Consistent high readings even after corrections?!?

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Hi unicornz, just to say we use Medtronic and don't have to go through DSN, just phone and ask, always been helpful as far as we are concerned 🙂
Hi guys thanks for the info - I've rung them this afternoon to explain the problem and they are going to do a test with me later to make sure the 'no delivery' alarm is working as intended (couldn't do that at work as apparently I need something for it from my pump box). I don't know what they're going to say if the alarm is working - because if it is then that means I am getting the insulin and the problem couldn't be with the pump then.

I know that should be a relief, but it isn't because that will leave me right back at the start with no clue why I'm having these weird levels :confused:
the simple way to tell if you have a problem with delivery is to keep basal on your pump and do all corrections and bolus by pen/syringe.
You can also use a small measuring spoon and bolus into it and measure the amount into a syringe.

Do make sure you tell them the problem is intermitent.
It's also all very well them saying this test of theirs will tell if no delivery but it wont tell if you are being short changed on delivery will it?

If they are unhelpful just ask your dsn for a loan pump and transfer all your data over and see if you have better results.
Thanks Sue, I did make sure to mention the problem was intermittent. What do you mean by short changed on delivery?

I'm carrying a pen on me at the moment so when it happens again I will correct with my pen instead and see if that does bring it down 🙂
Thanks Sue, I did make sure to mention the problem was intermittent. What do you mean by short changed on delivery?

I'm carrying a pen on me at the moment so when it happens again I will correct with my pen instead and see if that does bring it down 🙂

Short changed as in the pump is delivering but not the full dose.
So instead of say 5 units it might just be delivering 4 units.
Well, rang the helpline last night and as I feared I am now back to square one. It took ages to get through, asked me loads of questions which I guess is his job and he has to make sure I am not doing anything obvious wrong...

Either way, they tested if the 'no delivery' alarm was working, which it was (eventually, after 4.8 units it kicked in although I never take near that much when I'm correcting) so there was nothing else they could do for me. They won't send me a new pump because as far as they are concerned it's working as intended.

I'm completely at a loss now, although it hasn't happened again for quite a few days.
It's quite simple then ask your dsn for a spare pump to try out.

As I also said measure out amount in a spoon and then use a syringe to see if full amount in the spoon. Do this in front of your dsn.

Other options to think about. The corrections that do not seem to work are they at the same time of day? If so then perhaps you need your correction factor changed.
The problem is that this is happening very sporadically, so if I measured the amount of insulin given now it would almost certainly be the right amount. The only way is to wait until it happens again and try it then.

The problem corrections also happen very randomly, they can happen at any time of the day (had a few in the afternoon and one at night before I went to bed and also one in the morning) and they can also happen with any site. Sometimes it happens just after a set change and sometimes it happens halfway through day two of the change :(
As already stated ask for a loan pump for a couple of weeks then see what happens.

I do have to say though I think it's very poor service from medtronic. If you are not confident the pump is working correctly then they should replace it.
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