CGM tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Helloo! Im getting a CGM fitted for a week tomorrow as my DSn wants to get me to 6% exactly before i get the green light for trying to conceive! Bit scared to be honest, ive seen really small ones but ive a feeling the nhs ones are massive! 😱 scared i'll knock it (already where a pump so used to having something attached to me) and that it wont work. Any advice? Ive read the other cgm thread but its gone slightly off topic :D . To be honest my sugars have been really tight the past 3 weeks since last seeing DSN as i need to get down half a percent (its like losing that last 2 pounds!)
How exciting! The hospital ones are bigger than the ones we use - so cant really give a comparison. Is this one that doesnt show the data? Does your team interpret the data for you?🙂Bev
she said something about downloading data next week? does that mean i wont be able to read results til next mon? i test every 2 hours at present anyway ha ha
I think its one where they will look at the data when you take it back - so not very helpful for you to make any changes as needed - but it will give you a good picture of what is happening when your not testing. I havent used one of these so cant give you a lot of information - I think (?) Adrienne might know more than me about these particular CGM's.🙂Bev
thanks bev x


There are two 'stand alone' CGMS you may get. There are no doubt much newer ones around but can't think all hospitals have purchased them.

You can have a Guardian RT where the levels are posted to a screen on the pager sized thing you will be wearing. This enables the user to tweak insulin etc as to the levels and trends.

The other I only know as a CGMS where you where the same sort of sensor and have the same sort of sized pager thing on your person but no screen. You have to calibrate, the same as the other, (only calibrate when your levels are ok if possible) but you cannot see what is happening.

The idea of this second one is that after a week you can download the data and as you have been doing your normal daily stuff, your team and you can see what is actually happening, ie any trends at certain times of the day or any hypos overnight maybe. It is a much better idea than the RT which you can tweak and manipulate as you go along.

Hope that helps.
I knew you'd come up trumps Adrienne - what you dont know about pumps and CGM's isnt worth knowing - but then you have been doing this for 10 years.🙂Bev
ok ive got it, its a 2 inch sensor thing in me and a pager type gadget, but it does show my sugars and trends etc. Good, for the first 2 hours. Then it has stopped giving me any data. The little egg timer has been going for an hour and a half. rang the nurses at hosp but no answer and text my other nurse (my normal nurse didnt fit it) but no reply yet (only 20 mins ago). not really sure what to do. Its close to me all the time so no issues about distance. I callibrated fine after an hour like she told me and it was working fine (except suagrs were a lot lower than my tester showed) and then at 2 i noticed it wasnt showing anything.
Did you get any sort of manual with it Rach? It sounds like it needs resetting if the egg timer has been going that long. Hope you get it sorted!
i got an a5 piece of paper with symbols on it, but the egg timer means its "doing something", not sure what maybe its on a coffee break?
Sounds to me (as a programmer!) it's got itself into an endless loop. and isn't actually doing anything. I hope you get a response soon, otherwise it might be worth switching it off and on again or something similar. I admit, that's what I'd be tempted to do! If you know what make/model it is might be worth googling to see if others have experienced this, or if there is an online manual.
ooh great idea thanks! my dsn said ring helpline, which closed 3 mins ago arghh! its a good job my sugars are 5! dsn is ringing me in 5 mins
my main dsn rang me (even though shes ill!) and she said because i ate within an hour of having it done it messed up the readings. I asked the other dsn if i was ok to eat yet she said yeah course, just do everything as you normally would. Grr. we've tried to redo it but still not reading it. She says if still no joy just disconnect it and abandon it! ha ha ah well i'm sure i'll live!
Dont abandon it - I will txt Adrienne to see if she can help.🙂Bev
thanks! xxxx (i had to add more kisses as it wouldnt let me post less than 10 characters)

What machine it is? What make? Then I may know what I'm talking about. Is it a Guardian RT? You can generally download all the instruction manuals so we can take a look in there. I need to know what it looks like really to if I'm familiar with it.

Don't abandon it though, not yet.
hi, its a freestyle navigator. looked online and apparently i didn't calibrate it quick enough the 2nd time it asked- about an hour after 1st calibration. So what ive done is disconnect and reconnected it and in an hour im going to recalibrate and see whats what. i really really dont want to give up on it, so i'll try all suggestions. although if i take the batteries out i will have to put a new sensor in (which i dont have) according to the instructons
Yep that is all absolutely correct. I think they are all much of a muchness to be honest. I don't know about the freestyle navigator but I do know others on the children's email list who have used them. See what happens in an hour and if nothing else works, let us know and me or Bev can ask on the list.

The two calibrations are close together, how odd but if thats what the manual says then fair enough.

Good luck.
thanks, yeah i thought it odd as well, i wasnt expecting it- i was actually walking round town and only realise it had stopped when i sat down for a coffee. so not sure how long it had been asking for another calibration.
ok, we're back on! After an hour of waiting (good job its double coronation st tonight!) and ive calibrated and success! OK fingers crossed, i really really want this to work! Thanks so much for helping people!
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