Changing From Lantus To Tresiba - Advice Please!

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Hi, Juliet. Sorry to hear you're still hypoing like crazy, especially at bedtime...what a pain.:confused:

If it were me, firstly, I'd do a 3am finger-prick to rule out the Symogyi effect raising my fasting BG. And then, I'd lower my Tresiba dose and monitor and do a full set of basal testing over the course of a week - that's if, of course, the hypos are occurring between meals when you know your meal-time rapid insulin has finished working (mine lasts about 3 hours).

Sorry if this explanation is a bit clunking - I've only really got to grips with all this dose-tweaking recently. 😱
I hate trying to decide whether it's the rapid or the Tresiba. But if you know the rapid has come and gone and you're still dropping - and eating hobnobs like they're going out of fashion - and not making it to the next meal with level BGs, I'd be pointing the finger at Tresiba.

As for the weather, it's really hot here at the mo and I've been going high, low, high without any kind of obvious trends (I haven't needed to change my Tresiba dose from chilly spring to scorching summer), so I can't help you there.🙂

Good luck - I'm really happy with Tresiba, btw. :D
Thanks, Bloden 🙂

if you know the rapid has come and gone and you're still dropping - and eating hobnobs like they're going out of fashion - and not making it to the next meal with level BGs, I'd be pointing the finger at Tresiba.

Yes, that's about what I thought, though it's a bit complicated with ME causing delayed reactions to everything, possibly including the rapid! But I dropped my Tresiba dose last night, and hey presto, my fasting reading this morning has gone down rather than up ...

3am tests (which I think would need to be 5am tests for me, my body clock is a bit weird) are difficult because I sleep so heavily and don't usually wake up in the night. And if I do wake up I often can't get up, due to hypotension. I don't want to set an alarm and wake up R, because he suffers from insomnia and really needs his sleep - but on the other hand, if he's woken up at 4 or 5 and got up anyway, which he does quite often, perhaps I should get him to test my bgl then. I sleep so deeply he could probably do it without even waking me up!

Basal testing doesn't seem to work for me, unfortunately - partly because fasting during the day seems to trigger hypos in the night (back to the ME causing delayed reactions to things again!). I've tried a few fasts but eventually concluded that it wasn't very safe.

Glad you're happy with Tresiba - I am too, despite the continuing hypos. They seem so much more patterny than they did with Lantus, so it's much easier to adjust for them, so bgl much more stable overall. I think it's just the weather complicating things now!
Blooomin' 'eck, Juliet, there's complicated everything is for you! 😱 So my advice was impossible because of your very particular situation.🙄 Glad you got it sorted tho. 🙂
Well, I dunno about sorted, Bloden - I had a 1.6 this morning 😱 - but hopefully will be easier to sort when the weather cools down!

And your advice is good, and I can do some of it - getting R to test me in the night is probably a good idea. Will be good practice for him! And if I get a Libre soon that will make it easier for him, he can just scan me 🙂
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