Cant cope with this

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i was diagnosed with t2 about 6 weeks ago and was dead positive about it but over the last week -

I have found a cyst on the top of my bum which needs to be cut out

i have developed a gastric disease (thought i was having a heart attack)


the top of my feet are really really tingly (had them checked out today Dr said physical tests were fine but really annoying me as well as making me worry big time as she didnt do very much!!!).

I am only 28 and just think that i am being robbed of my life - i used to be a half full kinda guy -now the glass isnt even half empty.

I cried for the first time in years today - I have never really been ill before, not even broken bones or anything like that and now I feel like I should be 108 and not 28.

Sorry for the doom and gloom story
Please don't worry about your reaction - I am sure many of us went through similar at some point after diagnosis, I know I did. Suddenly we get a label of "ill" and are expected to change our lifestyle dramatically but it does get better again. Two years down the line since diagnosis I'm now slimmer and fitter than I have been in 30 years and feel that I have more going for me now than when I was 28.

You must feel that things are stacked against you with the cyst and the gastric problem as well but just a quick comment on the tingling - I know that a few people have found this as their blood sugars begin to drop and that is probably why your doctor is not treating it as a big deal at this stage. If the problem persists get it checked out again and don't take no for an answer

In the meantime, have a good rant and rave on here, ask questions or whatever.
What are your blood glucose levels like?

Just because these issues have suddenly occured, it doesn't mean it's caused by diabetes and it doesn't mean your life is going to be like that from now on.

Because you are newly diagnose, i'm guessing your levels have been high for some time and now they are levelling out more. This might make you feel some tingling in your feet as things settle down, it doesn't mean you've damaged them and if the doctor has said they are fine that's always good!

Are you unhealthy in any other way except diabetes?
Thanks for your post vanessa - hopefully ill pull myself together soon!

thank u 2 katie - i have no other probs - other than being overweight but that is coming down too (22.5 stone to 19.11 so far)
Thanks Vanessa

i just wanted to get "better" so started to try to lose weight. But i am starting to realise that "better" doesnt mean what it always has done before.

I will keep on with it though!
hi silkman as some one who went through something similier last Nov i jave just emailed you a few bits ok x
Well done on the weight-loss Bob 🙂

Keep doing what you are doing. You will feel sooo much better if you keep at it and get your levels under control.
Thanks Vanessa

i just wanted to get "better" so started to try to lose weight. But i am starting to realise that "better" doesnt mean what it always has done before.

I will keep on with it though!

Bob, it is great that you are already sounding more positive🙂 I had a darned good weep about myself a few weeks after diagnosis. I'd had so many tests and medical appointments etc. that they had pointed out every little problem I had, whereas previously I had thought I was particularly fit and healthy for a man my age - very demoralising to say the least!

Eventually, though, I came to realise that all this had been a good thing in many ways. I was now aware of exactly what things I needed to concentrate on to improve my quality (and quantity!) of life. I still slip from time to time and sometimes feel desperately unhappy with my lot, but I am better off than I was, just gradually heading downhill without really realising it.

Don't bottle it in if you feel bad, you'll find a lot of empathy here, and I'm glad you spoke up - it makes us all consider how we felt and how we have or can progress from the darker days.🙂
Hi Silkman_bob It took me about a year or so to come to terms with my diabetes so it's not uncommon to feel angry or upset by it you just have to show it who's boss so to speak! I've found since i've had better control that I feel more positive about it but I think we all still have days where it can get on top of us, on those days you should remind yourself that it's a lot to deal with and most people in our situation wouldn't deal with it as well as we do (that's what I tell myself anyway).I find a good cry helps!

When I was first diagnosed I had the tingling feet and fingers and I know a few other people have said they had too on here so when your levels have sorted themselves out and are steady that should stop with any luck. Well done on losing the weight you should be really proud of yourself. Anyway good luck with it all I hope things improve soon.

I'd had so many tests and medical appointments etc. that they had pointed out every little problem I had, whereas previously I had thought I was particularly fit and healthy for a man my age - very demoralising to say the least!

Same here. I was fit and healthy and always doing some form of exercise, so I felt upset that I had a medical condition and it didn't matter that I had kept myself healthy, there was nothing I could do to help it. At least we all have motivation for keeping ourselves healthy I guess. Alot of diabetics become more healthy than they have ever been after being dianosed!

You sound to be getting onto the right track to get things sorted out.

Stick with it!

Best wishes - John
Go Bob! You can do it!

Hey Bob! You poor guy...just to let you know that you're not alone. Sometimes i wonder of i'm in a worse state of health than my 80 year old grandparents..I figured that one day i'd get diabetes, after all it runs in my family and i'm by no means skinny, but i figured it would be when i'm older, like, older than 32...(oh dear, now you all know how old i am's our little secret ok?:D) I thought i was healthy and well, virtually indestructable and suddenly i'm having to go see a doctor all the time, and have injections and take pills. It's scary, especially when they find something else wrong, which you didn't know about because, well, you never had to go the to doctors before. I didn't even have a GP when i was diagnosed.

Now, i'm gonna tell you something my mum told me, a lot, and i didn't believe a year ago, so i don't blame you if you don't now. You're young, you still do all the stuff you dreamed of, and because you're young you've got time and energy to fight this. This website is great though, just being able to communicate with people who know how you feel is a huge help. It made me realise i'm not alone. You can moan and rant all you like and there's always somebody who'll say that the've felt the exact same way, and to me, that's a massive comfort. (Thank you all...🙂)

Hope you're able to get the gastric and feet problems sorted out. It might be that now you're diagnosed that these are easier to deal with, coz at least the doctors have a root cause, and this often makes stuff easier to treat.

You can do it!!!

Two months ago today I sat staring at the doctor thinking, he's got be joking. But no, it was diabetes. I went out, did the research, tripped over a link to this place, changed my whole life and was generally far too busy to get down over it all. But this last couple of weeks have been a real struggle, I'm having to fight for everything and the reality is setting in, it's very hard. You're not alone in feeling overwhelmed by it all. I think we all do at some point.

This is a good place to be when you feel that way though, I'm finding the folk in here really supportive. There's always someone around who knows what you're feeling.
Hi Bob, sorry to hear you're having such a rough time of it at the moment. The people on here are very wise, and know what they're talking about. Some of us 'suffer' diabetes more than others, some of us manage our diabetes okay, and some of us are all over the place with it - what I mean to say is that everybody copes differently with their diagnosis and their health, so the fact that you've had a little weep about your current state of health is just your way of coping at this moment in time. It won't always be like that.

Whatever else you do or don't do, please stick around here, the members of this forum are quite inspirational, and always ready and willing to support you whatever you're going through. As you can see already, many have experienced the same feelings as you at some time or another.

Take care.

Thank you for all your kind messages. I am slightly overwhelmed by them all and cant thank you enough.

Tonight I have been beaten but tomorrow I will be fighting again x
hi bob
catching in on the end feet were bad for years before i was diagniosed the sides of my big toes had gone numb and the burning sensation was often my sugar levels are more controled the sensation is much better...i dont know if its a coincidence but i dont care its an improvement .We all seem to get good and bad days but like you said we carry on! . I had spent 4 days sleeping or crying and feeling very lonely and confused ...then i stumbled across this place...and it has helped tremendouslyx
WOW your weight loss is fantastic your a star !
i just wanted to say well done on the weight loss thats brilliant
i still cry after nine years so dont be ashamed about it . its good to let in all out .
Not much to add that the others haven't already said.
Just know that you are not alone.
Great weight loss by the way.
Like you I am an overweight bloke so any hints and tips are always appreciated.
Keep the faith!
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