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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, question for you all, do you feel the cold more as a diabetic, i find if the heating goes off with in a few mintues i start to feel cold, my skin goes cold and it makes me feel really stressed cause i can feel my body getting colder, this probably sounds really strange but as soon as it warms up i feel better and my sugars go down and i don't feel quite so angry and stressed, do you feel the cold more? or is it just me lol
Absolutely! Since I was diagnosed I have had great difficulty keeping warm. I know this has been a colder winter than in recent years, but I shivered throughout the summer as well. Prior to diagnosis I used to walk out in t-shirts in -5 degrees and felt fine. Old ladies would castigate me in the street for not wrapping up well enough!

Part of my problem was the beta-blockers I was put on - these are notorious for having this effect. Also, I have heard that having lower blood pressure can also reduce your ability to withstand the cold, and I am on drugs for this also. It's impossible to say whether diabetes itself is responsible, because I haven't been off the drugs since I was diagnosed. I also have problems where my fingers or toes will go like blocks of ice, and no amount of rubbing will get them warm again:(
My temperature gauge definitely seems wonky since diagnosed - I feel the cold badly. I used to find hot weather difficult but now it seems a welcome relief on the rare occasions that it happens
Alex NEVER used to feel the cold - it was a struggle to get a coat on him - now he actually asked for a pair of thermals and he wears them every day!But he is a lot thinner than he was pre-diagnosis so perhaps thats why? Bev
All the time. People always laugh at me as I'am known for having the central heating on during the summer. Thought it was down to having low blood pressure (I know quite rare in diabetics). Got me thinking now though.

Used to start bit of a war in work. I would turn the heating up one end of the office while someone else would turn the air con on to freezing.
Well again now the heating is on my body is feeling better, the first time i thought i had flu but now obviously not and only been majorly since the insulin and the like, bit of a nightmare really and i feel like i'm in a sodding freezer if my heating is below 21 degrees :(
Makes me laugh. Prior to diagnosis never really took much notice what temp the thermostat was on. Now costing me a fortune. Don't seem to be able to function unless at 30 degrees (make excuses to other half saying house big so needs to be at that temp to keep it warm). Only thing is wish I did live in a big house to justify. He believes it though so what the hell.
I'd assumed I felt colder this winter because I'd lost so much weight prior to diagnosis but it seems from the above posts🙂 I am not alone in being a little shivery jelly !
I'm sad to say, I never feel cold, unless I'm unwell.

I have always been a hot person, and as soon as the warm weather starts it becomes a real pain for me!
I'd assumed I felt colder this winter because I'd lost so much weight prior to diagnosis but it seems from the above posts🙂 I am not alone in being a little shivery jelly !

I guess there's going to be an element of it due to weight if you were used to 'a good covering', but I've always been very slim and it's all new to me to feel cold like this. And yes, it's probably cost me at least twice as much to keep the house warm this winter! I notice that the energy companies are reducing their prices after we've used all the power, even though global prices have been low for ages - it's such a con! And another thing, the bus fares haven't come down after going up so much when the oil went up...moan...grumble...grrr!!!!😡

Sorry, went off on one there!🙂
I'm sad to say, I never feel cold, unless I'm unwell.

I have always been a hot person, and as soon as the warm weather starts it becomes a real pain for me!

Ikklemo, that's just how I used to be! I used to think that, at least if it's cold I can put another jumper on, whereas if it was hot there was a limit to what you could take off! But now, it's jumpers and a hot water bottle...
Northerner, you really have my sympathy - I don't know if I even own a jumper! I must confess that I do have a "wheat" hot bottle (the type that go in the microwave) as ocassionally I get chilly feet in the winter, but I think I use it more for comfort than warmth.

I only own two coats, a fleece that I wear all year round, unless it's raining when I have a short waterproof jacket.

And I agree there is a limit to the amount of clothes you can take off.

before diagnosis i was hot all the time i used to turn the heating off in the house and would go out in the depth of winter wearing next to nothing, everyone else used to moan at me that they were cold but i always used to tell them to "put more layers on" but since being diagnosed i feel the cold much more and leave the heating on and have even been known to wear a coat out now (shock horror) i also love the summer more now as i am not sweating all the time. not sure if this is due to diabetes or because i have lost a lot of weight so have lost my blubber layer of warmth
I guess there's going to be an element of it due to weight if you were used to 'a good covering', /QUOTE]

Well, the most I've ever weighed was 9st 3lbs in all my 61 years which is hardly a "good covering" (but then I'm only 5ft tall) but now I'm down to 8st 5lbs and, although not looking lkike I'm only skin and bones, do need to cuddle up to the radiators, wheatybags and under Grandma-type "throws". Is there a chance I'll gain weight (and perhaps then feel less cold) when I do go onto insulin ?
was hot there was a limit to what you could take off!

There's no limit to what you can take off - in the right locations!
There's a nudist club on the riverbank where we go canoeing- not because of the nudist club, I hasten to add! The scariest incident, which nearly caused me to capsize in amazement, was when I saw a man dressed in just boots, using an electric hedge trimmer! But it doesn't seem to have much to do with air or water temperature. One New Year's Day we encountered three men in beards and woolly jumpers watching while a woman in a bikini climbed down the the steps into the river - "we're trying to stop her", they claimed.
I guess there's going to be an element of it due to weight if you were used to 'a good covering', /QUOTE]

Well, the most I've ever weighed was 9st 3lbs in all my 61 years which is hardly a "good covering" (but then I'm only 5ft tall) but now I'm down to 8st 5lbs and, although not looking lkike I'm only skin and bones, do need to cuddle up to the radiators, wheatybags and under Grandma-type "throws". Is there a chance I'll gain weight (and perhaps then feel less cold) when I do go onto insulin ?

I'd say we're pretty much the same then, if you look at it as Body Mass Index. I went down to 8st 10lbs by early December, but since then have been gradually putting weight on and am currently 9st 12lbs. Not sure if that is due to the insulin, but I have a healthy appetite now and because I can adjust the insulin I can eat more or less what I want, in the quantities I want - the insulin is helping me 'store' a lot more of this.

I probably ought to be around 10st 2lbs as an ideal weight, as this is what I was when I was running 60 miles a week. It's such a strange thing, weight. I have friends who are exactly the same build/height as me and they weigh 3-4st more - how can that be?!! And, to get back to the point, they all suffered from the cold more than me, probably because they are Southerners 😉
It's funny, but in the past week that I've been diagnosed and on insulin I've been feeling a lot colder. Too early to say for sure that that's the cause, obviously, but it's interesting. Hmmm.
Hi all, question for you all, do you feel the cold more as a diabetic, i find if the heating goes off with in a few mintues i start to feel cold, my skin goes cold and it makes me feel really stressed cause i can feel my body getting colder, this probably sounds really strange but as soon as it warms up i feel better and my sugars go down and i don't feel quite so angry and stressed, do you feel the cold more? or is it just me lol

I don'nt know if the two are connected or if it is because I have lost some of the insukation I used to carry round, but I am feeling the cold more than I ever did before. My age may also have something to do with it too. I have hat scarf and gloves for going out and extra blanketts on the bed.
I feel the cold badly! but I'm not sure if it's the diabetes because I can't really remember if I did before...
I still think it's linked to insulin but for the last two days if the kids have turned the heating down without telling me i can tell because i start to get cold, clammy cold, my body starts to sting/smart but as soon as its turned back up i feel fine and no i have not got a cold or anything and it is only since i went on insulin that this has been happening, even my kids have said it and the grumpy/stress/rage has only been since i was put on insulin too cause or 3 months i was on tablets i was still sky high bloods but no where near this angry :(
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