Carb counting... not so bad

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We were told to give x amount of units per meal (levels were dreadful) for the first 2 weeks until we saw the dietician and we started carb counting.🙂Even though I knew nothing about diabetes at this stage, I knew enough to know that if he had a sandwich which needed x units - then he would need a very different amount for a plate of pasta and an ice-cream.😱

Alex was 10 (now 12) and from day 1 of carb counting he got involved. He is now very good at being able to look at a plate of food and doing a 'guesstimate' and is normally spot-on. I think if you start children young then its a brilliant foundation for them to build on and they do pick it all up very quickly. Another good way of getting them to be involved is to let them have some 'freedom' as long as they are willing to carb count their own meals whilst at a friends etc. Alex does this and is really good at it - if he isnt sure he rings me and we try to work it out together. He is also very good at working out whether the fat content of certain foods require either a dual wave or a square wave and over what period of time etc. We have very odd conversations sometimes.....its about as big as a fist with a sauce on it the size of a digestive biscuit about 3mm thick....🙂Bev
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