Cant cope with this

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Hi Bob
You're going in the right direction. Taking problems / issues one by one - the cyst on your bottom may well be a result of running higher blood glucose levels until diagnosis, so once it's removed (almost certainly under local anaesthetic at your GP's surgery) and blood glucose levels are under control, it is not likely to reoccur. Heartburn certainly does feel like heart pain, but again, it's controllable with tablets / liquid medication (ask GP and / or pharmacist for advice), slight diet modification and perhaps not eating immediately before lying down to sleep. You're already doing well with your weight management - keep doing something fun and active. If you want some slightly unusual suggestions, just ask - you'll be amazed what people who post on these boards do - the Excercise section isn't just for ultra athletes!
Hi there Bob, sorry to hear your in a dark place, but it sounds like you're getting back on track, and hopefully you'll soon have that half full glass back in your hand! Stick around here and chat with some of the other guys/gals here hopefully a problem shared is a problem halved and all that, and soon enough you'll be able to comfort others, get ideas of what to do for better management and everything!

Take care Bob and chin up!

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