Burnout :(

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Of course 🙂 I simply meant that nowadays we test, test, test and agonise over all our results, including after-meal numbers but actually, unlike Type 2 diabetes, the Type 1 targets don’t mention after-meal targets. All we have to do is be back in range before our next meal:

  • when you wake up and before meals: 5 to 7mmol/l
  • before meals at other times of the day: 4 to 7mmol/l
I’d also add that the above are targets - things to aim at. Nobody - and I mean nobody - achieves them all day, every day. For example, I woke in the 7s today - technically above target but I don’t give it a moment’s thought. I didn’t do anything ‘wrong’, and it’s not like I woke at 17.

So, focus on fewer tests (as long as you’re safe) and remind yourself that the above targets are things to aim at and that’s all. We have to live our lives. Perfection is impossible, and stressing about our blood sugar can’t help our general health.
Sometime you have to be reminded of these things because you get so caught up in being a “good diabetic” that you feel like your failing some diabetic higher power
Remember that we’re all different. You don’t have to have anything you’re not happy with. All these things are tools for you to choose from. If it’s not for you, ditch it. It’s your diabetes and your life 🙂 You’re in charge.

You are so right, and recently I’ve been letting it be in charge of me. Your words have really helped me just have a bit more acceptance and to try and start processing. Thankyou again and again
Hi and welcome @elizabethpe596 🙂

I'm really sorry you are having a tough time with diabetes burnout.

Someone said to me years ago when I felt completely overwhelmed with trying to manage everything diabetes related 'take a step back but don't walk away' or words to that effect. If we are too up close agonising over every twist and turn we don't see the bigger picture. I find I still get like that sometimes beating myself up over highs and lows, swearing at alarms and getting really cross about how exasperating diabetes is but when I look at the days results overall I've been in target for a good percentage of it and things don't look as bad as I'd imagined.

It is really hard to do but taking a step back, reducing alarms and not reacting/overreacting to every arrow, rise and fall does give some breathing space and much needed headspace. Obviously not ignoring hypos!

Wishing you well
Just to hear this message gave me so much mental relief already. Something that is meant to be giving me management assistance is making me feel like I’m in a prison and I’m fighting it. Which is so silly, really, but feelings are feelings.

I am going to go to the l traditional tried and tested method until I can calm the information overload from the cgm to my brain. It’s given much such great distress and it makes me feel “normal” to hear your words.

It’s like I’m failing.

I’m nervous, but I think I need to learn to trust myself again.

Being a diabetic is so hard
My clinic are trying to force me to get a Libre but I am resisting for just this reason. I have been in control (most of the time ) of the condition for over 40 years and do not feel the need to be told by technology how I am doing. if I want a blip day or a case of the f**kits then so what! A day off, away from the worry once and awhile can be a good thing.
Hey everyone - I’m still feeling frazzled and burnout BUT my blood sugars are atleast coming back into a very “good” range. Diabetes burnout is NO joke and can really be a terrible thing.
Still off my cgm because my anxiety is triggered still, and the constant feedback of seeing my blood glucose won’t help.
Just good old finger sticks for me for now.
The most important thing is that I reached out and got help from both my diabetes doctor and a psychologist. So anybody struggling please reach out before you break down like I did and have. It’s been a fight to say the least.
And all your messages here really helped me through the very dark time. Emotional break down, panic attacks, insomnia and all.
My clinic are trying to force me to get a Libre but I am resisting for just this reason. I have been in control (most of the time ) of the condition for over 40 years and do not feel the need to be told by technology how I am doing. if I want a blip day or a case of the f**kits then so what! A day off, away from the worry once and awhile can be a good thing.
I only saw this now sorry!
I won’t lie the 2.5 years I used the cgm were absolutely amazing in terms of my mental relief for control, but then when some crazy things happened in my personal life, it led to this information overload and complete anxiety attack.
But I DO AGREE a break from the worry once in a while has been exactly what I have needed.
Diabetes management is your choice. So you do what you feel is within the what you feel comfortable doing.
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