Constipation from Medication


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had some mixed constipation and loose bowels from metformin

I am now on ozempic tablets and it's difficulty in passing that's the problem

Are those fybogel say every other day worth trying ?
I had some mixed constipation and loose bowels from metformin

I am now on ozempic tablets and it's difficulty in passing that's the problem

Are those fybogel say every other day worth trying ?
That should help, also staying hydrated. Senna products can help, also lactulose can be useful.
Thank you

I am on the high dose so if the constipation continues I may request a reduction if its successfully reducing my readings
I have the same problem and take 2 dioctyl tablets a day to prevent constipation, but if I haven’t been for a day or two I take luxido laxatives.
I’m on a NJ nasal tube feed at the moment so can’t control my diet and that is one of the side effects.
Plenty of fluids too.
I have the same problem and take 2 dioctyl tablets a day to prevent constipation, but if I haven’t been for a day or two I take luxido laxatives.
I’m on a NJ nasal tube feed at the moment so can’t control my diet and that is one of the side effects.
Plenty of fluids too.
You take ozempic tablets ?

I noticed it made constipation worse within 2 days

I was going to go and see the nurse but fybogel is quite mild I believe
You take ozempic tablets ?

I noticed it made constipation worse within 2 days

I was going to go and see the nurse but fybogel is quite mild I believe
No, but I get constipation from the liquid feed i am on and the painkillers I have to take to control my pancreatitis pains.
No, Oxycodone, which I only take when its really bad. More often than not through the night.
When I was on co-codomol for my broken ankle, I ate a fair bit of fruit which helped me to "go". I know as T2s we can't eat much fruit but maybe add some berries into your diet?
I use a mixture of chia seeds and psyllium husk (which is the active ingredient in Fibogel) in flavoured water to keep me regular. Soluble fibre is important, particularly when we reduce our carb intake, as we lose a lot of the fibre we previously got from grains. It is a much more gentle way to deal with constipation than laxatives which tend to cause a spasming of the gut, whereas soluble fibre just produces a bulk of gel which passes through the gut taking everything with it. It is really important to have plenty of fluids with a fibre supplement which is why I have it in a glass of flavoured water and the Fibogel is obviously made into a drink. If you don't have enough fluids the fibre can cause you to become more bunged up, so really important to have plenty of fluids with these type of supplements. I also use them to thicken soups and stews instead of flour as they are tasteless in themselves and no appreciable carbs.
Forgot to mention that soluble fibre also helps reduce cholesterol and is generally beneficial for the gut.
Yes, psyllium husk is the active ingredient and it is high in soluble fibre and very low on carbs. It turns to a sort of gel when you add it to water as the fibre absorbs the water.

I am taking one every morning now till things ease.....and they have ....then 1 Monday, Wednesday, Friday for a month
Good to hear they are helping. I try to take my fibre drink every day to keep my gut happy and regular. I don't buy Fibogel, just the basic ingredient, psyllium ( I buy in bulk off ebay) and use that together with whole chia seeds (which I buy from Lidl). My sister just used chia seeds as she finds they work best for her, but I like the combination of both.
Good to hear they are helping. I try to take my fibre drink every day to keep my gut happy and regular. I don't buy Fibogel, just the basic ingredient, psyllium ( I buy in bulk off ebay) and use that together with whole chia seeds (which I buy from Lidl). My sister just used chia seeds as she finds they work best for her, but I like the combination of both.
Unflavoured sachets ?
They are not in sachets. I just buy bags of psyllium husk and bags of whole chia seeds and I put a scoop (about a dessert spoon) of each in a glass of flavoured water, give it a stir, let it sit for a few mins so that it starts to go a bit gelatinous, give it another stir and drink it down. I really enjoy it, but I suppose it depends what you flavour it with.

What I was trying to say is that I don't view it as a short term remedy for constipation but more as a part of my healthy diet.
They are not in sachets. I just buy bags of psyllium husk and bags of whole chia seeds and I put a scoop (about a dessert spoon) of each in a glass of flavoured water, give it a stir, let it sit for a few mins so that it starts to go a bit gelatinous, give it another stir and drink it down. I really enjoy it, but I suppose it depends what you flavour it with.

What I was trying to say is that I don't view it as a short term remedy for constipation but more as a part of my healthy diet.
Yes thats what I meant , taking one of these 3 or 4 times a week as a routine rather than when I am having difficulty going
Very strong coffee in a cafetiere each morning......that's my coffee hit for thd for me.