• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


certainly have to agree since being diagnosed , im going to bed in 2 layers at the moment , im walking around all kitted up with my nighty dressing gown slippers and socks on lol,Mornings times are the worse when im getting kids off to school i get home and my finger ends are froze
I'm feeling sooo ill, got a really bad cold and i'm freezing! no matter how many jumpers i wear i'm still cold, boo :(

Since getting diabetes ive had so many more colds, has anyone else noticed this?
I have always had cold legs - but now everywhere is cold.
This evening the central heating is on, and I have 3 layers + my fleece jacket and a scarf.

I can always tell if my sugar drops because I am freezing cold, & if my sugar goes up I get hot!

I weigh 17st - so my weight has nothing to do with it.
Fingers and toes always seem cold.
Silk gloves seem to help the fingers and cotton mixture, not wool, socks ok for toes.

There are times when even they don't help. Gave up smoking in Oct 2008 after 52 years inhaling pipe smoke so the cold extremities could just be bad circulation not helped by diabetes.
know how you feel my feet are the worst they feel sometimes as if they are in a freezer
same here i got some of those cosey totes thing or whatever there called they seem to do the trick , when im in bed and i wake up in the morning my feet are still so cold