Carbs & Cal - Very low calorie - recipe and meal plans


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can any one advise on this book please?

My brother who has recently been diagnosed type 2 says he is not eating because he has put on too much weight. I have explained he can eat just reduce the carbs and that it is important to eat at regular meal times.

I was wondering if this book could be something he may read and take note, of things he may like to eat without too much carbs and at the same time filling. He has always been a heavy carbs person.

Grateful for any input.
When I was first diagnosed T2, I came across this book. An absolute godsend for me. I still use it.
Thanks Sharron 🙂 @Sharron1 - does the book go through the letter box ok do you think?
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