Clinic today...another one thats had me in tears?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am NOT impressed by the RSH clinic AT ALL. For starters, my appointment was supposed to be at quarter to five. An hour later and I still hadn't been seen and I was getting really annoyed. There wasn't even that many people waiting in the clinic for crying out loud.

Then I was called in by the doctor. She was a miserable, unsmiling, nasty looking woman. She sat me down and started firing questions at me, barely giving me five seconds to say anything AT ALL. It was like being in front of a firing squad I tell you. She then told me that my HBA1C was too low, and that I should run myself between 8 and 12 because she thinks i'm loosing my hypo awareness. To some extent thats true, but recently i've really been feeling the hypos. And she wants me to cut my lantus down by 4, despite the fact ive already had this conversation with the DSN and we know i'm sensitive to lantus ANYWAY. I tried explaining the problems i would have if i dropped my lantus - like, i would wake up at about 20mmols. She was having none of it.

My quest for a pump seems to have failed at the first hurdle because of this b***h too. I said I wanted one, I tried explaining why and how i met the guidlines, and she was all like 'your hba1c is too low' blah blah. And i was like 'iu'm having hypos, im scared of them, lifestyle' etc etc. I even brought up the pregnancy thing. She was having none of it. Despite the fact it said in my notes as well that the DSN reckons id be perfect for one. She was like 'No. This is the first time we've met you at this centre'. My face was like O.o. I was about to snap seriously. I just wasn't allowed to talk.

I am SO ANGRY. Looks like I've gone from one bad clinic to another one. Run myself between 8 and 12 despite the fact im having enough issues as it is even THOUGH I CARB COUNT???????????


I will likely be phoning the DSN team and ranting. Seriously ranting. Because I'm sorry but this is not on. I am really really upset about the pump thing, so close to tears over it.
That's last thing you need on top of everything else you have to cope with! I think a letter of complaint to the local NHS Trust is in order. (((HUG)))
I agree about the letter 100% - running between 8-12 is far too high in my opinion - but then I am not a doctor - but your doc sounds absolutely terrible. What does it take to get good diabetes care? It makes me so mad when I hear stories like this. I am so sorry :(
i am so sorry {{hugs}} can you see any one else for a second opinion?
Bizarre - I get nagged if I am over 8.0 whichis actually quite hard for me to achieve. I am surprised the stupid woman did not suggest doing daily urine tests!
I once had a similar experience at my diabetes clinic. There was always about four doctors to see, you never knew who would call your name. Anyway, I seen this lady doctor who looked a right miserable sod, she had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp! She wanted to know everything about my control, but hardly took any notice when I spoke. She said that my control was not good enough, and I was heading for a life of complications.

I told her I didn't like her tone, got up and left the room. I asked the nurse to see the main diabetes consultant, and eventually got to speak with him. I told him that I wouldn't see this doctor again, and the manner on which she spoke to me was bang out of order! He said that he took complaints like this seriously, and would be speaking to this doctor. I said that I didn't want her to get into too much trouble, and a word about her attitude would be sufficient.

Many months later at a follow-up appointment, this doctor called my name. When I went in she apologized for her previous conduct, and had since changed her ways, stating that she had been under stress at the time. Throughout the appointment, she was quite smiley and very nice indeed. I have not seen her again since, but by all accounts she has ammended her ways.

Might be worth you doing likewise Sam, as a patient you should not be treated in this way, and you deserve a appology. It is time we all stood up to incompetence and disrespect from our medical professionals. Like any other profession, there are good one's and bad one's, thankfully most are former.

And just for the record, I am NOT lowering my lantus because I know exactly what will happen!
Thanks guys. Grrrr. I am seriously fuming at this. I just had a rant to my dad, and said that if i have to I will actually eat myself into DKA just to proove a point. A bad thing to do yes, but goddamnit I am willing to do it if it prooves a point. Drop my lantus and eat myself silly over xmas 😡😡 he was so angry for me bless him too.

I'll definitely be having a word with my DSN's probably tomorrow. I am fuming. Seriously f*****g fuming. I'll be putting a complaint in too.

Way to make a new member of the clinic feel welcome. Especially since i'd already been in talks with the nurses about pumps and it was all just shot down in flames.

8-12. I think NOT! I'm doing much better thank you very much. I'm waking up high atm probably due to stress. Running that high is NOT going to help my foot issues, I am astounded the silly cow even thought of bringing it up.

I have beer and cake. Its not helping 😡

Right get this: she said to me the following 'Do you change your needles every day or are you as stupid as everyone else I've seen today?' 😱

She asked to see my injection sites on my tummy. Now I have no lumps, I know that for a fact. Yet she just looked at me with raised eyebrows and was like 'no lumps? There's two identicle massive lumps on your tummy. Move your sites'. And I was like 'I do' and she was like 'obviously not'. GAH! THEY ARE NOT LUMPS. That's called me having a tad of a podge. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT HARD! IT HURTS LIKE NORMAL WHEN I INJECT. IF IT WAS A LUMP IT WOULD HURT LESS AND BE HARDER!

I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡
Ok then....... what a tw*t and isn't an 'i' in there.

Do a letter as you say and if you want send it to a couple of us to look over. I write letters all the time to these idiots. Just posted one today to the head of the hospitals trust via the MP as they are tw*ts as well (still no 'i').

I agree with you, no lowering the units.

Where is this hospital? Which one is it?
Ok then....... what a tw*t and isn't an 'i' in there.

Do a letter as you say and if you want send it to a couple of us to look over. I write letters all the time to these idiots. Just posted one today to the head of the hospitals trust via the MP as they are tw*ts as well (still no 'i').

I agree with you, no lowering the units.

Where is this hospital? Which one is it?

Its the RSH in Southampton, the same one that Northe goes to. I'd heard such good things, yet I've seriously been put off ever going again (seems to be a pattern developing here...)
Has Northerner seen the woman who purports to be a doctor indeed a specialist in diabetes. Odd, wonder what training they give these days. I wonder if she would want her HbA1c up as high as 8 to 12. I think not and she should know the reasons why as well.
Has Northerner seen the woman who purports to be a doctor indeed a specialist in diabetes. Odd, wonder what training they give these days. I wonder if she would want her HbA1c up as high as 8 to 12. I think not and she should know the reasons why as well.

hmmm, twil be an interesting thing to find out

nasty cow has made me paranoid about lumps on injecion sites now too....she told me i should inject in my bum from now on............because apparently i have massive lumps on my tummy...even though i don't. But now I'm paranoid.......
It is a scary thought that we are at the mercy of these people!
Hey Sam, gutted for you. What an absolute f'ing bitch!!

Just makes you wonder about the poor people who blindly follow what the doctors say and end up in such a worse state! And with what youve been goign through with your feet the thought of running anywhere 12 is ridiculous, and irresponsible.

I defo think a complaint is in order, not only about her attiude but also her outrageous advice. Just remember not all doctors are the same and sometimes it take a bit of shopping about (im on my third diabetic team and ive been diagnosed 3 years).

Your hypo situation is definately grounds for a pump, you shouldnt have to live in fear.

Dont give up hun! and try and enjoy your beer and cake 😉

What a horrible woman... She'd scare the living hell outta me (thank god for Eileen, Angela and Dr Fox....). I'd hoped that doctors had gotten past the stage of frightening thier patients into good health like they used tobut i can see (and not just from this thread) that there are still some throwbacks.. You do wonder why we put our trust in some of these people.
I know i'm a type two who's knowledge of type one is shakey at best but i'd agree some of the other posters here...isn't 8 to 12 a little high? Am i right in thinking that your target HBA1C is under 7, like ours. And i'd have thought that injecting into your bum was quite a skilled business. Do you have a drop-in centre like we do at your local clinic? Maybe you could get a second opinion? You could come to ours but Southampton and Northampton are at lot further apart than they sound....
What a horrible woman... She'd scare the living hell outta me (thank god for Eileen, Angela and Dr Fox....). I'd hoped that doctors had gotten past the stage of frightening thier patients into good health like they used tobut i can see (and not just from this thread) that there are still some throwbacks.. You do wonder why we put our trust in some of these people.
I know i'm a type two who's knowledge of type one is shakey at best but i'd agree some of the other posters here...isn't 8 to 12 a little high? Am i right in thinking that your target HBA1C is under 7, like ours. And i'd have thought that injecting into your bum was quite a skilled business. Do you have a drop-in centre like we do at your local clinic? Maybe you could get a second opinion? You could come to ours but Southampton and Northampton are at lot further apart than they sound....

sounds like a plan. I'm half tempted to give my first diabetes specialist a call, but google tells me he's retired now. Damn, he was epic. If my nan was still alive she'd be able to get in contact with him asap.

8-12 is way too high and personally I believe too high to run for an extended amount of time even if trying to get hypo awareness back. I'm definitely going to be making an appointment with one of the nurses next week as this is seriously not on! Like seriously!
Sorry to hear you had such an upsetting experience.

Was she suggesting that you run your A1c 8-12 or your blood sugars? I think a couple of weeks to see if hypo awareness is regained is reasonable, But you say that you are feeling hypos so it doesn't seem that this is necesarry.

I can understand that they don't want to agree a pump on the first time of meeting you, they might want to assess if you are emotionally sutiable and motivated for one. Whilst I guess they might be able to assess clinically pretty quickly other factors might take a couple of visits. Not saying I agree but maybe this is the reason she said it was onyl the first time you were seen there.

I think that her attitude and some of the things she said to your were unacceptable and you are within your rights to make a complaint. Just wondering was she a consultant? If not I would request to see the consultant next time.

I hope you get a more positive response from the DSN.
What a bloody awful woman. Reminds me of one of my consultants of yester year. Everyone's suggested the right thing to do. Complain in strongest possible terms and if you can do it, transfer yourself out of their care. You have the right to another team. The attitude of this doctor is quite phenomenally crappy. She should really listen to her patients and give a damn about their care. My team are more than happy to lsiten to me and suit my care to me rather than trying to meet targets and such.

Sorry to hear you had such an upsetting experience.

Was she suggesting that you run your A1c 8-12 or your blood sugars? I think a couple of weeks to see if hypo awareness is regained is reasonable, But you say that you are feeling hypos so it doesn't seem that this is necesarry.

I can understand that they don't want to agree a pump on the first time of meeting you, they might want to assess if you are emotionally sutiable and motivated for one. Whilst I guess they might be able to assess clinically pretty quickly other factors might take a couple of visits. Not saying I agree but maybe this is the reason she said it was onyl the first time you were seen there.

I think that her attitude and some of the things she said to your were unacceptable and you are within your rights to make a complaint. Just wondering was she a consultant? If not I would request to see the consultant next time.

I hope you get a more positive response from the DSN.

She didn't really make it clear tbh, but I'm assuming the bgs rather than the a1c. Stupid woman. As for the pump thing, I spoke to the dsn this morning who was horrified about the waiting etc and she's getting me in to see the real consultant in the new year. Apparently she was just a visiting dr anyway. I've seen the dsns 3 times about pumps, its in my notes for crying out loud! And according to nursey I shouldve been straight on the pump list thing!
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