Confused about Insulin Carb ratios

The readings tend to go down no matter what position i lay down on tbh, although i believe it goes down a little faster when i'm on my sides (both sides). I do toss and turn a lot so maybe it could be related to that. It does make me eat out of fear thinking that my levels are dropping fast randomly and it has made me stop taking the quick insulin a few times.

I don't think the sensor is accurate at all and i may just stop using them. It annoys me with the error's, random notifications or when my bank card touches it and the (scan the insulin pen failed) message always pops up. They should have an option to turn it off.

I did have two finger prick devices, one broke at work nearly a month ago and the other i think might also be damaged inside as i get error codes quite a lot and the readings are always all over the place. Even when i place blood on the strip and it counts down to give me the reading, there are many times that after it's 5 second count down, it props up with an error code like it can't read it be it blood issue or device issue. I only know of the battery error which does pop up a lot even when i change the batteries.

The less i think of it, the happier and less stressed i am tbh.