Combined Seasonal & Swine Flu jab

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
In case you haven't heard, this year's flu jab will include the swine flu vaccine. Last year I had a severe allergic reaction to the swine flu jab and was advised not to have it again. My GP surgery have only just found out about this year's vaccination and are refusing to give it to me and I am reluctant to insist as last time I was so badly affected that I now am supposed to carry and Epipen everywhere because they can not catergorically say it was the swine flu jab...covering their backs of course!

Anyway, I am awaiting further advice from the NHS Direct people about my options- according to my DSN I have no options but I never go down without a fight so will report back later😉 In the meantime, I wanted to advise you all in case any of you are having the flu jab but are not yet aware about the swine flu element.
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Hi Lesley i had mine last night and i was poorly after it, went to bed at 12 and was up at 2 4 and then 7 with a poor tummy,hope you and them decide on the right course of action for you x
Crumbs! Sounds like one to look forward to then!! 😱 I had the swine flu jab as the panic was at it's peak when I was pregnant & due to the diabetes / preg double whammy was advised to do so- no adverse reactions so hopefully will be ok again this time... fingers crossed!!

Good 'heads-up' though! 🙂
I didn't have a problem with the swine flu jab last year, just a painful arm for a few days and it was a bit red but that went away.. got my flu jab on the 5th...
I can't have the flu jab because of my egg allergy and only got the swine flu one because there was an egg free version. I won't be getting either this year.
i had the swine flu jab last year, and i had the flu jab on monday consequently i seem to have a cold :|
danggg, time for high sugar levels oh the fun (Y)
mines on the 11th ..and its both flu and swine flu
Is it possible to get the seasonal flue without swine flu?
Is my surgery the only useless one that's not got the flu jabs organised yet? It's normally November before I get it.
I am booked in for Monday but when I was picking up a prescription today I noticed a notice which said some sessions later in the month were being postponed due to a shortage of vaccine. I don't know if its a production or delivery problem.
I've got mine on Saturday and I might be having a pneumonia one as well apparently

yay me :(
I am booked in for Monday but when I was picking up a prescription today I noticed a notice which said some sessions later in the month were being postponed due to a shortage of vaccine. I don't know if its a production or delivery problem.

when i went for my jabs re my trip to Tobago 😱😱😱 in november i asked if i could have the flu jab as well a trip back cos they hadnt got them yet .... i noticed today walking through town if you want to PAY for it ...the local Chemist has it available ...JUST DROP IN ...ummmm 🙄
I've got mine on Monday, hope that I don't react. Need the jab with my job so never refuse even if it does occasionally make me a little unwell.
I keep forgetting to ring the surgery.🙄
Is it possible to get the seasonal flue without swine flu?

Not it isn't I'm afraid - that is why my surgery will not let me have this combined jab in case the swine flu element causes the reaction I had last year when I had the 2 jabs separatley - I have never had a reaction to the seasonal jab.

The NHS people rang back and confirmed this - they told me that out of the several millions who had the swine flu jab only just over 3000 patients experienced adverse reactions and the authorities consider that this is too few for them to go to the expense of making separate injections.

So it is down to money and I have drawn the short straw. The NHS Direct people told me that I can register a complaint with my PCT - not sure how much effect that will have though. I am being denied treatment which could affect my health - i.e. I could get flu and suffer accordingly - hopefully this would not be life threatening but could mean a longer recovery as a diabetic.

Sad fact of life- we try to follow doctor's orders and take as many precautions as we can to keep ourselves healthy but you can't fight the statistics. Funny thing is that the nice NHS lady said to take the "normal" precautions against getting any type of flu. I asked her what they are- she said the same as last year- I asked her again what they were- I have never been given any official guidance! She said, washing hands, disposing of used tissues carefully etc. I commented that this is not very helpful unless everyone else follows the same procedure is it! I just hope I don't need to go anywhere near a GP surgery or hospital during the flu season where the germs all go for the holidays - that is the best precaution in my opinion! Sadly I have a diabetic check up in Nov ....maybe I should ask for a home visit😉
Around 5 years ago I was unfortunate to get flu and was in bed for nearly the whole week and was dreadfully ill, couldn't move my body or lift my head off the pillow and felt like death warmed up. Up until this time I use to say when I had a bad cold that I may have had the flu, but believe me you know when you have flu and it is highly dangerous to us as diabetics, so would urge people to give the flu vaccination some serious thought before dismissing it completely, after all flu can be life-threatening and is certainly not pleasant to experience. Toby.
well it never fails, every year just before i get my flu jab im down with flu ,
i happens every year lol sniffle sniffle lol ,had the swine flu last year then after it was gone they gave me the jab, no side effects though so not unhappy if they give me it this year again ,

Did a bit of digging around and ended up speaking to the lady who oragnises the flu jabs at my local PCT. She then spoke to the Health Protection Agency and these are the facts we came up with:

Last year's swine flu jab was given intravenoulsy and not into a fatty layer like the normal seasonal flu jab which is why some people suffered from soreness in the arm last year but are not doing so this year.

Last year's swine flu was prepared with an accelerant and this may be why some people had a reaction to it. This year's preparation is the same as previous years and the inclusion of the swine flu element should not give cause for concern as every year's conoction is changed to include current threats- ie it changes each year and we would probably have been none the wiser had they ahd time to slip it in with last year's normal dose!

In my case, the HPA strongly advise me to have the current vaccine and the lady at the PCT is goign to ring my surgery to discuss the facts with them.

I have to say I am well impressed with the service! Will let you know how it goes.
Just had my first flu jab and was also given the pneumonia jab too.

So far, so good.
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