Car Insurance

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Our motorhome insurance this year went up by a third, so Eeek! and I'm not even on it since I have no intention of ever driving it (tried once with the previous one and loathed that experience, so No Way Pedro) Pete got a few points for speeding (like 35 in a 30, nothing mega excessive or dangerous) in his car a few years back and was seriously annoyed having passed his test aged 17/18 and never EVER had points before - and by then being aged over 70 - so it wasn't that either. So he moved the cover to a different co for a premium very similar to last year's.
Have to ring up to cancel renewal. So they can try to get you to stay. Mine went from £20.11 a month £31.65 a month. Spent 10 minute in a queue. Then had to endure usual spiel. On 3 yr restricted licence. How much have you been quoted? she asked. Didnt tell her go compare got me insurance for £17.20 a month. I'd already bought it £30.00 deposit. So i said i'm not telling you. need to know so i can see how much i can reduce it. I'm annoyed any reduction to me means that you are trying to rip me off for x amount of pounds. Told her anyway. She reduced it to £26. I said are you daft you are still £9 dearer. We will give you this excess etc,. Said go campare give £250 free excess. She was stumped. Wasnt rude but was firm. Think she sensed how i felt so eventually cancelled it for me. Please use a comparison site before you accept their renewal price. Dont just cancel your direct debit.
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