Cauliflower Mash

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Hello There
How do you make cauliflower mash. Is it the same way as you would make mashed potato?
Yep, I put butter in mine. Love it.
Hello There
How do you make cauliflower mash. Is it the same way as you would make mashed potato?

I use a blender to make it super smooth ( which I wouldn’t normally do with potato ) . I fry some garlic and add that to the blender. Add butter, salt to taste
I just boil and mash mine the same as potatoes (although it doesn't take quite so long to cook) but I add a good dollop of cream cheese instead of butter before I mash. Celeriac works just the same but has a slightly different flavour.
I tried Cauliflower rice for the first time yesterday loved it was very shocked . I managed to get it in microwaveable packets so quick and easy . Wish I’d tried it earlier !
First time I bought it from Tesco in those little microwaveable bags I sautéed it off in a little EVOO and coconut oil instead. Quick twist of black pepper and a tiny pinch of sea salt and it was yummy!

I’m trying to do without my microwave as I’m moving house soon and there’s no logical place for it to go.

Tomorrow I’m making cauliflower pancakes for breakfast - topped with a fried egg and some avocado 🙂
Tried cauli rice this week (70p from Aldi, what could go wrong?) without any expectation it would be any good. Really pleasantly surprised how like rice it was. Mrs A did not remember it wasn't proper rice until halfway through....
First time I bought it from Tesco in those little microwaveable bags I sautéed it off in a little EVOO and coconut oil instead. Quick twist of black pepper and a tiny pinch of sea salt and it was yummy!

I’m trying to do without my microwave as I’m moving house soon and there’s no logical place for it to go.

Tomorrow I’m making cauliflower pancakes for breakfast - topped with a fried egg and some avocado 🙂
Do you have the pancake recipe?
Hello There
How do you make cauliflower mash. Is it the same way as you would make mashed potato?
if u search google u will find loads of options
Tried cauli rice this week (70p from Aldi, what could go wrong?) without any expectation it would be any good. Really pleasantly surprised how like rice it was. Mrs A did not remember it wasn't proper rice until halfway through....
Kenny my packet was Aldi but pretty sure it was £1.49 - 49p to avoid having to grate a fresh one made sense to me... were yours on sale? I need to pop out now if they were!
Kenny my packet was Aldi but pretty sure it was £1.49 - 49p to avoid having to grate a fresh one made sense to me... were yours on sale? I need to pop out now if they were!

Ah, I bought two and I might have confused the price for one with the price for two. Can't remember. Anyway, just had some more and it is as good as I thought.
Thanks @ColinUK for the recipe will try that with my next batch. Nearly typed bath then! !!:confused: Now, that would be low carb!
Thanks @KennyA I hope I can find the golden price packet tomorrow - if not I still think it was a bargain for convenience of not having to grate a cauliflower - although I wouldn't mind giving that a go as I have never tried... wouldn't naturally have appeared on my bucket list. Need to create/buy more as want to try pancakes and mash versions.

Was quite worried it would taste vile, I microwaved and the kitchen was fragrant old school dinners... but the taste was fine, I then added it to bulk a stew. Tasty wintery dish!
Thanks @ColinUK for the recipe will try that with my next batch. Nearly typed bath then! !!:confused: Now, that would be low carb!
Thanks @KennyA I hope I can find the golden price packet tomorrow - if not I still think it was a bargain for convenience of not having to grate a cauliflower - although I wouldn't mind giving that a go as I have never tried... wouldn't naturally have appeared on my bucket list. Need to create/buy more as want to try pancakes and mash versions.

Was quite worried it would taste vile, I microwaved and the kitchen was fragrant old school dinners... but the taste was fine, I then added it to bulk a stew. Tasty wintery dish!
I added some to bulk a stew and all it did was turn it into some odd kind of slop! Tasty but odd.
I enjoy making my own cauliflower rice. I count the grating process of hard veggies like cauli and celeriac as aerobic exercise so not only is the low carb doing me good - the process of making it also reduces my blood sugar LOL

I don't make mash because it never filled me up when it was spuds and so I don't fancy mashed veggies.

I love grated veggies mixed with mayonnaise and I love fresh grated cauli stir fried in ghee and coconut oil with turmeric and a chopped garlic clove and fenugreek (which also reduces blood sugar).

Making soup thickened with cauli leaves and the white chunky bits left over from the grating in it - then blitzed with a stick blender - makes the soup as thick if not more so than it used to be thickened by spuds and I add a dollop of cream and blend again and then have cream soup.

Cauliflower is wonderful stuff. I had an Indian takeaway yesterday - tandoori chicken with cauliflower bhaji and it was amazing and didn't shift my blood sugars at all. I've always loved cauli but now I appreciate it's miraculousness even more.
Cottage pie with Cauliflower Rice instead of mashed potato/sweet potato is different (especially the texture) but I like it.
Cottage pie with Cauliflower Rice instead of mashed potato/sweet potato is different (especially the texture) but I like it.
This is how I used my 2nd experience of Cauliflower rice - it worked well and is a recipe I have repeated since. 🙂
This is how I used my 2nd experience of Cauliflower rice - it worked well and is a recipe I have repeated since. 🙂
I love cauliflower mash instead of spud mash anyway. And it’s even better if you make it cauliflower cheese mash 🙂
A cauliflower and a couple of onions, garlic to taste, chopped and cooked in 800ml of veg stock, then wizzed with the hand blender.
Add half a dozen low fat cheese triangles ( or Primula Light ? ) and wizz to mix in.

Cauliflower cheese soup. Mmmmm

Paul G
I tend to roast the cauli then use a hand blender with some butter, salt and pepper I find boiling the cauli makes it a bit too slushy for me
Hi @Lunar Girl - i made cauliflower mash for the 1st time last week. I chopped it up, stalks got a further chopping because i wanted it to cook evenly. Boil for 10 min?? well drained, Into a bowl big dollop of cream cheese, shake of pepper (no salt, i have to watch my blood pressure) then i whizzed it with my hand mixer but the bits flew everywhere! 🙄 so i swapped to a hand blender until it became creamy. My husband had reservations when i plopped it on the plate, but HE LOVED IT !! 😛
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