CGM how long do you give it?

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How has it been tracking today @digihat ?

Some sensors just don’t seem to seat well, or the filament somehow gets dislodged or for whatever reason just gives wobbly results.

I had Libre1s that took 2-3 days to settle, and then performed perfectly well, but in general more recently if a sensor is wobbling and struggling for more than a day I tend to call time
How has it been tracking today @digihat ?

Some sensors just don’t seem to seat well, or the filament somehow gets dislodged or for whatever reason just gives wobbly results.

I had Libre1s that took 2-3 days to settle, and then performed perfectly well, but in general more recently if a sensor is wobbling and struggling for more than a day I tend to call time

@everydayupsanddowns its been pretty similar it had just fallen out of range low which is a first finger was 4.4 at the time it was probably heading downwards anyway but not by how much it was saying its going up now as I took a treatment. My time in range is about 9% below 3.9mmol which is way off think Im going to need swap it out glad I'm not sering nurses till April otherwise might cause abit of alarm
Hmm, I'm having a bad run.

I started a new sensor with 6h to run on the old one, it was showing fairly random numbers so I went to bed and hoped it would be better in the morning (once the old one had died.) Instead, the numbers were still all over the place and when I scanned it with the Libre2 reader (just to see what it said) it told me to replace the sensor.
I contacted Abbott and they sent out a replacement. I left the sensor on as I didn't have a spare. Interestingly it started to work after a day or so (the values were then tracking my actual BG and the offset was "calibratable", though the libre2 reader was never interested again.) When the replacement arrived I took it off and sent it back to Abbott and replaced it with the new one, though was slightly reluctant as it was functional and I didn't really fancy swapping arm so soon (but I also felt a bit of a fraud for requesting a new one).

That sensor's Bluetooth died after ~4 days, so I contacted Abbott again, they are sending out a replacement. Annoyingly I'd usually have just popped my Miaomiao2 on top of the sensor and kept using it without requesting a replacement, but I've lost the MM2 (which is really annoying as they appear to be quite hard to come by these days, and expensive if they can be sourced. I'm not sure I should need to fork out the best part of £150 just because the libre2 sensors are somewhat variable in their quality.)

Thankfully I got my prescription from the chemist so could put a new one on, but guess what, this one has never worked properly and is currently reading ~5.5mmol/l higher than actual (7.2 vs 12.7mmol/l - I know, I'm high, and it's past bed time so a correction dose as I go to bed, not ideal.) Thankfully it's still reading close to actual values at low blood glucose values (e.g. 4.4mmol/l) so XDrip+ can calibrate it though the accuracy is pretty poor judging by the finger prick tests I'm doing (very noisy data). I'm reluctant to have to ask for yet another replacement, but it's not really functioning as per the spec.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my frustration. It is just a bad run, hopefully I'll not get another like this for some time! 🙂
Anyway, just thought I'd share my frustration. It is just a bad run, hopefully I'll not get another like this for some time! 🙂

Hope you have a good long run of trouble-free sensors after all that faff.

One of the things I’fe enjoyed about Dex for the years I’ve used it is the complete lack of failures. The stubborn only-every-5-minute updates, and interminable 10-15minute lag, not so much. 🙄
The advice I was given is always test via blood tester if low, or if too high. I don't always, but I generally trust it unless it is new sensor. But I think I have only 2 libres with fault result since 2024.

The differences in the type of result and time can have an impact. And again the advice is for lows/highs if giving any treatment to blood test too. But I would be surprised many of us do this. Like changing the lancets
Hope you have a good long run of trouble-free sensors after all that faff.

One of the things I’fe enjoyed about Dex for the years I’ve used it is the complete lack of failures. The stubborn only-every-5-minute updates, and interminable 10-15minute lag, not so much. 🙄
I finally gave up on the one that was reading high as Bluetooth also failed (7 days in again, not great) and the calibration had also given up and I had to remember to keep adding 2.5mmol/l to the displayed value (and I moved my hypo warnings down to the minimum allowable 2.3mmol/l, which was still too high and annoying -> 2.3+2.5=4.8mmol/l)

I don't dare comment on the new one yet, but fingers crossed.....! 🙂
I don't dare comment on the new one yet, but fingers crossed.....!

Ah diabetes tech frustrations! Something so close to invisible when it just works can completely take over your headspace every waking moment when it is playing up!

Yes, strange isn't it, though probably not a bad thing to not rely upon it quite so implicitly at all times.

Interestingly they didn't even want the last two back, I wonder if they've accepted they had a bad batch.
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