CGM tomorrow

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Ah ha just read a bit about it. When you put the sensor in first off and attach it you just turn the machine on and leave it. What it is doing is 'wetting' and mixing with the interstitial fluid and getting itself sorted out. The machine takes an hour to get to the right place and then it will ask for its first calibration. I don't think you calibrate as soon as you put it in, it wouldn't work.

Our CGMS (via the insulin pump) does exactly the same but it takes 2 hours, so 1 hour is lovely.

As you didn't hear it (it should have alarmed) and then enter a calibration then it has gone tits up. Quite normal. Ours would be saying Cal error and bad sensor and all sorts of things.

So for us, we just turn off and turn on and either it will decide to wait another 2 hours (1 in your case) or it will ask for a reading within minutes.

If it doesn't work, let me know.
ok, we're back on! After an hour of waiting (good job its double coronation st tonight!) and ive calibrated and success! OK fingers crossed, i really really want this to work! Thanks so much for helping people!

Wey hey. Ignore my last message then, it worked.

Brilliant. Good luck.
yeah, i'd already waited an inital hour with it in ,before calibration and then it wanted another one which i missed. im keeping my eyes glued to it now just in case! Thanks so much adrienne
well my week ended with the cgm and i miss it so much! i love seeing what my sugars are doing all the time. i did feel like half woman half robot but loved the ease of knowing what happened through the night. funnily enough i had a near perfect week, 6's every time i looked at it. I had one hypo in the night and beeped at me over an hour as its 20 mins behind and so thought i was still low. but i soon forgave it when i woke up with a 6 and then gave me 6's the rest of the day. realised im not going over 11 even after meals which is good i think. Seeing nurse tomorrow and i have to hand it back (kicking and screaming) will they let me have whilst pregnant do you think?
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