camera up the bum


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
got to havs thisdone not to attept to say it let alone spell it just wondered if anyone had had this done and wot it was like i know one thing they are going to have to sedate me got have it to rule a few things out
Yeah I have I didn’t bother with sedation though so that I could drive myself home. It was fine, didn’t need any sedation etc, a bit uncomfortable but you’d expect that with someone sticking a long hose and load of gas up your bum. Was interesting to watch the live video feed on the screen
thanks for putting my mind at rest

I have had this done a couple of times. I usually go for sedation but next time I may not.
It is nothing to worry about at all. It doesn't hurt, its something you should do without hesitation.
They found a polyp on my first one and took it out in about 2 seconds without discomfort.
It s great to know you don't have bowel cancer too.
have to have this test as when i was in hospital for 4 1/2 months with a broken kneecap I had the runs a lot. They tested me to see if it was enything that was infectsouse it was not so they gave me a fitt test . This was positive for blood in my poo. The doctor said i had bowel cancer. Fast forward two weeks and i had an appoitment at the Nand N I saw the specilest who told me that the doc should not have said that and that they like to rule out other things first. I have the test in the first week in Oct and then maybe they will be able to tell me more. Bowel cancer runs in my family and has killed 3 of them off. Sometimes i think i do have it and other times i think no i dont have it. I have serval of the signs of it , bloating diarear weight loss {lost 1.5 stone without trying}. At the moment im acepting of it What is to be is to be,but in the small wee hours i wake afraid. Thank you for letting me get this out as i cant really share it with my family I dont want thier pity or for them to feel sorry for me. Thank you
Oh goodness! The doctor really should not have said something so abrupt and frightening, especially to someone who has mental health problems. There are many, many things which can cause blood in your poo other than bowel cancer and they are absolutely right to do exploratory tests first to look for those things.
I can really understand you being anxious about the colonoscopy and from what I have read of people's experience here, the preparation for the procedure that you do at home (ie cleaning out your system) is the worst part, as you have to take laxative type preparations which then means you need to spend a lot of time on the loo or very near to it.,The procedure itself seems to be somewhat undignified and uncomfortable but nothing to be concerned about. Obviously the results will be more of a worry for you and I hope they don't keep you waiting too long for those and that something relatively minor and easy to fix is the cause of your bleeding. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping for the very best outcome.
So pleased that you have felt able to discuss it here and take comfort from others' experiences.
thanks for replys has helped me a lot
I've had a colonoscopy - or rather several. It turned out that I was suffering from Ulcerative Colitis (UC), almost 20 yrs ago, which was creating blood in my poo. Once diagnosed it meant tablets for the rest of my life and a yearly colonoscopy. So I altered my lifestyle and diet, with an emphasis on healthy living, stopped taking the tablets and got my UC under control and effectively in remission; which it has been since.

The colonoscopy is undignified, uncomfortable, but not painful; I've not needed an anaesthetic and drove myself home after a cup of tea. Certainly not something to fear. Blood in your poo can occur for several reasons, including something as simple as piles (haemorrhoids) a bit further inside your back passage (beyond what can be seen from a routine "look").

I understand your wish to not share this with your family. That is very reasonable. But there is a balance point when not sharing can become a burden that can worsen not just your mental state, but also your physical state because of the mental stress. So please don't bottle up your anxiety too much.
All the best for the camera when it happens @gail2

Hope it’s not as unpleasant as you probably expect, and that the results help point the way forward and put your mind at rest.
As others have said, blood in your poo doesn't immediately mean bowel cancer. If you did have a positive FIT test you will have been referred for a colonoscopy under the 'two week wait' cancer referral pathway but that doesn't automatically indicate you have cancer.

I have inflammatory bowel disease and have had a few procedures. There's no denying they are uncomfortable but not enough to require sedation, in my opinion anyway. It's the prep beforehand (the drink) that's the nightmare!! Vaseline is your friend and make sure you follow the prep to the letter or they won't carry out the procedure.

The nurses made me a cup of tea and a slice of toast and I drove myself home every time. I even went to Morrisons after one procedure. However, this is not to be recommended as you will have terrible wind afterwards and you really need to be at home :D
Am feeling much better after all your kind replys. Not going to tell family untill I know the result
Had the trots all night tmi .
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Have been taking senna as instucked by hospital and its caught up with me 😱 got more stuffto take tommow
got procedure tomorrow at 930 am for my last meal till then i had as ordered by hospital third of chicken breast and a tablespoon of rice thats it have told staff that when i come back tomorrow i want 2 rounds of toast with marmite ready im not allowed anything tomorrow morning before it Im a wee bit scared
just had to drink a pint of disgusting susposed to be mango drink and a pint of water got to do same at 5pm 😡
just had to drink a pint of disgusting susposed to be mango drink and a pint of water got to do same at 5pm 😡
I should stay close to the loo as it is meant to clear everything out in preparation for the procedure.
I should stay close to the loo as it is meant to clear everything out in preparation for the procedure.
have been already warned about it Am staying in my room. right next to loo
just had to drink a pint of disgusting susposed to be mango drink and a pint of water got to do same at 5pm 😡
It's absolutely vile but do exactly as they say or they won't be able to complete the procedure and you will have to go back again. Absolutely EVERYTHING has to be clear from your gut 😉
I've had this done, didn't need sedation, not painful, just a little uncomfortable and you can watch it on a monitor next to you. Mine was done by a lady who made me feel at ease , but I did flinch when she applied the cold lube by slipping her finger up my bum though 😱
im crying talk about the world coming out of your bum its just water SORRY TO MUCH INFORMATION
Thinking of you Gail and hoping it has all gone as smoothly as it possibly can do. Hopefully, as mentioned by others, the preparation which you experienced last night was by far the worst part and I hope you enjoy your marmite on toast afterwards.