Combined Seasonal & Swine Flu jab

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flu vaccination

I am due my flu vaccination tomorrow morning 9am I have already had the swine flu vaccination anyone know if I will get both tomorrow I did suffer sore throat and very tender arm which came up like popeyes the last time😱

(forgot to say had swine flu jab around April

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I am due my flu vaccination tomorrow morning 9am I have already had the swine flu vaccination anyone know if I will get both tomorrow I did suffer sore throat and very tender arm which came up like popeyes the last time😱

(forgot to say had swine flu jab around April


See my update a couple of posts back - the seasonal vaccination for 2010/11 will have cover swine flu as well but is deleivered in a different way to the stand alone one and should not make your arm sore - this is what my PCT told me after reference to the Health Protection Agency.
in italy they are combined and they dont tell people because they had lots of surplus injection from last year and they did not know what to do so they covered it up there was a a big program on tv a few days ago (italian tv)
Have just had my jab at 8pm, its one jab which contains cover for the swine flu in it.

Sorry if its already been said, didnt read all the posts! :D
Mine was on Monday, in my left arm (I'm a leftie) which is still hurting now, only thing different to normal is a severe pain in both of my legs which came on today whilst walking from my place of work to the town center, some 3 miles away. I can live with it but may take some pain killers before I go to bed so I can sleep tonight, then tomorrow I am going to arrange an appointment to see my DSN about it (just to be safe) may just be a side effect of the jab, or may be otherwise, best to make sure isn't it.
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