Conditions for Byetta

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Just back from my Xpert course - the DSN running it works with the DSN i'm seeing on Monday night. She has confirmed I wont qualify for Byetta as i would need a higher BMI.

So will see what she says on Monday - I have been for my blood taking this morning, so at least she will have up to date results when I see her.

Hi Emma - really sorry to hear this for you, but at least you know now and the wondering is over.

Was the course good?
Lucy - I asked the nurse about my hypos/type 2 as my HbA1C 3 months ago was 46 and 2 days ago it was 44 - she said mine was great and all was well - well it cant be when i have all these hypos - yes it may give an average which is fine if u dont have hypos but they DO give an inaccurate reading so i dont believe she is right. Trouble is i have to wait until 3 Aug to see the Endocrinologist to find out any more ....... i think these tests r pointless if u have hypos most days coz it will show in incorrect average. that is unless i am not understanding this correctly. Wot do u think? :(
I really enjoyed it Lucy, as this is still all a bit new to me it was very helpful.

Talking with a room full of people in the same boat was probably as much use as lots of the course but it is nice to meet other people who "get it" and can share their experiences.

Well, roll on Monday, we'll see what the nurse suggests.....
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