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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Some may be aware I am on ozempic 0.5 3rd week now. I do suffer from constipation usually however this seems worse. I had a bad weekend last weekend with an episode on IBS Saturday to be precise. I have been stoning lots of water and fybrogel but nothing since Saturday. I can’t believe I’m discussing such matters but I am frightened that if I don’t manage to go I’ll get a build up and get colic pains and vomit again. I’m eating some fruit a fybogel every day and loads of water. I think ozempic has reduced my appetite a lot so not eating a lot of food! Has anyone got any ideas of what I can do? I am on other pain medication which I know can cause constipation but that and a bit of nausea is not the most wonderful feeling in the world. Someone suggested movacol and an other Dualax? Tammi Wynette sings it’s hard to be a woman…..try being a diabetic too!!
sorry I cant help with suggestions but I've seen your thread and wanted to send some hugs your way, not having a fun time of it are you? <3

Also I think most here wont bat an eyelid reading about constipation (or the opposite) so don't be worrying yourself for posting about it.

Hope someone can offer you some practical suggestions x
Have you tried to go for a walk? If nowt else, try walking as far as possible inside your house, for as long as you can. Plus usually - eating oranges for 'pudding' for a couple of days on the trot. The roughage provided by the skin (no, NOT the peel, the skin between the segments) and the connective tissue, as well as the acidity and stuff in em, seems to do it for me. When I was younger - tinned pineapple did it. Yes I know very well both are high carb, I'm not suggesting you eat 10 tons!
I have found prunes work better than any fruit or Senna. 3 or 4 with breakfast but remember to allow for the Carbs.
look up glycerol suppositories they may help and also ortis from holland and Barret. but don't get them mixed up🙂
look up glycerol suppositories they may help and also ortis from holland and Barret. but don't get them mixed up🙂

Someone where I used to work swallowed a suppository after picking up a prescription at lunchtime and not reading the instructions. It became a 999 job and a lot of laughs when he returned to work!
Thank you for all suggestions much appreciated so today I eat 2 oranges, 4 prunes, pineapple and senna and stuff in a suppository all the time marching around the house to brass band music!
Only kidding thank you
I’ll post when I’ve been!
Good that you can joke about it but really feel for you. Bunged up below and feeling sick at the top end is a most unpleasant combination. @gll is so right though. Please do not feel awkward discussing such things here. It is a very valid topic on the forum and crops up regularly.
Personally I use psyllium husk (the active ingredient in Fibogel) and chia seeds in a morning drink followed by another glass of water to rinse out all the bits stuck to the glass and then my morning coffee with cream. I then spend the rest of the morning going to the loo to wee.... I bet I don't drink more than a couple of pints but all that fluid and more seems to come straight back out. 🙄 My bowel movements are pretty regular though and score well on the Bristol Stool chart for shape and form 😎 (Google it if you don't know it 😉 ) so I feel that my morning fibre drink does the trick for me.

Anyway, I am also sending (((hugs))) and well wishes for a speedy and comfortable resolution..... Maybe if we all give you a good firm hug at the same time we could fix it 😱
Thank you for all suggestions much appreciated so today I eat 2 oranges, 4 prunes, pineapple and senna and stuff in a suppository all the time marching around the house to brass band music!
Only kidding thank you
I’ll post when I’ve been!

It's the Gold Cup this afternoon but we could have a sweepstake here. I will go for 4:30!
Similar to @rebrascora I find chia seeds (99p from Tesco) do a brilliant job. Sprinkle over yogurt or in soup. Drink a reasonable amount of water and have a daily walk. Really works for me where prunes, Dulcolax, lactulose etc have failed!
OTOH if there are people working at the hairdressers shop and it's not an entirely virtual salon they must - by Law - therefore also have a loo! :rofl:
I was "bunged up" when I started my diet, and got myself one of these stools to put my feet on (not this exact one, there's loads on Amazon) and it's made proceedings easier! Apparently, we evolved to squat down to poo*, and sitting on a loo isn't optimal for throughput.
It's been better since I got the stool, and I haven't felt like I need gas and air and a lie down afterwards.
I hope that you get it sorted.

*it was that or squat in the garden, but I didn't think the neighbours were ready for that, and I certainly wasn't
  • Haha
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Hey Windy that was a good pun (stool) I wish!
I’ll try anything at the moment. All joking apart I’ve no appetite and a face like a slapped arse as I’m so miserable with it all. I’m just hoping next week will be better!
Thanks everyone all very supportive xx
I been racking my brains for what they gave me post amputation with super strong painkillers and antibiotics causing issues. It was called Movicol (nickname TNT!). If you get some don't go out!

Editted - predictive text thought my brains belonged to Brian! :(
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