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CGM graphs to view?

My HBA1C estimate is never right it is always alot lower than my Laboratory Result.
Me too - my estimated HBA1c is more than 20% lower than the "real" one.
I see them to be so different that I have stopped seeing the estimate as related to HBA1c - it is another metric to track to see that I am on the right track.
My Libre HbA1c prediction is always lower too but only by 3-4mmols.
Are all referring to Estimated HBA1c or BG reading?
The units are not clear - HBA1c are in mmol/mol and BG is in mmol/l. Neither are measured in mmol.
There are two different formulas used to estimate what a HbA1c blood test result might look like based on average blood glucose levels. The older eA1c formula is from the days before CGMs and the GMI formula is an attempt to revise it to suit CGM data. The older formula provides a lower number than GMI. In the Libre 2 app the eA1C number appears under 'Reports' -> 'Estimated A1c' and GMI appears on the blood glucose report on the LibreView website, though requires at least 10 days worth of readings I believe. If the CGM is giving accurate readings the GMI number should be much closer to the mark. For me my actual HbA1c test has always been between the two estimated numbers, closer to the eA1c than the GMI (which is always quite a bit higher than my actual HbA1c result). All the Libre 2s I've had tended to read quite a bit higher than my meter though. Based on comments on this forum this does not appear to be the norm - for the Libre 2 to always read on the high side.