Change in neuropathy or something else?

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Had a neuropathy around eight years ago, caused by some medication I was taking. Neuropathy was up to knees, but went down to feet and ankles once stopped particular medication causing it. Went to g.p. recently as noticing change in colour in one foot and less feeling. Nurse could not find pulses in foot, using a doppler test, found pulses in other foot. Has anyone experienced this with diabetes. Been diagnosed with ? reactive hypoglycemia and they are now testing me for diabetes again. ? whether it might be circulation too.
Who do people see for foot problems
Are there good trainers to buy for a neuropathy
Many thanks
I was referred to podiatrist for food issues but also saw vascular team to check for peripheral artery disease due to reduced pulses, has your nurse not said anything or are you to see him/her after your bloods?
Hello Sarah
That is very helpful. Thank you. From what I am reading myself and other health conditions I have I am wanting to be referred to vascular team to check for PAD. I do not have a diabetic nurse unfortunately as I have possibly reactive hypoglycemia and the nurse at surgery would not see me as said that was outside her area of expertise. I am being tested for diabetes too though? My gut feeling says it is circulation. I will see what happens after my blood come back.
Was it your g.p. that referred you to a podiatrist?
Hi Gladys
Sorry you are going through so much but glad they are checking you for diabetes too.
Definitely get checked for PAD if you suspect circulation issues.
Yes my Gp did the podiatrist referral, I had to pay privately at one point but now get seen occasionally and they can support around appropriate footwear as so called diabetics footwear is very expensive, our local shop prices start from £150 for basic black shoes.
Thank you Sarah. I will chase the circulation side first as it feels it is travelling up leg. Different to how neuropathy has been over the last seven to eight years. And I will ask for a podiatrist referral so someone trained can look at my feet and advise on footwear and anything else. I have needed to pay privately too for things and may have to this time round too, but health matters. Once again. Thankyou Gladys
Thank you Sarah. I will chase the circulation side first as it feels it is travelling up leg. Different to how neuropathy has been over the last seven to eight years. And I will ask for a podiatrist referral so someone trained can look at my feet and advise on footwear and anything else. I have needed to pay privately too for things and may have to this time round too, but health matters. Once again. Thankyou Gladys
Hi Glayds
Hope you get on ok, my neighbour got custom shoes made by podiatrist so definitely worth trying to get referral done, even if just get signposted to a reliable company that can help. Agree re health matters, I took to ringing every so often for a cancellation and hit jackpot one day, really was worth it x happy to chat if you have any questions.
How did your reduced pulses get identified Sarah and who by? My first conversation re my feet was with the receptionist, over the telephone, who went and spoke to g.p., who said the walk in centre did tests for circulation. A couple of days later I did an econsult about my feet and a healthcare assistant did the doppler test which showed no pulses felt in one foot. Was seen by a g.p. that afternoon who looked at my feet again and arranged bloods to be taken. When had bloods taken, the nurse taking them said I was having my yearly blood pressure check, weight, height, and general blood tests? I assume I am being tested for diabetes, but am now less sure. I asked that g.p. about a test called ankle brachial index test. She said g.p. clinics did not have these. Am wondering whether to go to walk in centre too as per communication from first g.p. via secretary I would have thought I need a referral and would not be sure what I am asking for. Am worried about the pulses not being able to be felt in one foot and the loss of feeling I have in that foot. Any information re how you got to see vascular team would be helpful and anything they did beforehand. Gladys
How did your reduced pulses get identified Sarah and who by? My first conversation re my feet was with the receptionist, over the telephone, who went and spoke to g.p., who said the walk in centre did tests for circulation. A couple of days later I did an econsult about my feet and a healthcare assistant did the doppler test which showed no pulses felt in one foot. Was seen by a g.p. that afternoon who looked at my feet again and arranged bloods to be taken. When had bloods taken, the nurse taking them said I was having my yearly blood pressure check, weight, height, and general blood tests? I assume I am being tested for diabetes, but am now less sure. I asked that g.p. about a test called ankle brachial index test. She said g.p. clinics did not have these. Am wondering whether to go to walk in centre too as per communication from first g.p. via secretary I would have thought I need a referral and would not be sure what I am asking for. Am worried about the pulses not being able to be felt in one foot and the loss of feeling I have in that foot. Any information re how you got to see vascular team would be helpful and anything they did beforehand. Gladys
Hi Gladys
My Gp picked up the issue with the pulses and was then confirmed at the podiatrist clinic, it happens to also be the leg that I get worst cellulitis in and the scaring is worst.
Why not try and find a contact number for the walk in clinic as the Gp surgery might be presuming you’re going there and waiting to hear the outcome.
If your annual review was done then with existing health issues I would hope they would re screen for diabetes. My husband had one this year for his age 50 review and did, you can ask the surgery for copies of your results, should be available about a week later unless anything special is needed, sometimes I need vitamin checks and these can take a bit longer.
There is a new clinical trial being done for pad, my surgery had info, I can send you a link if useful? They do feed back to your Gp, they are trialing a new screening technique for patients at risk of limb loss.
That would be great to know about the clinical trial if I do end up having pad - happy with my g.p. practise to be informed It is things like limb loss that concern me, but also heart issues as have heart issues in the family. My blood pressure was o.k. so I am hoping that is a good sign. I will see if I can get a vascular referral be it NHS or pay for some of it if need to so can be seen quicker. Good idea about going to walk in centre anyway and seeing what they can do. I did phone walk in centre at the beginning of all this to check that was right place to go, not A & E hospital. I have a different condition where I need to go to A & E if there are problems. Will go after work this week. I had not thought that g.p. practice may be assuming I am going to Walk in Centre. Once again. Thank you. I am finding what you are saying very helpful. Gladys.
That would be great to know about the clinical trial if I do end up having pad - happy with my g.p. practise to be informed It is things like limb loss that concern me, but also heart issues as have heart issues in the family. My blood pressure was o.k. so I am hoping that is a good sign. I will see if I can get a vascular referral be it NHS or pay for some of it if need to so can be seen quicker. Good idea about going to walk in centre anyway and seeing what they can do. I did phone walk in centre at the beginning of all this to check that was right place to go, not A & E hospital. I have a different condition where I need to go to A & E if there are problems. Will go after work this week. I had not thought that g.p. practice may be assuming I am going to Walk in Centre. Once again. Thank you. I am finding what you are saying very helpful. Gladys.
Hi Gladys

This is the website I applied for arterial disease (PAD)&location= and then look for your nearest hospital that is participating, if you get stuck let me know and can try and help in next couple of days.
Do understand re worry re heart, we have on both sides including young heart disease , I get my own cardiac results tomorrow.
I am glad my replies might be of help, any questions do say and if I can help then don’t be afraid to say, my hubby works shifts so if I don’t reply at a sensible time of day then it might be I am echoing his sleep patterns so I get to see him!
Thinking of you x
Will go after work this week. I had not thought that g.p. practice may be assuming I am going to Walk in Centre. Once again. Thank you. I am finding what you are saying very helpful.

Hope you get some clarity @Gladys

It does sound worrying for you, but it must be frustrating not to be able to get appointments of a clear referral from your surgery :(

Let us know what you find out 🙂
Have just completed two vascular consultations, the second one was very brief stating the results of my ultrasound (bilateral arterial and duplex scan) apparrently also called an ultrasound doppler by the imaging department, showed my veins were clear. I would have liked to have asked a question but felt rushed out. I wanted to ask about scan showing I had no artery in one of my legs as told this to me by the doctor who did the ultrasound. Has anyone else come across anything like this. Not sure where to go next as still have problems with feet, one changing colour, both cold and tingling over many years due to a neuropathy, but getting worse recently. I have asked the secretary of the consultant to ask for the information about "no artery" in one leg to be in letter to g.p. I will look into neuropathy further. As it is about feet problems/going up one of my legs more too, what do you ask for to get a referral to someone to look at feet if you are not classified diabetic, rather reactive hypoglycemia. Do the NHS provide this?
Mate - where I live - unless you have a foot/feet about to drop off you don't even get ref'd to podiatry so just need to access and pay for chiropody/podiatry appointments yourself. I was referred many years ago to the NHS pod clinic, but even then they never ran to time and frequently just cancelled appts for anyone not urgent, cos they were actually far too busy for the number of people then employed, so that won't have improved so I think it's much like 'cosmetic' dermatology - if it's bothering you, then access sorting it yourself cos it ain't life threatening.
Thank you for reply trophywrench. Have never been to a chiropodist before. Does a chiropodist have medical knowledge too. Not sure reason people go to chiropodist. What sort of support can a chiropodist offer to people with issues with their feet. Many thanks for any information re this
Thank you for reply trophywrench. Have never been to a chiropodist before. Does a chiropodist have medical knowledge too. Not sure reason people go to chiropodist. What sort of support can a chiropodist offer to people with issues with their feet. Many thanks for any information re this
Just to add there are private podiatrist clinics around but expensive, a chain I know operates near me is foot solutions. Chiropodist clinics are trained medically, don’t know how the two professionals compare but do look into.
I would have though the artery issue needs to be discussed with your GP and they can take forward with the hospital vascular team if they feel it’s needing further treatment.
Just to add there are private podiatrist clinics around but expensive, a chain I know operates near me is foot solutions. Chiropodist clinics are trained medically, don’t know how the two professionals compare but do look into.
I would have though the artery issue needs to be discussed with your GP and they can take forward with the hospital vascular team if they feel it’s needing further treatment.
Podiatry is the modern term for Chiropodist.
Hi @Gladys ask for a referral to see a neurologist, this is the dept my Mum went to for her neuropathy. I also had specialist tests done in the neurology dept to assess neuropathy as my right leg and foot become numb due to MS.
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