Chat with prescribing pharmacist

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It's even funnier. I am learning about the pecking order in the surgery. At the top is the GP who delegates to surgery nurses who in turn delegate to Prescrbing Practioner. Hilarious. Not sure who the PP can delegate to but I guess there must be someone.
Yep sounds like my surgery too
Interesting where you live - round here we've only ever needed to be certified dead twice if we're being cremated.
My diabetes nurse suggested ‘maybe’ coming off my tablets at my next blood test, subject to it still being good of course.

To be honest though, I find that thought a little bit scary so I will have to have a long thing about it. There’s plenty of time, I’m not due another HbA1c for six months.
I know exactly what you mean @Deb_l, the idea of coming off or even reducing my medication is both exciting and scary! Whenever I read positive posts about people managing their diabetes without or with reduced meds it makes me wish it was me, although when/if my time comes I’m sure I’ll be very nervous- as I feel well protected by taking them! Fortunately, like you I’ve got months to wait before the next HbA1c test!
Yep sounds like my surgery too
To add to this nonsense, if as the patient I deviate from their prepared script and ask a question. There is a longish silence (eating into my 7-10 mins) then , 'oh that's a good question I will need to ask the GP and will get back to you'. They never do. Sigh
It's even funnier. I am learning about the pecking order in the surgery. At the top is the GP who delegates to surgery nurses who in turn delegate to Prescribing Practioner. Hilarious. Not sure who the PP can delegate to but I guess there must be someone. Needless to add it is all undertaken on the phone with the same time restrictions usually 7-10 mins.
At our surgery, the receptionists supersede everyone. You have to phone in, explain your issue, which they repeat back to you, and anyone in the waiting area who happens to tune in, then they decide if you are worthy of any form of triage.

The only appointments they will actually make are those for blood tests, where they can see the request on their system, or where you have the blood papers yourself.

Any actual appoints to see an actual person, are made by whomever triages you - and that's more often than not the ANP, or one of the paramedics, who seem very good if your leg is hanging off and you need the bleeding stemmed, but less great with aches, pains or rashes.
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