Can we have our cake and eat it? Welcome to the world of sugar elimination

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Our sugar problem could be solved by counteracting it after we’ve eaten it, as stomach ‘sponges’ and fibre-making enzymes head to market​

The Observer Society Section article written by Zoe Corbyn (diagnosed with prediabetes as stated in the article)
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A bit expensive to offset the urge to eat surgery treats. Looking at the ‘treats’ I find them quite off putting and fortunately have no desire to consume them. My issue as a Pre-Diabetic is carbs, eg bread, chips, rice etc. (not altogether of course) but as Tim Spectre says:
Tim Spector, a professor at King’s College London who studies the gut microbiome and is the co-founder of personal nutrition company Zoe, fears the latter. “These sugar-elimination products, if they work, are likely to encourage people to continue eating largely unhelpful foods,” he says. He adds that – from high fat levels to emulsifiers – there are also plenty of other ways beyond sugar that our food can be detrimental and which remain unaddressed by this technology. “Focusing on eating whole foods and reducing our intake of ultra-processed products should be everyone’s priority,” he says.
Agreed yes there are many complex behavioural and brain chemistry issues around sugar addiction and food addiction, and I am personally trying hard to rid my life of high sugar high carb foods in preparation for the Newcastle NHS Path to Remission Programme in March, so downing sachets of fibre enzymes to follow big blowout unhealthy junkfood binge flies in the face of all long-term behavioural and lifestyle changes based on scientific research and case studies, plus it almost encourages eating disorders behaviour - trigger warning if I have inadvertently used words which are problematic for anyone living with serious complex eating disorders also.

Then again, Silicon Valley American-style entrepeneurial start-ups which attract venture capitalists and create stocks and shares billionaires are not exactly known for being caring or selfless or even trustworthy, ie, Theranos, Meta/Facebook/Instagram, Tesla, Amazon et al!

Simple test which anyone can do to see how accustomed or resistant to high sugar foods they are is well-brewed cup of organic loose green tea - if you can drink this easily and appreciate the bitter flavours without wanting to add sugar or sweeteners, you probably have developed tastebuds which are used to wide variety of foods and are possibly not predisposed to supersweet high sugar foods, and if you can't drink it, then maybe this points to you becoming accustomed to high sugar processed foods, and this test doesn't involve expensive supplements or US start-ups or an acceptance of ultra processed foods in every food product we consume either!
I saw that article
My thoughts when i see these new substances is ... where is the study on the effect of long term use? And of course since they are new there is no long term data.
How long has aspartame been out? Yet questions about it are still being raised.
History tells us a food additive or medicine which has previously been in use can be reviewed and approval revoked.
Call me cautious, but I do not rush to use new stuff like this 😛
I have my cake and eat it. But I do bake my own low carb sugar free ones. No fancy enzymes required.
Except the ones you make yourself, in your tummy? 🙂
Absolutely deranged. Keep eating junk food that can cause health problems, but add some processed rubbish that tries to counteract the effects of the junk food. It’s a bit like telling people with T2 to keep eating pizza and then sell more medication.

Are people that desperate for a doughnut?
Are people that desperate for a doughnut?
You and I both know, that some people are - and so are the folk who come up with the crap to fix eating the crap, so the idiots affected don't have to try to fix themselves. On this forum we all attempt to help people who DO want to help themselves!
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