuncture a few times with physiotherapy.
I believe the way it is thought to work is to stimulate blood flow in the area helping healing.
The acupuncture was in the area of the injury.
I am not sure about the idea of a needle in my foot healing a problem with my liver (or pancreas).
I had acupuncture decades ago on somebody's recommendation to help with a neck problem. It felt exactly like having sharp needles stuck in my back & was completely useless.

Long before that, my mother took me to a chiropractor for basically the same problem. No idea why she thought that was a good idea, but it was slightly worse than useless.
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Had a friend who practised reflexology and always remember his sitting on the floor in front of the sofa I was sitting on when he and his wife had come back to ours for a coffee after we'd all been out, him picking up my bare foot and apparently just playing with it a bit then demanding to know 'How long since you had a pooh, madam!' I beg your pardon? Oh never mind, you will after we go home now anyway .... and he was correct. And it had been some days.
Hmmm you will have to explain this in more detail. How can a dog, for example know the difference between me putting on a magnetic collar or a normal nylon or leather collar? All I’m doing is putting on the collar.
You feel less anxious because you're doing something, maybe even subconsciously encourage the movement/reaction you are looking for more.

Placebo effect is proven to work on babies, and they have absolutely no concept of what the labels say or even necessarily that they are having treatment. But the parents do
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