Contraception: Girls Only!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

If you're are happy to share, what do you use for contraception? How do your docs/DSNs feel about it?

I tried several different types of the combined pill, but found that they all gave me thrush-like symptoms - something I'm prone to anyway, is very uncomfortable and completely defeats the purpose of contraception!

I'm loathed to try the Mirena coil, which is what my doc wants me to try... I've heard so many horror stories about it, I'm really not keen.

Have been told because of my age (20) & diabetes, they're not prepared to let me try the mini pill because it's less effective and must be taken at exactly the same time every day.

So at the moment we're only using condoms. My body feels much better being allowed its natural cycle, but every month when waiting on my period I get very anxious!
Hi there we are using exactly the same just the condom at the moment,I want to stop using it and try for a baby but alas he does not .So yeah condom only for us im afraid to x
Hi, despite being 57 I am still fertile damn it. Anyway I have had a Mirena coil for 4 years and it has been ok. It means bleeding is minimal which is a bonus but it has caused acne which to me is a problem and means I take antibiotics all the time to keep it in check. It has to come out by next year and I will not have another so fingers x the menopause happens soon.
We used condoms. Because of my high blood pressure my GP was reluctant to prescribe any of the pills, but I think things have changed in the last few years. I'm not keen on condoms...
Aside from a short period in my 20s we've always used condoms, a friend however, has a Mirena coil and finds it works fine for her.
I take microgynon, a combined pill. I started taking it when I was about 18 as I suffer with PMDD (pre menstrual dysphoric disorder - good one to google if you're bored, wiki has an excellent description of it). It would rule my life completely so my GP put me on the pill and told me to take it continuously, and to take a break every 3 or 4 months. I've been doing this for years and it works well for me. I hate condoms and will only use them if I'm on antibiotics or something.
I have been happy for 4 years with the Mirena. It was no hassle having it put in. It was done as a day case under a local anaesthetic as they also wanted to have a look round with a camera first. Most people opt for a general aneasthetic for that but I'm a big brave girl lol and said I would prefer to be awake and apart from a bit of pushing around felt nothing and it was all done in 20 mins. I have gained a lot of weight but I think that was more to do with Actos and Gliclazide and now I am on Byetta, ditched the Actos and reduced Glic, the weight is falling off. The biggest problem is Acne and have needed oxytetracyline ever since. I tried to come off it but the acne was back with avengance. I'm hoping the menopause is not far off for me and so will have the coil removed in the next couple of months, it has to come out by February anyway. Then I will gradually reduce the oxytet and hope the skin problems will have gone.
Anyone seen "The Switch", another film involving conception without sex? We got free preview tickets last week.

Implantable contraception is another option - soft "sticks" inserted under skin - some find more convenient than daily pills.
Anyone seen "The Switch", another film involving conception without sex? We got free preview tickets last week.

Implantable contraception is another option - soft "sticks" inserted under skin - some find more convenient than daily pills.

Yes I watched 'The Switch' yesterday, terrible film - as bad as it looks 😉
If you watch it expecting it to be REALLY BAD, you might think it's an ok film.
I use cerazette, the progesterone only pill, which was agreed with my DSN. It doesn't have to be taken at the same time every day, and it's never affected my blood sugars. 🙂
I'm on Cerazette too, they made me switch when I got diabetes. I find it fine, and you get no periods too, which I quite like! You can take it up to 12 hours late, and I've not had any problems with mood swings etc. It's made my "bacne" worse, but hey, it's normally under wraps!

Been on Depo injection for 20 years and brilliant. No monthlies, no PMT. One injection every 12 weeks and thats it!
Not sure they would let you have it at 20 though.
I was offered it when I was 26, so i would have thought it would be suitable for you, Steff. Not sure if there is a lower age limit.

My friend had the implant in her arm and thought it was great.
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