Contraceptive pill and high BGs

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Haven't posted on here pretty much since my diagnosis - so hello again!

I am wondering - have any women experienced BG control issues with the contraceptive pill? I am having an issue where my BG is dropping massively in my pill free week, and my insulin need the rest of the time just seems to be going up and up. I am T1 but I guess it may have the same effect on T2 too.

I would be very grateful for any thoughts... should I stop taking and use alternative methods?

Hi, I'm not type 1 myself (my son is, so no help there!) - but I know from female T1 friends that the monthly cycle plays havoc with BG levels, typically causing high BG levels the week before a period, and lows/hypos during the period, so hormones do wreak havoc. If you were already taking this particular Pill before your diagnosis, you might need to check with the GP that it's still suitable - my friend couldn't have the combined Pill, and had a mini Pill (progesterone only I think).
Thank you Redkite that's very helpful! Yes hormones do seem to be a bit of an issue. On so many levels, right?! I feel like maybe the pill is making it worse though, but I will speak to my GP to see what she thinks.
I have the birth control implant so unfortunately can't help you too much but I eould suggest asking your GP if there are any other pills you can take instead. Like redkite says, hormones wreak havoc with your body including BGs! The joys of being a woman!!

Ps I love your username :D
Hi, im on the pill where you don't have the "week off" so I haven't noticed any problems with mine. I'm not on insulin though.
Hope you manage to get something that works for you.
I'm not on the pill, but my monthly cycle is a pain where my BGs are concerned. I tend to have higher readings during my period, therefore needing more insulin, but the few days around ovulation time, I tend to get much lower readings. Different for everyone I guess, but hormones are a blooming pain!

Just a bit of useless information - I'm a vet nurse, and if we have a female dog that has developed diabetes, and hasn't been spayed, one of the first things that is often recommended is to spay her, as the hormones play havoc with the diabetes! Once spayed, the dog is often much more controlled and some have gone back to a pre-diabetic state! Dogs have a very different cycle to us, but still, shows the effect that hormones do have!
Thanks everyone! How interesting to hear of different and varied experiences. Perhaps it is just hormones, and not the pill - though my BG tends to drop as soon as I stop taking the pill for the pill free week, not necessarily when my period starts, if that makes sense.

I might try coming off it, though I want to avoid unnecessary changes to avoid disruption, and it may not help. Maybe, like you say rosiecarmel, I should ask about other pills. Oh decisions, decisions!

Mini-Vicki, how weird about the dogs - but not altogether surprising. Hormones seem to effect literally everything, it's so dull.
Well, the pill is a hormone, so it definitely could be having an affect.

It's the progesterone in dogs that plays havoc, so depending on the type of pill maybe this could be having an effect?

Definitely worth asking your doctor, or DSN!

Good luck!
Ok so I haven't gone back on the pill - and my BG is remaining low. Think I will have to reduce my basal insulin. I also have quite a lot more energy and my on and off headache is improving. Interestingly, I looked up side effects of Loestrin 30 (the pill I was on) and I found that it has been linked to a 'decrease in glucose tolerance'. I am taking this to mean that it can make you more insulin resistant - correct me if I am wrong?

In fact, writes: 'A decrease in glucose tolerance has been observed in a significant percentage of patients on oral contraceptives. The mechanism of this decrease is obscure. For this reason, pre-diabetic and diabetic patients should be carefully observed whilst receiving Loestrin.'

So I am quite glad that I'm off it, and frankly I am not that fussed about finding another type of hormone to take. I think the less I take at the moment, the better.

Thanks for all your help!
Sounds like there might be better options for you if these were associated with headaches. Do bear in mind that women with diabetes are advised to plan their pregnancies if possible to ensure as tight control as possible of their diabetes before conception, so you might want to visit the GP for a "plan B" contraceptive. X
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