Clinics and chairs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
One irritation - the chairs for patients in consulting room are huge - I could sit in one twice over. I know it's because some (only some, not all) adults with T2D are huge, but perhaps they're the ones who should feel uncomfortable, not those of us who are normal size? I realise not all T2Ds are overweight, so a choice of 2 sizes of chairs would be better - the children's clinic is nex tdoor, so not so much need for very small chairs.

I have an irritation as well.

My irritation is people who have absolutely no idea what it is that has made a person overweight and decides to diss them anyway. Lovely ! For a start, there are many medical reasons, nothing to do with diabetes that makes a person fat and then they become diabetic. Sometimes there are huge mental issues going on that causes a person to eat and become overweight. Bit like someone with anorexia but the other way around.

I wonder what normal is. I wonder why these fat people should be made to feel uncomfortable. How hugely embarressing for them. That is tantamount to bullying quite frankly. How about we have skinny chairs for everyone so that people with anorexia won't be made to feel uncomfortable, oh but then that means the 'normal' people may feel uncomfortable.

As you can tell I am absolutely distraught by this horrendous message.

I apologise if I have offended anyone else, I do not have a problem with anyone with anorexia or being overweight, there are generally other issues that need dealing with that the weight issues are caused by, most people do recognise that.

I also apologise that this is way off subject but I am so upset and cross. :(
I have an irritation as well.

My irritation is people who have absolutely no idea what it is that has made a person overweight and decides to diss them anyway. Lovely ! For a start, there are many medical reasons, nothing to do with diabetes that makes a person fat and then they become diabetic. Sometimes there are huge mental issues going on that causes a person to eat and become overweight. Bit like someone with anorexia but the other way around.

I wonder what normal is. I wonder why these fat people should be made to feel uncomfortable. How hugely embarressing for them. That is tantamount to bullying quite frankly. How about we have skinny chairs for everyone so that people with anorexia won't be made to feel uncomfortable, oh but then that means the 'normal' people may feel uncomfortable.

As you can tell I am absolutely distraught by this horrendous message.

I apologise if I have offended anyone else, I do not have a problem with anyone with anorexia or being overweight, there are generally other issues that need dealing with that the weight issues are caused by, most people do recognise that.

I also apologise that this is way off subject but I am so upset and cross. :(

in no way have you offended me for one , i have asked for explanation myself but am still waiting on a reply, i best not sit here in this chair for to long typing as i may become to uncomfortable.
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Originally Posted by Copepod
One irritation - the chairs for patients in consulting room are huge - I could sit in one twice over. I know it's because some (only some, not all) adults with T2D are huge, but perhaps they're the ones who should feel uncomfortable, not those of us who are normal size?.

please clarify....what is 'normal size' :confused:

(I am quite short and wish i could put my feet on the ground when sitting on a chair)

hey adrianne you didnt upset me at all....ive also been wondering what is normal ???
I agree with you all about copepods posting, it is insulting to type2 diabetics, and I'm surprised at the ignorance of one of our Moderators to even say such a thing, perhaps she is to wrapped up in her own little world to offer an explanation.
I agree with you all about copepods posting, it is insulting to type2 diabetics, and I'm surprised at the ignorance of one of our Moderators to even say such a thing, perhaps she is to wrapped up in her own little world to offer an explanation.

Not "too wrapped up her own little world", merely driving 1hr & 25 mins to work, working from 0815 to 1500, then driving 1hr & 25 mins home, and occasionally finding time to look at these boards if there's a quiet moment at work (usually while eating my dinner, which can be anytime from 1100 to 1400). No insult / upset intended, merely saying that I feel uncomfortable in an armchair, in which I can only reach 1 arm rest, so have to sit at one side - just as AM64 said s/he (sorry not sure which) felt uncomfortable when her / his feet couldn't reach the floor. Please consider that there may be other explanations for a statement. I did not say that all type 2 diabetics are overweight, just that some were large and that's why they need large chairs, but that these chairs are not suitable for everyone who attends a diabetic clinic.
i purely wondered what was 'normal' for when i have designed the fit outs for family centres/ health centre frail elderly units etc the general chairs specified are ergonomically designed to be used by all so no one can be discrimated against having to sit in one place. one size fits all so to speak, i think the problem is that it was insinuated that overweight people D or non D are not normal size... so i just wondered what was meant by normal.
Not "too wrapped up her own little world", merely driving 1hr & 25 mins to work, working from 0815 to 1500, then driving 1hr & 25 mins home, and occasionally finding time to look at these boards if there's a quiet moment at work (usually while eating my dinner, which can be anytime from 1100 to 1400). No insult / upset intended, merely saying that I feel uncomfortable in an armchair, in which I can only reach 1 arm rest, so have to sit at one side - just as AM64 said s/he (sorry not sure which) felt uncomfortable when her / his feet couldn't reach the floor. Please consider that there may be other explanations for a statement. I did not say that all type 2 diabetics are overweight, just that some were large and that's why they need large chairs, but that these chairs are not suitable for everyone who attends a diabetic clinic.

I'm sorry but I hoped when I saw your name that the people with type 2 on this fabulous site were going to get some sort of apology from you. Instead we get a diary of your work day. Not sure what you were hoping to achieve from that at all really, sounds like a normal day at work for lots of people with diabetes or not really but some work till 5 or 6 pm.

If you had said what you are now saying there would be no insult. What you infact said and then went back to change it as Bev and Steff had by then commented was "..... know it's because some (only some, not all) adults with T2D are huge, but perhaps they're the ones who should feel uncomfortable, not those of us who are normal size?"

It is this that is an insult not how long it takes you to drive to work and back and what time you get a lunch hour.

Some of your posts are great and very helpful so don't get me wrong, I just think this is bang out of order and have made a complaint.
I changed the original comment after a polite PM by a member, who I am not going to name, as I accepted that it wasn't what I intended to say.
But, please read my whole statement, for example "a quiet moment at work (usually while eating my dinner, which can be anytime from 1100 to 1400)" does not equal a lunch hour - more like 10 minutes!
I gave an account of my day to explain to UKJohn that I wasn't "to [sic] wrapped up in her own little world to offer an explanation"
I agree, many people work longer hours than me, but I have only had Sunday off for 2 weeks now, and am looking forward to both Sat and Sun off this weekend!

I just thought I should move this out of Natalie's original thread as it has veered significantly away from that topic. I'm sorry that Copepod's post was seen as giving personal offence to Type 2 people, and I do see how it could be interpreted in this way. I do agree that some of the chairs provided can be very unsuitable, but don't agree that that necessarily means that people of one particular build need to be made uncomfortable in preference to another. People can have weight issues for many reasons and shouldn't be discriminated because of it. I had an experience at diagnosis where the chair in hospital provided for me made me look like Ronnie Corbett - all 8 stone of me at the time!

Perhaps a better debate would be how could clinics be made more amenable to younger people so they feel less out of place?
Ok I'm backing out now before I say something I regret. I find your messages patronising as if type 2 are below you as they are not 'normal' and your last couple of emails, especially the last is an insult to me and what I do and do not understand !!! You know nothing about me.

It is obviously beneath you to apologise so you won't hear from me again on this thread.

Its a shame.
Copepod havent your employers heard of the european work time directive?

I think what the forum members wanted was just a simple apology ...
I believe that nobody can be regarded as 'normal' as we are all individuals with individual needs.
'Normal' can be defined by the medical proffessionals as BMI in respect to weight only, but that doesnt describe body shape, hence my short legs never touching the i think to provide benches ...
I am sure there are some Type 1's who also require the big chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I have just seen this thread,

I am bitterly upset that some of my friends, Adrienne and Steff are upset over this. I find Copepods comments to be bitterly insulting to overweight people, whether it was intended or not.

In fact I have found many of her threads insulting or patronising and am wondering why she is still a moderator? this is meant to be a support forum?

Notice i am not replying to copepod as i dont want a reply from her as im sure it will be once again patronising, and just unhelpful. I cannot believe she has not apologised for a terrible comment she made. what a shame she has to sit in a large chair at clinic appointments, some of us have more serious things to worry about, like Adrienne looking after her beatifull daughter Jessica and keeping her safe, whilst still taking time to help many of us with our day to day problems.

Adrienne and Steff I hope you dont mind me mentioning you in this post.
hi tracey no thats fine , as i have said already it takes a simple 5 letter word and it would go some way in my eyes but as yet this apology seems very illusive and i shant hold my breath.
Tracey - WELL SAID!

I have held back from this thread (apart from my original comment) - because i doubt whether copepod has understood the impact of her words.
Time and time again there was an opportunity to apologise (half the forum are type 2's) - but time and time again copepod chose to ignore peoples hurt and treated people with indifference, just going on about her work hours!?😱

Adrienne does put herself out for lots of people - she has even rang me out of the blue when she knew i was upset about Alex's levels etc.. she has a heart of gold and to think that someones throw-away comments could upset her or anyone else - that just makes my blood boil. Adrienne - i doubt you know how much help and support you are to lots of people on this forum - but let me tell you now - YOUR AMAZING! And you do all of this voluntarily and still look after the lovely Jessica singlehandedly - and if anyone is unaware of Jessica's condition - she was born with problems that then led to type 1 diabetes - so she is not your typical type 1 - she has no hypo awareness and has to take a cocktail of drugs to keep her healthy. Adrienne rarely gets a full nights sleep and also helps out in school with Jessica as the school cant always provide enough care for Jessica. Adrienne never stops campaigning on behalf of type 1 children and she is an expert on pumps!

Moderators are on forums to help with any misundersandings and to make sure that everyone has a fair chance to express themselves - without upsetting or alienating anyone. Sadly this has not been the case here as copepod seems ignorant of what affect her words have had. If any newly diagnosed type 2's were to join this forum and read her words - they would feel very upset and probably not bother with the forum.

I do hope that anyone who was offended by her comments realises that we (members of the forum) are not all so judgemental and dont put people in 'boxes' or use ill-thought out steriotypical comments.🙂Bev
Can we all just get a bit of perspective here and stop attacking Copepod for her comment which, the way I read it, was meant in jest anyway.

I'm sure I'll get shot down in flames for saying this but I don't think she has anything to apologise for. All she was saying was that the chairs are too big for "normal people" and by "normal" I read that as "of average size". If you don't know what that is, have a look here: which (although American) shows you what the average height and weight are for men and women of each race.

Most chairs are manufactured to fit this average but in a setting such as a diabetes clinic there may be those who are larger than the average (remember, obesity can contribute to the development of Type 2: although I know there are many other causes - my dad's what used to be called a "maturity onset" type 2 so please don't think I'm calling all type 2s obese!!). In a clinic which has to deal with a number of "above the average" weighted people, it therefore makes sense to provide at least a few "above the average" sized chairs.

All Copepod was saying was that for her, as an average sized person, the chairs are way too big. She wasn't insulting anyone who is larger than average, just saying what she felt and surely that's the point of a forum!!
meant it jest? i was far from laughing saminnocent infact i was offended and im not the only one , as a forum yes this place is for all to say what they want when they want but when it becomes offensive then it goes to far, as a mod as bev said she should not alinanate surely as a mod they is an example to be set, ill wait for copepod herself to say the last paragraph you wrote as she said nothing to that effect when replying the other day.,also she said maybe they should be the ones that should feel uncomfortable WHY????????
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Hi Sam,

What copepod actually said was that it shouldnt be 'normal sized' people who are uncomfortable - it should be the 'huge type 2's!'
This is outrageous.
Copepod has actually changed her original post as even she must have realised how insulting it was to all type 2's!

If copepod felt that she was just saying it in 'jest' then she certainly has not expressed this.

In my opinion, there was a clear distinction between being slim and type 1 and huge and type 2. NOT all type 2's are huge and NOT all type 1's are slim. So using generalised sweeping statements like this can be very insulting and cause extreme hurt.
Why should huge type 2's be uncomfortable in a clinic chair? Why should slim type 1's not have to sit in a big chair?

Nobody is trying to alienate copepod - she has done this to herself. All she needed to do was explain her comments - not ignore peoples requests for an explanation and go in to detail about her working hours! (which had no bearing on the content of her original post).

Of course people have the right to say what they feel - but NOT when it is insulting and NOT when they are a moderator - who frankly is here to keep the peace - not to alienate half the people on the forum!😱Bev
All I was trying to say was that she wasn't saying ALL type 2s are obese, but some are (and this is fact, not me making it up - see my post above). I was a large Type 1 myself and those chairs Copepod was talking about would have fit me nicely but now they'd be too big.

I just think you're all reading more into her post than she ever meant and it's not fair to attack her personally because of a misinterpretation. Have a read of your own comments aimed at Copepod and think about how she feels reading them.
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