Channel 4 come dine with me

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Did u see that man refare to the creme brulee as diabetes in a cup?
I started a thread ages ago saying that they should do one of these shows with a diabetic person involved, to show how much (little!) the other contestants knew about appropriate meals to make. Any takers? I'd suggest it myself but I'm not in a situation where I could take part in such a thing. Ready Steady Cook would be good also, although they just have celebs these days for the longer section.
I have to say that I'm a huge come dine with me fan, and when I heard that comment made it ruined it for me a bit, to put it mildly. I absolutely can not stand it when people assume that we made ourselves diabetic by eating too much sugar or something else of that nature. Drives me crazy to be honest with you all x
I agree kitty, doesnt it just annoy the crap out of you? does me...
Yep, I saw that. And I just disregarded it with the contempt it deserves.

Just another example of the common misconceptions, I'm afraid.

Education, education, education!!!!
no it was the younger idiot rugby player steff
For a long time I actually believed that I did this to myself because I have always had a very sweet tooth, plus the full force life style propoganda programme.
Only since joining and reading and learning on this wonderfull forum, plus a lot of reflection, have I come to realise that this horrible condition/disease (call it what you will) is not just my fault. It's hereditary, I think my father was undiagnosed, he passed away with a heart attack stroke combination (plus ignorance) when only 48 and was terribly over weight, around 20 stone I think it was. (25yrs ago).
Granted I have not been helping due to bad diet etc... but that is changing, at my worst I was 18.5 stone, with diet changes, increased excercise, a heart attack and a bad RTA 🙄 I have now managed to get down to 14stone 10lb, a weight I haven't seen in a long time and I hope with a bit more effort to get to 13.5. It's all down to the support I have been getting from all you lovely, helpful people and the education you have been giving me.
Thats the only part that scandalises me, I had to get educated here and not by the Medical Services, thats shocking. 😡
Jimbo, thats a brilliant amount of weight loss - you must be working really hard - well done!🙂Bev
Jimbo, thats a brilliant amount of weight loss - you must be working really hard - well done!🙂Bev

Bev as much as I want to take the credit honesty forbids. I lost 1 1/2 stone lying on a hospital bed, being fed liquids through a tube. (RTA) and I lost one stone through shear fear after the heart attack. The rest I will admit to as concious effort :D
Yes i saw it too, what an ignorant idiot! x
Hi Northerner,
No i dont think that was him, there were 2 guys on the show, one was younger than the one in your link and older x
Hi Northerner,
No i dont think that was him, there were 2 guys on the show, one was younger than the one in your link and older x

Thanks. Perhaps this guy is in a future programme then, he had been talking about the filming experience on radio.
Ohhh ill keep my eyes peeled for that episode then, not that i'll miss any as im hooked on it! 🙂 x
Ohhh ill keep my eyes peeled for that episode then, not that i'll miss any as im hooked on it! 🙂 x

It's great fun - I like to watch the repeat runs where they show all the contestants one after the other.🙂
It's great fun - I like to watch the repeat runs where they show all the contestants one after the other.🙂

I watch the repeats too, its much better when you see them back to back 🙂
I watch the repeats too, its much better when you see them back to back 🙂

I have to say that, since diagnosis and knowing more about food, I would have severe qualms about eating most of what they serve up - even as a treat! So much cream, sugar, butter, lard - goodness me!😱
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