CGM how long do you give it?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
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Just wondered how long you would leave a cgm in when it tells you are low when you aren't have verified with finger prick and turned off alarms as they keep going off... I know cgm and finger prick never same and I know roughly what difference is with current cgm

Graph below for today my last cgm stayed low for along time I took it out, this one has been better but still likes to spend quite abit of time low. Its not a compression low far as I can tell as its in same spot where I usually put them. Is it best just a request a replacement? Dont like to waste things this has 7 days left

I did a chart comparing Libre 2 sensor readings against the five finger-pricks per day I used to do, for a couple of months, and the Libre 2 was showing anything from 0 to 2 mmol/L lower than the finger-prick method.
Other people have reported a better match, and some have even said that the Libre 2 often gives higher readings than the finger-prick.
I would suggest you try something similar, for several weeks if you can, so you can see whether your down-to-3 Libre 2 readings are just wrong, or should be acted upon.
I did a chart comparing Libre 2 sensor readings against the five finger-pricks per day I used to do, for a couple of months, and the Libre 2 was showing anything from 0 to 2 mmol/L lower than the finger-prick method.
Other people have reported a better match, and some have even said that the Libre 2 often gives higher readings than the finger-prick.
I would suggest you try something similar, for several weeks if you can, so you can see whether your down-to-3 Libre 2 readings are just wrong, or should be acted upon.
I've been keeping logs in libre when doing testing for food etc. Lunch for example 3.2 libre finger 4.7 I know rough difference so not too worried and no symptoms but can still ger a rough of idea of patterns etc.
I've been keeping logs in libre when doing testing for food etc. Lunch for example 3.2 libre finger 4.7 I know rough difference so not too worried and no symptoms but can still ger a rough of idea of patterns etc.
Yes, it's the patterns and effects of eating various foods (and the results of injecting insulin, if you do this) which are the great advantages of any CGM.
I just transpose my graph about 1 to 2 mmol/L higher than it actually shows, to simulate the results which I would expect to get if doing continuous finger-pricks! (Now that would be an interesting exercise, until one ran out of blood...!)
Good evening everyone

Just wondered how long you would leave a cgm in when it tells you are low when you aren't have verified with finger prick and turned off alarms as they keep going off... I know cgm and finger prick never same and I know roughly what difference is with current cgm

Graph below for today my last cgm stayed low for along time I took it out, this one has been better but still likes to spend quite abit of time low. Its not a compression low far as I can tell as its in same spot where I usually put them. Is it best just a request a replacement? Dont like to waste things this has 7 days left

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The downside to the cgm's like dexcom and libre is they don't measure blood glucose. If blood glucose is falling, then the body will likely put the glucose where it's most needed e.g not in the areas within the skin etc. Thus, you will see drops in the cgm readings which may show before they do in the finger prick readings.

I'm not complaining, just pointing out the limitations. The freestyle libre is my opinion the best thing on the market since insulin was invented over a 100 years ago.
The downside to the cgm's like dexcom and libre is they don't measure blood glucose. If blood glucose is falling, then the body will likely put the glucose where it's most needed e.g not in the areas within the skin etc. Thus, you will see drops in the cgm readings which may show before they do in the finger prick readings.

I'm not complaining, just pointing out the limitations. The freestyle libre is my opinion the best thing on the market since insulin was invented over a 100 years ago.
100% agree generally my experience has been great with libre 2. Just when this happens throws me abit with alarms going off constantly when not low think I had become a little too complacent with it but overall makes life alot easier 🙂
100% agree generally my experience has been great with libre 2. Just when this happens throws me abit with alarms going off constantly when not low think I had become a little too complacent with it but overall makes life alot easier 🙂
Having the libre has been fantastic, not to mention no more sore fingers. Its given diabetics back their spontaneity and improved their lives immeasurably.
100% agree generally my experience has been great with libre 2. Just when this happens throws me a bit with alarms going off constantly when not low think I had become a little too complacent with it but overall makes life alot easier 🙂
Since I have good hypo awareness, I have turned off all the LibreLink alarms.
Being Type 1 you may not be so fortunate...
Since I have good hypo awareness, I have turned off all the LibreLink alarms.
Being Type 1 you may not be so fortunate...
My awareness I'm not so sure on im only been recently diagnosed after DKA. First/second month noticed them pretty well. Since not so sure or I've got better control since then hard to tell at times.
Good evening everyone

Just wondered how long you would leave a cgm in when it tells you are low when you aren't have verified with finger prick and turned off alarms as they keep going off... I know cgm and finger prick never same and I know roughly what difference is with current cgm

Graph below for today my last cgm stayed low for along time I took it out, this one has been better but still likes to spend quite abit of time low. Its not a compression low far as I can tell as its in same spot where I usually put them. Is it best just a request a replacement? Dont like to waste things this has 7 days left

View attachment 29368
Hello, your picture looks cropped. Could you post an image with the time markers on the bottom which could highlight a little more info? Thanks.
Hello @digihat,

When I used Libre 2 it took me a long time to conclude that my body and Libre 2 were incompatible. Sometimes my sensor could start high and stay high all 14 days, or start low and stay low. But sometimes the sensor could start high and end up low, or vice versa. If the actual to interstitial difference was within 2 mmol/L, I 'd tolerate that because my trend arrows and trend interpretation from the graphs was for me the most important thing I needed to know - ONCE I knew I was somewhere in range (4-10). So I used my Libre most of the time, but took fps at least 5x daily, sometimes 7 or 8. More when I was on a long drive or I had no sensors left and was waiting for replacements.

When the differential got above 3 mmol/L, I routinely asked Abbott for replacements. I had over 50% failure rate, either from a sensor just literally stopping before the 14 days or becoming unworkable with the differential. Abbott replaced every failed sensor. I frequently ended up telling the Abbott representative that in the final analysis the failed or failing sensor was blatantly "not fit for purpose" which always brought the correct outcome.

In spring 2022 the NICE Guidelines for T1 and CGM were softened to improve availability for all T1s AND to increase the range of the lower cost CGMs that were to become available. I moved to Dexcom One and my failure rate reduced; but this was still not perfect or even very close.

Earlier last year ('23) I self-funded Dexcom G7 which has proved to be invaluable: excellent sensor reliability and sensor readings are very close to actual. This proved to me that there was a CGM that could work well on my body and I asked my Consultant to upgrade me to G7. This, most thankfully, was aporoved later in '23 and G7 hardware has continued to serve me well; the app on my android 14 phone has crashed 5 times which is a bore since it freezes you out completely and only a factory reset can unfreeze my phone. After the 1st crash Dexcom provided me with a Receiver (the equivalent of a Libre Reader).

My conclusions from this are that:

There is a CGM that is compatible with me. I accept that many others get a decent level of compatibility with Libre 2, but I didn't.​
The reduction in stress in having that reliable compatibility can not be overemphasised. Knowing that the screen is displaying data very close to actual is extraordinarily reassuring. Not having to fp before every bolus circumstance, because the reading is right, is a big part of that stress reduction. The stress from the hassle of having to seek replacements for 50% of all sensors was in itself a burden.​
This long answer to your question "how long before changing a sensor" is still muddy. I sometimes stuck with quite large disparities because I'd got used to those, could work around those with mental adjustments AND because at that time there was only one low-cost option: Libre 2. The 3 higher cost alternatives of Libre 3, Dexcom G6 and G7 were simply not in the vocabulary for my support. Now there are better lower cost options. Also I demonstrated that:

I'd really tried to make L2 work.​
I had the evidence (Abbott invoices) proving how frequently Abbott had replaced sensors.​
I'd found and self-funded an option that did work and shared that proof with my Consultant.​
I now am genuinely making a big saving on greatly reduced fps and thus reduced test strips. These come from my GP's prescription allocations; my G7 comes from the Hospital's budget allocations - but no-one seems to make that an issue (so far).​
My Consultant was wholly on-side with the principle that my stress reduction was a great improvement for me.​
Hope that is if some help.
My awareness I'm not so sure on im only been recently diagnosed after DKA. First/second month noticed them pretty well. Since not so sure or I've got better control since then hard to tell at times.
It's a different strategy these days with hypo awareness. We shouldn't be solely relying on it. With the libre we can set lows to say 5.5. This gives us the ability to avoid hypo (and hypo awareness) by giving us sufficient pre warning. If graph is falling and arrows are pointing down at 5.5, then that is a good indication of an impending hypo, we can treat early, to at least reduce if not prevent a hypo.
To my eye. I would agree these do not look like “compression lows.” Is there a consistent (approx.) 1.5mmol discrepancy across the board? (Not just on the “hypos.”)
Have you considered using a 3rd party app in conjunction with Librelink which could be calibrated?
Generally so far with this one it has been about that although before breakfast it was 2.5 today so I'm just going to finger prick more often which I have been doing anyway I've been having less hypos with doing more finger procks
Generally so far with this one it has been about that although before breakfast it was 2.5 today so I'm just going to finger prick more often which I have been doing anyway I've been having less hypos with doing more finger procks
With the Libre during a hypo. I find it lags behind a fingerprick on the rise after treated. (Sometimes, a good half hour?)
For me, the Libre is pretty constant with the meter. But it is wise to double check with the meter. As enamoured as I am with the Libre system, I don’t subscribe to the “no more finger pricks.” But it can help me navigate my day regarding decisions.
Where do you place your sensor?
As enamoured as I am with the Libre system, I don’t subscribe to the “no more finger pricks.
I noticed last year even Abbott have moved away from selling Libre as a total finger prick replacement. They now recommend "Finger pricks are required if glucose readings and alarms do not match symptoms or expectations."
I replace mine as soon as XDrip+ can no longer correct for the offset (as it's too large) as if I can't have working overnight hypo alarms a lot of the value is lost (this is typically a steady-state offset of >4mmol/l going from memory of the numbers I've read out over the phone).

You don't have an ability to correct within the standard app (though you could perhaps reduce the hypo alarm level for the sensor?) If it were me and the hypo alarm kept going off when I was happily in range I'd be looking for a replacement.
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