Concerned daughter- help!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi everyone,

Sorry for the long post.

My mum has type2 and on Monday woke up with a terrible pain in her stomach, she saw her GP who said she had Ketoacidosis and wanted her to go to the hospital. Mum is terrified of hospital and her GP said ok call me bk in 24hrs if your not any better. GP prescribed her an anti-biotic and Buscopan for her stomach. (I did tell my mum that these meds will not cure her DKA!)

Well, she’s not any better and I’m convinced she’s telling me that she has called her GP and is waiting on a call back for an appointment is a lot of rubbish and she’s saying that to keep me quiet. I know that DKA is a medical emergency, I feel like my mum and step-dad are telling in denial about it all. I’m stressed out my head with worry.

Should I call her GP? I know they can’t tell me anything but the receptionist can listen and pass it on to the GP?

She’s 73 years old.

Her diabetic nurse took her off all her pills and put her on a weekly injection which makes her run to the toilet every 15mins, not for a number 1 either and she’s losing weight.

Any advice would be great, I feel like I’m hitting my head off a brick wall as she doesn’t seem to understand how serious this is or could be.
Yes call the GP surgery and they will be able to see if she’s called or not and is the list for a callback. It sounds like she’s very unwell whatever the cause and needs to be seen. As it’s late on a Friday you might not get any result from the GP today but try.

Does she have a glucose monitor? If she does ask her what her current reading is. If she doesn’t then any pharmacy will be able to do it for her or you can buy one. That will give an indication if she’s at a overlap where she needs to be in hospital urgently.

Thank-you for your response.

Yes- she has a glucose monitor, last I heard it was 11 on Tuesday morning. Every time I have called this week she’s been sleeping except on 1 occasion where I gave her a reality check but nothing regarding seeing her GP has been done since then- I don’t think.
Ok, spoke with receptionist at mums GP surgery and the nurse called me back, she couldn’t tell me anything but she listened and is now calling my mum for a ‘follow up’
There was no record of a phone call/appointment from her or my step-dad- tbh, I didn’t think that there was!

A tonne has lifted off my shoulder’s!!

I will update and thank-you for the advice.
11 isn’t anything to be especially concerned about in terms of needing immediate action over blood glucose so it may be that there’s something else causing her to feel so ill. Hopefully the nurse will be able to get more details and give the appropriate advice.
Has your mum been checked for ketones? As an emergency measure you can pick up a tub 50 urine ketone strips at a chemist for about £5, which aren’t too convenient, but might give you a vague idea?
Hi everyone,

She’s now in hospital following a GP visit, doc worried that she has sepsis and DKA.

Temp 40.9° and blood sugar was 18. I know it can rise with an infection.

Thank-you all for ur advice and will keep you update.
Hi all,

Just an update from my original post.

Sadly, my mum passed away yesterday.

The treat for DKA is fluids, as u may know, her heart couldn’t cope with all the fluids and flooded her lungs, known as a flash pulmonary oedema (fluid in lungs), she also suffered a ‘silent’ heart attack, (Silent being common with Diabetic patients) she didn’t feel it but I noticed the change in her colour and breathing and informed the medics.

She fought through the night on Saturday, did a complete 180, which was great to see but suffered a cardiac arrest and passed away at 12:30 yesterday.

To say I’m heartbroken is an understatement. This was not a thought in my mind. I understood she was very sick but hoped she would make a complete recovery.

I’m so glad I contacted her GP practice on Friday night and got her the proper treatment she needed.

Thank-you for all your advice and hug all your loved ones, you just never know what’s around the corner.

Kind Regards,
Hi Carrie737, so sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely mum. Please feel free to give us a call or let us know if we can support you in any way. Sending you our love. x
Hi all,

Just an update from my original post.

Sadly, my mum passed away yesterday.

The treat for DKA is fluids, as u may know, her heart couldn’t cope with all the fluids and flooded her lungs, known as a flash pulmonary oedema (fluid in lungs), she also suffered a ‘silent’ heart attack, (Silent being common with Diabetic patients) she didn’t feel it but I noticed the change in her colour and breathing and informed the medics.

She fought through the night on Saturday, did a complete 180, which was great to see but suffered a cardiac arrest and passed away at 12:30 yesterday.

To say I’m heartbroken is an understatement. This was not a thought in my mind. I understood she was very sick but hoped she would make a complete recovery.

I’m so glad I contacted her GP practice on Friday night and got her the proper treatment she needed.

Thank-you for all your advice and hug all your loved ones, you just never know what’s around the corner.

Kind Regards,
So sorry to learn of your sad news.
Take care
So very sorry to read that you lost your Mum despite your best efforts to get her help. Sincerest sympathies to you and your family at this very sad time.
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