Changing Doctors/CGM Area Funding

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Yeah he’s only interested in T1 too, asked for help as a non T1 and told no not his job
I see him as an influencer with a “brand.” His target audience see him as a white knight suggesting he can single handedly focus on an individual’s access to tech? I’ve been told this a few times by professor Kar followers, myself. I can’t help the feeling he’s using his platform to take full credit for the recent changes with NICE guidelines when others must have been involved implementing this too. (Was Diabetes UK involved?)
I’ve seen a similar MO in other fields too. I realise I’ve probably “blasphemed” regarding my comment. 🙂
I’m nether a gourd or a shoe man on this one.
I see him as an influencer with a “brand.” His target audience see him as a white knight suggesting he can single handedly focus on an individual’s access to tech?
I think you're going much too far. I think it's fair to think his style is a bit memey and that he promotes himself rather a lot. But when he says he'll individually help people with Type 1 (in England) access to a CGM that they should be being offered, he's followed through on that. He's never claimed that he's achieved the 97% single-handedly.

I think there's a reasonable criticism that part of the success is an accident of timing: Abbott (and others) started promoting significantly lower cost CGMs, and that was critical in getting them more widely available in the NHS. And I suspect the PM being photographed wearing one helped a lot, too. I suspect he'd agree with all that, and I'm not so sure that it's really a criticism as such: he deserves credit for running with the cheaper CGMs when some consultants were much more cautious. (There's a Radio 4 Inside Health episode with one doubting that we should commit to using Libre for fear we might miss the next big thing.)

To be honest, I don’t know how old this map is, sorry!

That was a campaign from last year, so not all that long ago. The roll-out of wider access to CGM has been changing pretty rapidly over the last year or so, following changes in NICE guidance, so it’s a pretty fast-moving topic!
I think you're going much too far. I think it's fair to think his style is a bit memey and that he promotes himself rather a lot. But when he says he'll individually help people with Type 1 (in England) access to a CGM that they should be being offered, he's followed through on that. He's never claimed that he's achieved the 97% single-handedly.

I think there's a reasonable criticism that part of the success is an accident of timing: Abbott (and others) started promoting significantly lower cost CGMs, and that was critical in getting them more widely available in the NHS. And I suspect the PM being photographed wearing one helped a lot, too. I suspect he'd agree with all that, and I'm not so sure that it's really a criticism as such: he deserves credit for running with the cheaper CGMs when some consultants were much more cautious. (There's a Radio 4 Inside Health episode with one doubting that we should commit to using Libre for fear we might miss the next big thing.)
Appreciate your thoughts on this. I would agree the popularity is due to the timing. (Possibly hijacking the zeitgeist?) I’m just personally wary when the memes get spouted in my general discussions with other T1s (face to face in my case at meet ups.) regarding the pump side of things. Mostly by younger T1s who already have had access to the tech for a number of years? Usually I just smile & nod. (Or in the case of social media. Scroll on.)
There's a Radio 4 Inside Health episode with one doubting that we should commit to using Libre for fear we might miss the next big thing.
I've just been looking for this and all I can find about CGMs and diabetes on Inside Health podcasts is back in 2018 talking about the lack of funding for Flash glucose monitoring.
Do you know when the episode you refer to was broadcast? I am interested.
I fail to see an equivilence between someone who wants t1s to gave the tech they need to live a full life, and an orange xenophobic, racist, misogenistic, homophobic, etc etc lout.
Partha has done a lot for type 1s. Don't see why that shouldn't be said.

100% agree, the two examples are world's apart.

Like Partha, good to have someone so high up speaking on behalf of us, deserves all praise he gets.
I've just been looking for this and all I can find about CGMs and diabetes on Inside Health podcasts is back in 2018 talking about the lack of funding for Flash glucose monitoring.
Do you know when the episode you refer to was broadcast? I am interested.
That's the one. Go to the end of the segment (8 minutes to 8:25). He worries a bit about a VHS vs Betamax situation, for example. (Which is a reasonable worry in a general sense, but with CGMs I'd argue it's just not: someone using a Libre can easily switch over to another one if it's better (or vice versa). There's just not that much of a problem of people being locked into one particular technology.)
That's the one. Go to the end of the segment (8 minutes to 8:25). He worries a bit about a VHS vs Betamax situation, for example. (Which is a reasonable worry in a general sense, but with CGMs I'd argue it's just not: someone using a Libre can easily switch over to another one if it's better (or vice versa). There's just not that much of a problem of people being locked into one particular technology.)
Just read the transcript on the link that @helli posted. I would agree (from accounts I’ve read on a variety of sensor discussions.) some people have skin issues with the double sided adhesion tape on one brand but are fine with the other. Which would be one good reason to maintain a choice. (There is also pump compatibility with the CLS stuff?)

100% agree, the two examples are world's apart.

Like Partha, good to have someone so high up speaking on behalf of us, deserves all praise he gets.

Without going into too much detail. I’m just wary & historically more than aware of the “cult of personality.” 😉
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